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Everything posted by Fernlea

  1. Hi DG. Thank you for your audio editing representation. Made things easyer to understand. Kind Regards Fernlea.
  2. Hi Lin I have CS4 extended which would not load on my HP machine, which has XP sp3, and I had bought it on a CD.I do not have much Adobe software so I removed it all from my computer, after 3 days of trying to load it.CS4 then loaded without any problem!I did not try to get any help from Adobe as I have found that the problems you have with Adobe aply to many other companys,and it is not worth the effort trying.When you have bought these item you are on your own.This also aplys to insurance I bought cover from a Company in the U.S.and they refused to cover the cost of the repair. the cover still had 3 month to go. I will only buy insurance cover from a UK company now and if they wont pay I can take them to court!That is my curent Rant! Kind Regards David Evans
  3. Hi Tony You may like to try the following Contact the (Institute of Amateur Cinematographers) on their website you which gives all the information to suit your needs. www.fvi.org.uk/central/copyright.htm Kind Regards. David Evans (fernlea)
  4. Hi Ken Yes I have resized the images, I still get the jump but reduced regards David
  5. Good morning. I would like to thank everyone for kind help.In view of what Peter and Colin have said I shall start over again and resize my images down The only reason for the 3008x2000 pixels images is that is what my camera produces. John. I'm using XP SP2 and think that you have summed it up correctly that it is a mix of equipment and the way I have been doing thing. Kind Regards David
  6. good morning. Peter. The link is below for the project. Colin I have double the times on the images ,the jumping is still there, but reduced.If I need a new graphic card would the following do"Nvidia GeForce 8600GT 1GB super HDMI PC-e DirectX10"? David http://www.mediafire.com/?cljlymzs1dm
  7. Hi Peter, File uploaded to Mediafire. Follow the link below. Sorry for the delay. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mn4vgx42fjj David
  8. Hi Colin The zip file is only 5,351KB as I only put about 6 images on it to keep the size down.I up loaded it on to to message. I have up loadedit again. David
  9. Good Morning. I would like to thank both Colin & Peter for there help and time. Colin is quite rigth I do need all the help I can get.I have put some image in the zip file, and posted them.The first ones have animations,the other have not. There is no problem with the non animations as you will see. kind regardsDavid
  10. Hi Colin.I have done as you sugested in O&A. The jump is happening at the end of the gray bar just after the strart . Is ther anything that I can do about it? Kind Regards David
  11. Hi Colin The blue triangle seams to move quite smooth, but I will check it to make sure. kind regards David Evans
  12. Hi I get the problem with or out music I use wave. kind regards D.Evans
  13. Hi. The problem that I have is that the image jumps after its been running for about 2 seconds in PZR. Jumps only once. If I watch other people's shows which I have downloaded from the Forum, it dose not happen! I have a HP Pavilion with Pentium ®4CPU 3.40GHz & 3GB of Ram,a Nvida GeForce 6200 Turbo chache graphy card. I have the image on screen tor 4 seconds. I would be grateful if some could give me an idea asto what I'm doing wrong. Kind Regards David Evans
  14. Hi. Peter.Thank you for your fast reply.I had been trying to down from admin1 download in his email The last time I trid was yesterday. When I got your responce it made me think,Ihad not tried Wnsoft web site. It downloaded fine I have. Now I have to start lesrning it over again,but then it keeps the old grey matter working. Kind Regards. David
  15. Hi.I have been tryind to down load P2E 5.5,but I can only get version 5.Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?I'm a pensioner trying to learn computer. Kind Regards fernlea(David Evans)
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