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Everything posted by jkb

  1. you are not alone Tony, I have done a similar thing when Reversing an image with Rotate Y 180 & then couldn't work out why things weren't working as normal. Jill
  2. I always forget about this. Thanks for the reminder Jill
  3. Welcome to the Forum & glad that you are enjoying PTE I don't use Styles, as I prefer to do everything myself in Objects & Animation (O&A). To really get the best from PTE you need to get to know O&A It may be easiest to add your Background image in the Slide List - as many times as you need it & then in O&A simply Add the extra smaller sized images on top. Make sure that you click off the Background image first so that the new image will go above it in the Object stack. The Objects work as Layers & you can move them around in the order by Clicking & dragging. For what you can do see the Online Help for O&A https://docs.pteavstudio.com/en-us/11.0/objectsandanimation_1/main Jill
  4. VU meters are what we really need, ideally for each track & also for the whole project. Also to be able to show left & right channels seperately rather the current mixed view. Jill
  5. This why I have long transitions & extremely short screen times so the whole show keeps flowing without anything actually moving. Unless actually needed for the script most of my images are only static on screen for 1/100th sec or less. By using wipes etc rather than disolves all the time, you direct the viewers eye to where you want them to look. Image pairing is very important so that it does flow & also correct choice of music with the transitions matching the pace of the music. Jill
  6. This is the big problem with Styles & why I never use them, plus I never want to do the same thing twice. Every 2 image combination is unique & requires it's own timing & transition. So I find it much easier to do everything myself rather than use a Style. In PTE 11 you can create a Quick Style, which can be useful if you need to do the same thing to several images such as colour correction or resize. If you really want to use Styles, such as the Ken Burns (which personally I find really distracting & nauseating if applied to all images) then do it before setting any of your individual timings or other adjustments. Or simply do it yourself in O&A to one Slide, then create a Quick Style & apply it to all the others as needed. This way they will keep their original timings. Jill
  7. Would it be possible to open a new Window for Trimming, one that is resizable as we currently have in PTE Studio in O&A? Jill
  8. Same thing happens with Windows. Jill
  9. jkb


    if your ipad will play MP4 then yes Jill
  10. Hi Mike, The .pte file inside the Template should open on both Mac & Windows. Have they sent you the full Template .pt Folder? If so then you will need to copy this .pt folder into your own Templates Folder & then open it from within PTE. Look under File/Templates & it should show in the list. If they have only sent the files then it will not work as a Template, but you should still be able to open the .pte file by double clicking. Jill
  11. no idea as I don't use Bridge, but it would be much easier to simply flip them in PTE in O&A use a Rotate Y of 180. If you are using PTE11 then you only need do it to the first image, create a Quick Slide Style & then Apply that to all the other images in one go. Jill
  12. I never use Backup Zip & always use Templates. I transfer the .PT folder directly to a backup drive & then to another computer into it's Overall Templates Folder. As long as the Overall Templates Folder has the same name (path doesn't matter) & it is referenced within PTE then it will be picked up. E.G. All of my Templates are stored in /PTE-Files/PTE-Templates on all computers & backup drives. I can then open them easily within PTE. Jill
  13. Templates do work, I use them all the time. Just click on Main Menu/File/Templates & you will see the show listed. Click on it & the project will open with all the resources there. To copy to another drive or Computer then copy the .pt folder As long as you have the same name for the Templates Folder on both computers/backup drive you can then easily open the show from PTE on the other computer or drive. Jill
  14. The easiest method to do what you want is to Create a Template. This 'collects' all of the images/videos/sounds along with the .pte file & creates a new .pt Folder. The advantage of using a Template over a Backup.zip file is that all of your Templates are accessible within PTE without having to unzip. It is best to do this once your show is complete. See Main Menu/Templates/Manage Templates & Create Template for this show I leave all of my images etc in their original Folders but create a new folder for each show so I can keep the .pte files as I am working & building up the show. Keep saving with a new name so you can always go back if needed. E.G. MyShow1, MyShow2 etc. Once I am happy with the show I then create a Template. You can then easily transfer this Template Folder to another computer or Backup Drive for safe keeping. Jill
  15. Please use Google Translate or similar to post in English. You do need the Pro version to be able to adjust the Volume with Key Points. Jill
  16. You can easily add a video file with movement to PTE. I don't know what format Elements 2025 will save a picture with movement in, but if it is an MP4, Mov, Avi etc then no problem. Just drag & drop as you would a still image. Jill
  17. Hi Peter, Good to hear from you & that you are still keeping busy. If you are using the exe files to link to all of your projects then the only options I can think of are (asuming I am understanding your problem correctly) 1. Save all of your Projects as Templates. That way you can simply set up PTE to have the Template Folder in the correct place for each computer. 2. Remove the Full Path from the exe's & just have the file name. So instead of "D://myFolder/Show1.exe" Just make it "Show1.exe" keeping the double Quotes at the start & end. As long as all the files are in the same Folder then PTE will find them. Both of these will mean changes to your Projects so could be a lot of work depending on how many you have. Hope this helps & you can be up & running again. Jill
  18. Glad you have it sorted & hope your Great-Granddaughter enjoys. Jill
  19. what resolution are you Publishing at? Have you ticked 'Motion Blur' ? this can increase render times Is there anything else running on your computer at the same time, such a scan etc. ? A 5.5 min show should render in about the same time at 1920x1080 with your computer spec. Can you post a screen shot of the Publish settings you have used. Jill
  20. It sounds like you need to move the Centre point to be in the Centre of the Image you want to rotate. If you hold down the Shift Key & move your mouse over the Centre Point it will change from an arrow to a Finger. Keeping Shift held down drag the centre Point to the position on the image that you wish it to rotate around. This should then do what you want. Jill
  21. does anyone still use BlueRay or even DVD these days? It was taken out of PTE as it is now old technology Jill
  22. What is the exact message that comes up? Where are you trying to save it to? Is it a fixed drive on the computer or an external drive? If you can give more info then someone should be able to help (I am not a Mac user) Jill
  23. I think the Motion Blur will also increase file size? Jill
  24. I am very surprised at that size for a 3 min MP4 I have a 6 min one that is only 434MB But I notice that you have Motion Blur also ticked, that will increase the size as well as rendering time. It is only needed if you have some very fast animation of still images. Jill
  25. I think the Lossless compression will greatly increase the file size. Just leave everything at the default setting & at 60p should be fine Jill
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