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Everything posted by Almark

  1. DOM, your server, offered up to 700kB/sec, and downloaded OK.
  2. Good to see you on RB!
  3. Thanks LumenLux, in relation to the sound, and lyrics, I am a bit deaf and have to work on headphones. However; even with headphones I found the speech just too hard to grasp. Thank you for taking the time to offer me feedback on my feedback ;-)
  4. Thanks Dom, i will show this tomorrow, er later today ;-)
  5. Maureen, et al, Thanks for the French links, I agree there is some super work on display.
  6. well done Bill! great idea.
  7. Dom, I will wait for your update. I am in no rush. I like to show a few AV's every Wednesday at the CC.
  8. Wonderful and congratulations
  9. Ken, next time you MUST visit the slot canyon, it is paradise.
  10. Davy check your email again
  11. John, Thank you for taking the time to view my, and other members' of BNDCC AV's. I have found that CC members, esp those that are not 'into AV' enjoy the photography the most. For example: http://www.markallenphotography.co.uk/mark...eries/panel.exe CC members were interested in the fact that in the Antelope Canyon, the photos were taken hand held, using an ISO of 3200, and a VR lens to obtain sharp, or at least, enough detail at just 1/15s. In the black and white section, again members wanted to know how I was able to get such a dynamic range. This resulted into much debate and discussion.
  12. Dom, Wonderful Photography. For me the photography always comes first and I really liked the photos of the 3 giraffes and the reflection of you (I assume) on the ant - great work. In relation to the slight pans for each image, some go left, some go right. The ones where the pan goes in the same direction as the animals work best for me: lion going left to right watched by the herd of zebras, the birds in flight The ones were the pan goes against the direction of the animal's movement don't work as well, as it makes them appear to moving the wrong way, (backwards). I viewed this at 1920x1200 and the were no jaggies, everything played just as it should. With your permission I would like to show this AV to interested members of my camera club, as it is a great example of what can be done with PTE and masks, and of course to let members appreciate the excellent photography.
  13. Dom, How on earth have I missed your sharing place? Sadly I will have to revisit and may spend too much time there ;-)
  14. Ralph, I fully agree with you abut the superb shows just waiting to be found on Google. I found our local RPS AV Group to be of great help. It has members that have been doing AV's for years and years. Indeed I have seen many most impressive slideshows projected by 2 slide projectors and a reel to reel music / narration. This year at Ballyearl (Northern Ireland AV Festival) was the first time that the double slide projectors were not used - a sign of the times perhaps. In my, very limited experience, of attending competition AV Festivals - the judges feedback could be summarised as follows: impactive 1st and last photo having a beginning, middle and end having the end directly relate to the title, esp with narration having a good 'get out' at the end, esp with narration getting all the pics the same size, esp if you use borders keeping the portrait ones together keeping the landscape ones together keeping the flow together: 3 nature pics then 3 buildings - rather than having them all mixed up keeping the flow together: tone, colour, 3rd image (of course this makes keeping the portrait and landscapes photos together even harder!) have a change of tempo, both music and slide transition at least once in the show. In addition, I have found that in AV competitions, AV's that have narration nearly always do better. Indeed I have seen some AV's with what I would regard as rather poor photography, but a funny / interesting story to be considered better 'in the round' than a simple photo harmony AV with outstanding photography. But of course as Ralph says, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  15. John, some links as requested: Norway (2008 winner of the Novice Section Northern Ireland AV Festival, PAGB judges) http://www.markallenphotography.co.uk/mark...ries/norway.exe I must mention that I received a great deal of help for this Av from members here on the forum Links to the 2009 Festival winners http://www.bangor-camera-club.co.uk/bangor...allyearl09.html
  16. Davy check you email.
  17. Hi John, In NI we have a RPS AV group that does the same sort of thing but meets about 6 times a year. I have found the feedback from such sessions to be most helpful. (Reminder, let me know if you want links to some of the award winning (PAGB) NI entries of 2008 and 2009. I don't want to spam the board with links.) What should come at the end? In my experience most folk end with a screen that states: who did the photography if there was a script - who wrote the script - and who narrated it and lastly a credit should be given for the music. I think this is right and proper. I am surprised and disappointed to view competition AV's that simply end without such info. In some cases the AV, and I am still talking about winning AV's here, should have a disclaimer saying: I did not take (all) these photos, or or I photographed someone else's work I did not write the script I did not narrate the script All I did was I put them all together in this AV ;-)
  18. John, I can give links to winning entries to the Northern Ireland AV Festival, organised by the Northern Ireland Photographic Association, under the auspices of PAGB. Although some were made in ProShow ;-) they will give you some ideas. Let me know if you are interested.
  19. No probs... Enjoy your anniversary! I just recently celebrated my 30th!
  20. Yes you are quite right, I will consider it a 'get out of jail free card' ;-) or as you suggest when ever I buy my wife a new lens for my camera.
  21. Your timing could be better Davy, re the emergency Valentines, early Feb would be better than early March. But well worth saving for next year. I think you have merged the theme with the music and pictures very well.
  22. Ian, the most important bit from Hawk's advice is: make sure you click " Amend my e-mail settings " Worked fro me when I inadvertently clicked on subscribe.
  23. Great stuff, well done.
  24. There are loads of free hosting sites, just Google 'free hosting'. A good one Media Fire: http://www.mediafire.com/ You will have to get a free ftp programe, Fire FTP is a good add on to Firefox.
  25. Bernard, I would be tempted to slow the pan of the panorama to let the eye have time to wander around. Great shot BTW. I loved the church interior photos - most impressive.
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