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Everything posted by Almark

  1. That's good news Igor, PTE seems to be speedier and more responsive using Crossover.
  2. Hi Maureen, yes our my second visit to Iceland we hired a 4x4 and went into the interior. I'll definitely be back.
  3. Hi folks, the link below is a web based preview of an article to be published in the printed version of May AV News, that I think you might be interested in. Please scroll down to 'Club News'. It relates to my local camera club celebrating winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd at a recent AV Festival. Great write up and it includes Vimeo links. Excerpt "Judith took the photographs, wrote the script, composed the music, played the music and then created an outstanding audio visual that earned a worthy first place in the 2018 NIPA AV festival." https://mailchi.mp/958f0f82ce39/av-links-april-2018?e=5cace05d0e
  4. Hi Maureen and all. Sorry I've been away for so long. Due to circumstances... I lost my passion for AV's... Some recent success at the 2018 NIPA AV Festival has ignited my interest again. So; I have downloaded your show, and many others, I look forward to viewing them and of course I will contribute in due course. All the very best Mark
  5. Error message when I try to create a Mac version.
  6. PTE via Crossfire couldn't see my external drive. But it could see the My Documents folder on my Mac. So I created a folder within My Documents called PTE and copied all my zipped projects. Then I unzipped them, you can see the file structure in my screenshot, all works great. By the way, I get an error message when creating a Mac version.
  7. I only have PTE installed using Crossover. Screen shot of PTE running under Crossover, looks exactly the same as it does running in Windows with VMware Fusion. The other screenshot is of folder that opens when I double click on Crossover. Also, creating a HQ mp4 at 100% quality took forever (sometimes well over an hour) with Mac/VMware Fusion/Windows10/PTE, but under Mac/Crossover/PTE it takes only minutes (I assume this is what normally happens when using PTE in Windows)
  8. Hi Folks, Just to let Mac owners know that Crossover V17.1 will install PTE. Running Win 10 in a Wine bottle (I have no idea what this means - but it works) results in PTE working much better and faster than using VMware Fusion and Win 10 on a virtual machine. I have an old iMac, 2011, with 12GB RAM. Using Crossover and PTE, I have 4GB RAM free to play with. Uisng VMwareFusion, Win 10 and PTE, I have jsut 512MB to play with.
  9. Hi Igor, sorry for the delay. It plays but no sound.
  10. I have the latest PTE installed on my Mac, using VMware Fusion and Windows 10, all updated. When I create a Mac version, going back to my Mac it doesn't play. I also have the Crossover program and when I create a Mac app, it too, doesn't play. Screen shots below. Any ideas?
  11. What is the workaround for flac?
  12. I notice that when I double click on the poland.app, it opens up my 'Documents' folder, for some reason. But the show doesn't run. I have worked out, that all you have to do is click on 'Cancel', in the opened Documents folder. The show will then run.
  13. It was our 38th wedding anniversary. My wife surprised me with a trip to Poland. We did all the usual tourist visits and had one day left with nothing planned. My wife suggested we visit Auschwitz. I was most reluctant, I had heard how emotional it was, but I finally agree to go. I didn't have my Fuji camera, just my iPhone. Once there I was enthralled and I took many photos, just with my iPhone. I later then forgot all about the photos. Then I heard a track, listening on Spotify, called "The End Of All Our Exploring". That's how it works for me. I hear some music and suddenly I know just what images will work. So; I downloaded the files from iCloud, always a pain. I had previously adjusted them all on my phone with Snapseed, and all I did was convert them to mono. Windows zip https://www.mediafire.com/file/pp5yus62subcu8f/poland win.zip Mac zip https://www.mediafire.com/file/d2p7mai24mh0da0/poland mac.zip
  14. Hi Bert, just download the latest version and let it over write the old one. The download link is always updated.



  15. Hi folks, Just to let you know about the latest update to MacOS 10.12.3. It does NOT fix the problem of PTE projects saved as Mac app's prior to PTE V8.0.22. Sadly: this continues to mean that; in order for your Mac apps to run, the project will have to be opened, in PTE V 8.0.22, and saved as Mac app's, overwriting the old versions. It highlights the need to 'create backup as zip' and store these zip's carefully. I use the following folder structure: AVs Exes Apps Zips This allows me to include the folder "AVs" in my back up routine.
