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Everything posted by jkb

  1. DaVinci Resolve, which is free, can do this, but it is a massive learning curve. Depending on how much the subject moves you should be able to do it in PTE using keyframes. Jill
  2. Audacity has an auto duck feature. But you are never going to get it as good as doing it manually. An automated system can only react after the event, it can't predict something about to happen, so you will always get a noticeable change in volume. Adjusting the volume manually you can smooth the changes. Good sound is as important as good pictures and good production. It is worth taking time over. Jill
  3. It is actually very quick & easy to edit clips in the Timeline in PTE. But I agree that being able to 'Split' & 'Trim' video clips in the way we can do with sound files would speed up workflow. Hopefully in Version 12 Jill
  4. I have had a couple of Acer laptops & they are good. If you want it for PTE both stlls & video then I would say graphics is more important than processor. Ram is always useful. Jill
  5. Sorry this is not possible, you can only move things around in the SlideList. Jill
  6. It may be something to do with the Dual graphics. We had this problem a long time ago and it was to do with an Intel driver, although Microsoft would never admit to the problem. Make sure you have the latest Intel drivers, even though it is a new laptop the drivers could still be old. Not used Win 11, but if VLC is also cauing a problem then it must be graphics related. Jill
  7. Hi Rosy, What you are showing is for the Slidelist Fullscreen which you can rearrange. SeismicGuy wants to be able to rearrange the Filelist, which you cannot do. You can get Fullscreen Filelist view by using F3 or clicking on the Triangle at the top of the screen (once you have enabled it in Preferences/Toolbar) Jill
  8. you do know that you can sort the Filelist by Date or Exif Date. See Settings/Filelist Sort Order. Maybe this will help you. The other option is to add all of the images/Videos into the Slidelist The go to FullScreen View & move them into the order you want & delete those you don't want to use from the SlideList. Jill
  9. Hi Mark, You use Master & Linked Video when you want a single video to run over multiple slides. What I think you are trying to do is run a short video over a single slide which has a duration that is longer than the video. By slowing down the video - I set the Speed to 50% - it gives you a duration of just over 12 secs which is long enough to cover the side & the Transition. I also put a very soft blur on the video. Depends how visible you want it to be, but on my laptop anything less that 30% opacity is not really visible. May be different on your Mac. If you want to keep the rain at 100% speed then you need to add a second copy with an Offset of 6 secs (the duration of the video) This 2nd copy will then start to play as the first copy runs out. Both are single video clips. If in your final project the slide duration is longer than 12secs then simply add more copies with the appropriate offset. Hope this helps - but email me if you need more. Jill
  10. Hi Mark, PTE does not have blending modes - although I think it has been asked for in the Suggestions at some time. I assume that you are trying to overlay the video with a still image? Reducing the Opacity is all you can do. Jill
  11. the frame shows when the image is selected. To select multiple images Ctrl+ Click on those you want Jill
  12. I agree, this would be very useful. Also the ability to 'Solo' a track so that you don't have to mute all the other tracks. Jill
  13. The sound of the video will be heard over the transition to the next slide. If you wish to adjust the sound, volume, length etc. then right click the video in the Timeline & select 'Separate Audio from Video' You can the adjust as needed. Jill
  14. To get Text to be the same on multiple slides simply set up your first one, then copy & Paste the Text Object onto other slides. Jill
  15. If you create your file in the same folder as all the component parts, then you will have no trouble finding it. Jill
  16. Click on the first keyframe & then shift click outside the last on the bottom object & it will select them all Jill
  17. Hold down shift & they will all move as 1 block Jill
  18. Gary you can easily switch between the two in O&A. Click on Tools & there is an option to switch to Global Times. Click again & uncheck Global & it goes back to Local times. Jill
  19. I often copy & Paste Slides from 1 project to another & have not had any problems. Jill
  20. Ken, if you open the .pte file with something like Notepad then you can see the version of PTE that it was created with. You can then start that version of PTE and open it from there. Jill
  21. Gary it isn't physically triming, it is only setting the point for the video to start playing. When you add your 2nd clip you also 'trim' that to the start point you want and so on It really is very quick & easy to do. Have a try. Jill
  22. Gary, you don't drag the end. In Timeline just position the playhead & add the next slide/video at that point, very quick & easy. Even if you trim front & back by using Adjust Time range in O&A the video will still be the original length. You are just adding instructions on what to show, which is why you can always go back & alter it at a later date. If you are using lots of video then you should be publishing as an MP4 not an exe With an exe the file size will be dependant on the original file size of the videos. But even if you use multiple parts from 1 video it will only be included once in the final file size. With your method of converting before hand and adding multiple seperate video files to the project, you could actually end up with a larger file size than by simply adding the one video & triming in Timeline/O&A Hope this helps Jill
  23. Gary, you don't need a trim end function. By positioning the following slide at the point you want the video to end you are effectively trimming the video. No need for extra clicks to do this. Jill
  24. Sorry Ken, that is not a bug but the way it works and always has. Resizing any of the panes in the Main window, slide view, timeline or in O&A and they will retain that position until you resize them again. Jill
  25. Ken, all major versions can be installed still leaving the previous versions. If you have several verions of PTE installed, then open the version you want to use, then use Open from the file Menu to select the .pte file you want. Jill
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