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Everything posted by jkb

  1. what file size are your videos? If they are very large it could affect the smoothness Jill
  2. Is it OK if you use Preview? I have never noticed any difference playing from Slides or Timeline. Jill
  3. It is so easy to move an Object to the desired position with V11 that I cannot see a need for Duplicate. Just Copy & Paste & drag to where you want it. Jill
  4. jkb


    Looks Spectacular, enjoy
  5. jkb


    Have a good holiday Igor. Take time to relax and enjoy.
  6. I suppose it depends how you work, I have never found it a problem. But then as I said above I have very few tracks & the sound is mostly continuous on a track with overlaps. If I do have gaps between clips then the next clip is always linked to a Slide so won't move if a clip is added or moved. But I do agree that to be able to move a clip to another track directly in the Timeline would be good. I thought that holding down Shift while dragging was supposed to keep the same time position but I have never managed to get it to work. Jill
  7. you can easily do it in the Audio Tab . Link the Clip to a Slide, then double click the clip to open up Audio tab. Click the clip & drag it to a different track, then unlink from the slide. If there are already clips on that track then make sure you position it after the appropriate clip. I do this often when I am extracting audio from video and I want to keep them all on one track. Jill PS Gary you have a lot of tracks with not much on them, the clips could easily be moved onto the same track. I have very rarely found I need more than 4 or 5 tracks. 1 for voice, 1 for sound effects, 1 or maybe 2 for music, and then 1 if I have extracted audio from video clips. And I have some complex audio mixes
  8. VU meters would be a great addition if possible please Jill
  9. Glad that you have sorted it Jill
  10. separate the audio before you make it a Master Video Track, that way you will get all of the audio & can spread across the multiple slides. Jill
  11. if you publish as an MP4 yes, if you Publish an exe then no JILL
  12. PTE11 handles 4k without problem. You can easily trim videos directly in the Timeline or in O&A, no need to convert anymore Jill
  13. Anything that can be done to a still image can also be done to a video. It is very easy to zoom & rotate at the same time, but unless it is being done for a very specific reason it is just a gimick and most disturbing to watch if all images are doing it. All you need are 2 keyframes and just size/rotate the image as needed on the 2nd keyframe, very easy and quick to do. Jill
  14. Hi Joe99 If you use the numbers then yes it is mathmatical, but you don't need to. I rarely if ever look at the numbers. Just click on the picture in O&A and you will see a yellow bounding box. Just drag the image with the mouse to where you want it to start. Clone the keyframe (Right Click on the blue bar and set it to the position you want to end the effect. Then simply drag the image to how you want it to end. Key Frames are easy but powerful. You have a start position & an end poition, PTE calculates everything in between. Jill
  15. To make a video loop why not open a separate project, drop the video in multiple slides & make a new mp4 slightly longer than the length of the Slide you require. This would be quick & easy to do, no need for any calculations, offsets or anything else. So if you want a 30 sec Slide, just add the video multiple times until you have at least 30 secs, then make an mp4 Jill
  16. you can & always have been able to randomise Transitions. In Project Options, Transitions Tab, if you tick all of teh different Transitions then they will be randomised throughout the sequence. Not what most people want as each 2 Slide combination needs it's own Transition & timing to give the best effect. Also each time it will be different & you can't save the 'randomised' settings. Jill
  17. Rather than installing from the update option, download the latest version from the website & do a manual install. That way you have more control Jill
  18. If you add the MP4 to PTE (version 11) then you can export a jpg by postioning the play head. If nothing changes between frames then you won't need as many jpgs as the other program has produced. However it would be a long task for a 20 min video. But if you only want to change a couple of frames then it would be quick & easy to do You can also export frames as jpgs from the Free VLC Player, but PTE allows you to select the output size Jill
  19. Always, Always save the .pte file And always make a backup of any projects either as a Template or a backup in Zip file Jill
  20. It's not as visible in Dark Mode, in Light Mode it shows up a lot better That doesn't help that much as you can only have one Main Object 1 ? Jill
  21. PTE already highlights files (marks the filename in Bold) added in the Slide List but only shows that it has been addded & not how many times. Also if you add Slides via O&A then they are not highlighted. One way of knowing exactly what you have used - Slide/Video/Sound - is to create a Template from the Show. This will create a Folder with all of the files and it is easy to check what has been used. But again it wouldn't show if a file had been used more than once. If I remember correctly from the very brief look I had at Proshow many years ago, you had to add all of your files to the Program first before you could use them. This is not neccessary with PTE & files can come from anywhere. Personally I very rarely if ever look at what has been used as I look at the result rather than the individual files. But an audience will spot if an image is repeated within a show if not used for a very good reason. Jill
  22. You need to do it Timeline view not O&A Right click the video & teh option will be available Jill
  23. Difficult for me to see on the image, but in the second example it doesn't look like you have anything selected. Make sure the PlayHead is over the video & you have actually clicked the image. I have used a lot of video with different fornats (Mp4, Mov, Avi - in the same project) & never had any problems so I doubt it is a bug Jill
  24. Make sure you are in Timeline view and the Video is selected, the separate audio should always be available on right click Jill
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