  16. Hi folks, I like to add what is known as the 'Ken Burns' effect to every slide. Typically this is just 100% to 101% using a key frame. This very slight zoom effect adds, I believe, just that slight motion that is pleasing to the eye. If the overall transition is short, ( <3 secs) then I add 100% to 101%. If the overall transition is long ( > 3 secs) I like to add 100% to 102 or sometimes ( > 7 secs) 103%. The only way I can see of doing this is to edit each slide individually. I was wondering if I was missing a trick here. Is there an easier way of doing this? Clearly; a show with 70 images takes some time, adding a keyframe for every single image.
  17. Hi Igor, I can confirm that this works. Just out of interest, what was the problem?
  18. Thank you Igor, I assume it is a specfic problem with 10.12.2 and that using the V9 beta will not help?
  19. Thank you. Afriend from my camera club, confirms that 10.12.2 doesn't run his PTE created mac app slideshows.
  20. I have just checked my MacBook which I also (foolishly) updated and it does the same. It refuses to run any PTE apps. So it looks like a problem with sierra 10.12.2.
  21. Terminal gives me this... I have absoultly no idea what it means, but thought that someone here might!? Last login: Fri Dec 16 01:33:26 on ttys000 Mark-Allens-iMac:~ markallen$ /Volumes/MARK_A_One_TB/_iceland/photographers_paradise.app/Contents/MacOS/launcher ; exit; [maclauncher] launching application: "/Volumes/MARK_A_One_TB/_iceland/photographers_paradise.app/Contents/Resources/Viewer.app/Contents/MacOS/MacViewer5" [maclaucnher] launch result = TRUE Assertion: Incorrect RefObject: "TMacStore" contruction COUNT, possible INHERITED CREATE is not call or too many _Release calls at wpTypes.pas line:474 addr 0052BB10 Call Stack: $0001D2A1 $000230F4 $00040CD1 $0004059C $000869FD $0009ED78 $0009FCB6 $00093DB4 $00094A8A Assertion: at wnTimer2.pas line:117 addr 003E80A0 Call Stack: $0001D2A1 $000EA8B0 $00022E09 $0001AB05 $0001CB66 $0001D2A1 $000230F4 $00040CD1 $0004059C logout Saving session... ...copying shared history... ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed. Deleting expired sessions...none found. [Process completed]
  22. Hi folks, I (foolishly) updated my iMac to Sierra 10.12.2. I then went over to the dark side, Windows on my Mac, and updated to the latest version of PTE V8. I worked on a show, saved it as an app and went back to the bright side. But the newly created app would not run. I get a black screen for less than a second and then back to the Mac screen. At first I thought it might be a bug in the lastest version 8, but then I tried to run other PTE Mac apps and none of them now work! So, now I am thinking that 10.12.2 is the problem. Has anyone else found this? photographers_paradise.app.zip
  23. Hi Barry, first Trip was in 2014, and we only had a car. As a result there where many areas we simply couldn't get to. (BTW, the show I made with the 2014 images is better, IMHO, than this one.) This time we got a 4x4, a Toyota RAV4, which was excellent. It allowed us to get into the interior, which is like a different world (illustrated in this 2016 show). However; to get to some of the remote areas, we would need a 4x4 with a breather to cross the deeper rivers, maybe next time?! I attach an iPhone video just for fun. Thanks John, the snaps are designed to fit with the beat. I have also made a show that uses the same images to a 9 min. electronic version of Speigil im Speigel, just very slow fades. It is amazing how such a different approach to the music and transitions creates a completely different 'feel'. For those interested in the photography, I used a Fuji XT1 with 10-24 lens and a Fuji XT10 with a 55-200 lens. I have been playing with On1 Photo 10 as my main post production software. I don't do any commercial work and the photography is just a hobby. For me part of the fun is playing with the images. IMG_2286.MOV
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