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  1. The Slidename in Blue (under the Thumbnail) in the Filelist are the ones that are used in the Project you have open. As Dave said earlier it is only those that are a Main Image that are highlighted. So anything added directly in O&A that is not a main Image will not be highlighted in Blue. In your screenshot DSC04431Copy and DSC06171Copy are NOT used, the others are. If you have a lot of images in that Folder then it may be easier to go into Full Screen view to see them all. Click the little triangle above the Filelist or press F3. Jill
  2. The Slidename is blue whichever view you are in. It is much easier to see if you use the Light interface Jill
  3. Hi Mike, There are a few ways to do this. You can 'create' the 3rd image in Photoshop & then add it between your 2 images leaving it on screen for the desired time. You could create the 3rd image in PTE by putting one on top of the other & adjusting Opacity. Then Export this image from PTE & as above insert it between your 2 images. Or the way I would do it, is by using KeyFrames and adjusting the Opacity of each image during the Transition. Will be much easier to show you than trying to describe it. Jill
  4. Hi Tony, I have just tried this with a new project & a single image & it works perfectly on Windows 10. I am using PTE 11.0.16 build 1 Can't see anything you are doing wrong so not sure why it isn't working. Sorry can't be of more help, hope you get it working for Friday. Jill
  5. The Record option doesn't work on a Mac only on Windows. It is a Mac problem, not a PTE problem Jill
  6. jkb


    Add the video several times & then edit each clip to the part you want Jill
  7. try double clicking on the waveform in the Timeline. It will open the Audio Tab of Project Options, you can then see the details of each sound clip. Close this Window & it should refresh the waveform, if not then double click the file in the Audio Tab & select it again from the filelist that appears. Jill
  8. I can see you would use a Frame where you have applied other Objects to the Text. I assumed the original poster just wanted a simple piece of Text & was using PTE Text Animation to do the Animation. Jill
  9. Sorry I meant Text Object of course Jill
  10. Why use a Frame?? Just add a Text Item, apply the animation you want & then copy the Text Item to other Slides & change the Text to say what you want Jill
  11. They are not stored in the Program Making a Template creates a Folder with all of the resources for that show. PTE can then access that Folder & therefore the show. I always create Templates & then just transfer the Template Folders to my other computer & also to a backup USB drive. That way I will have 3 copies of all my shows. Jill
  12. In Setting/Preferences/Toolbar you can set the Status Bar to show the File Name This will then show the full name at the bottom of the screen for both Filelist & Slidelist when you click on a Slide. So unless your names are exceptionally long you can see which is which. Or just save with a shorter name when editing, or put the identifier at the start Jill
  13. Mike, you weren't paying attention on Friday!!! I mentioned how to line up text. Can tell you again this Friday if needed. No need to do in PS it is easy in PTE. Jill
  14. Also make sure you are NOT using 'Full Duration' as this can cause the Transition timings to change when inserting/deleting/moving Slides Jill
  15. What aspect ratio are your images? It looks as though they are not 16x9 if you are getting black either side. I have just played your video & it fills my 16x9 screen without any borders. Make sure your Project is set to 16x9 & that your images are the same ratio. Jill
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