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  1. Hello, I'm the french guy who started the thread on Diaporama@forum, about ICC profil and PTE. I'm not a PTE user (because it does not work under linux!), but I'm in a photo-club where a lot of people use it. You seems to beleive that there is no need for PTE to manage profils; I can't agree! First, users may want to import images from differents color spaces (sRGB is the most common, but a lot of people use AdobeRGB1998, or other color spaces), and it should be nice to have PTE automatically convert all images in a common working space (sRGB, or any other color space users may want to use). Second, about output, you also think that all monitors/beamers are in sRGB: this is wrong! As someone mentionned, there are totally different spaces, like NTSC or HDTV, and even with standard beamers, they rarely map sRGB. The one we get at our club is for from it. When using an app. which manages display profils, results are totally different: colors are more saturated, much closer to what we can see on our monitors. So, I think PTE should manage profils, like it is done in Gimp/Photoshop. But it may be not easy to do, as converting images from one space to another needs a lot of computations. Can it be done 'on-the-fly'? Only developers can answer, as I don't know how things work inside. But as I understood, PTE now uses the video card for transitions (through OpenGL, or Windows equivalent), so the CPU could be able to do that (maybe not on HD images). At least, it may work like Proshow Producer, which is able to generate the final .exe using the display profil. But this is not really a good method, as it needs a new .exe for each presentation. If 'on-the-fly' conversion can't be done, PTE could include a color-conversion engine in the .exe, allowing the user to re-generate a new .exe from the first one, using a new display profil (this could even be automatic, done the first time the .exe is launch, using the system-wide defined display profile). What do you think about?
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