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Everything posted by GrahamP

  1. Hi "Fets", you say "The first song will play and let's say the 2nd song plays but the 3rd song will just be void of any sound", have you tried changing the order to see if different ones play and don't play. If this is the case then it is not to do with the ripping. I don't know Expressrip, but why don't you take the tracks straight out of the I-tunes folder instead of ripping with a separate application. Maybe it's because the songs are in Apples AAC format and not MP3, in which case you can change them if you want to MP3 (but I think this only works for ones you rip into I-tunes, not ones purchased from I-Tunes). There are applications on the web to convert AAC to MP3 even for the protected ones but it gets more complex then and I don't know how familiar you are with audio formats and conversions. Good luck.
  2. For those of you looking for good sound reproduction in a compact format with a decent level of power, a new audio solution has just come onto the market that while not "cheap" at £300.00 has exceptional sound and power, and a remote control hub for inputs and levels. Take a look at the "Blue Sky Exo 2.1" system of active stereo monitors and subwoofer. It's designed for small recording studio use (so gives an idea of the expected sound quality), but will easily fill a large room or small hall (35w rms each speaker, 90w rms the sub). You will find it on www.abluesky.com
  3. Geoff, and all who are interested, It looks like your original goalposts have moved, however it also looks like you and maybe others are looking for good sound reproduction in a compact format with a decent level of power. For those of you in that situation, a new audio solution has just come onto the market that while not "cheap" at £300.00 has exceptional sound and power, and a remote control hub for inputs and levels. If you are still interested look into the "Blue Sky Exo 2.1" system of active stereo monitors and subwoofer. It's designed for small recording studio use, but will easily fill a large room or small hall (35w rms each speaker, 90w rms the sub). You will find it on www.abluesky.com .
  4. Jill, The one very basic way you could do this is to use Alt/Tab when in the slideshow, this will then show other applications open, one of which could be Window Explorer to allow you to get to the desktop. While you do this the show is frozen, but continues when you Alt/Tab back to it. Regards, Graham
  5. Many thanks Peter.
  6. Apologies, I'm new to this forum and quite new to PTE. I've just downloaded the PTE 5.1 and installed it, but I see my original 5.0 still exists in its original folder... and still seems to run. Is it safe to just delete or uninstall 5.0? Did I not perform the upgrade correctly? Do I need to keep both on my PC? Does the license key automatically transfer over to the 5.1 folder? Lots of questions, sorry, but I couldn't find anything on the website regarding this aspect. Regards, Gremmie
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