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Everything posted by jkb

  1. I always use the light interface and not had any problems. However it was set to that before I installed 11. Have you tried doing a fresh install? Jill
  2. I have never had any problems leaving at the default settings. I produce videos, still image slideshows and a mixture of video/stills/animation. Jill
  3. Thanks Igor, this is now working. Jill
  4. Interesting! In the 2nd image even if you move the Alpha Mask Container above the Displacement Map it still does not look the same as the 1st image. I cannot see any reason why they should be different, but they are. Jill
  5. Igor, thanks for the suggestion. It hasn't occurred again, most likely as I have saved the project several times. If it does happen I will do as you ask. Jill
  6. Fullscreen Filelist is no longer displaying the used files in Bold or Blue I don't often use fullscreen Filelist so not sure when it stopped working Jill
  7. Mike do you mean the function to open the image in your editing software, such as Photoshop? You can access this by either pressing CTRL+W or right click on the slide & select Edit Slide If it is not opening up your editing software, then check that it is set up correctly in Preferences Go to Settings/Preferences/System Tab & click on 'Set graphical Editor', then select the program you want to use. If you have recently updated your editing program then it may have lost the link to it. Jill
  8. I have used the Change Image command to replace the main (only) image with another one - from the same folder on an external hard drive. Some of these are inside a mask as I only want to display part of the image. This new image shows in Slide/Timeline view and mini preview & plays OK in mini preview. But when I play in full screen I am sometimes getting 'Image Not Found' displaying instead of the new image. It will then play OK, but next time I 'Preview' it displays 'Image Not Found again' Jill This image has 2 masks to adjust part of the image, all the same image inside the Masks
  9. Another very useful feature for those who like to repeat an animation but not change the slide duration. Jill
  10. Mark, any fonts that are on your computer are available in PTE. For Special vector fonts you just need to know which letter represents which symbol. All of the Vector icons in PTE 11 were available before, but now it is much easier to find them Jill
  11. If you really want to do this, then just zoom each image in O&A by the same percentage.
  12. Barry, I tried to reproduce your problem but can't. Did you Tick Nested Colour Filters in the Properties tab? As what you are doing is with Colour Filters, not Opacity. Edited - sorry silly question as it won't work at all if Nested Opacity is not ticked The only problem I noticed is that when dragging the final keyframe to a new position - before removing the Colour Filter It would briefly change back to the full colour image as I was moving it. I did this several times & it would flash between Cyan & Colour at different points. Also dragging the 3rd or 4th keyframe have the same problem. It will briefly flash between Cyan & Colour depending on the position. It seems to be as I drag the keyframe with the Colour Filter near to the Keyframe without that it will flash into Colour Maybe that is a bug that Igor needs to look at. Igor this is on my Laptop, so may be related to other visual problems I have had But other than that it all worked as expected with a smooth change between colour & cyan at the keyframes while still in O&A for the first time. Jill
  13. Add a Text Object & change the Text to what you want it to say. Then tick the Animation box just below the Text Shadow. Then click on Customise & choose one of the default options or Custom Just play around with the different options to see what they do Jill
  14. Very good feature that makes it easier and saves time. Jill
  15. This now works OK, thanks
  16. can you post a screen shot of what you are seeing, it may help determine the problem Jill
  17. Have you shrunk the view of the timeline vertically? Try dragging the line upwards or see if there is a scroll bar on the right hand side. Jill
  18. I normally work with full size images straight from the camera. I adjust as needed in PTE - align horizons/angles, crop and maybe do colour adjustments or add Masks. Once I am happy with the show, I then resize down all of the images in Photoshop to keep the final exe as small as possible. This means I have to make all of the adjustments again in Photoshop which takes a considerable amount of time. To now be able to save the adjusted image directly from PTE and simply replace with that saved image will save a lot of work. Jill
  19. This is a brilliant new feature & will save a lot of time. It is worth upgrading to PTE11 jsut for this, as well as all the other new features. Jill
  20. Bokeh Blur is no longer displaying correctly in O&A It is leaving a small strip around the edges Screen Grab beta 1 Build 2 Screen Grab Beta 2 It appears to be OK in Fullscreen preview, but it does show slightly in mini preview Sample Project - 1 slide taken from a larger project Bokeh-Beta2_Oct15-2022_1-43-38.zip Jill
  21. Thanks setting Mask Container size works
  22. Igor, PTE file plus 2 images. This is happening on my laptop. I can resize the window in O&A & it displays as expected at different sizes. I also notice that the Slide Thumbnail does not display correctly and changes when resized along with the mini preview. Magnifier.pte
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