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Everything posted by jkb

  1. Ok I see what you are doing, all of that will still work from a Menu. But if you are picking your shows at random, maybe not. There is a setting in Zoom, which is on by default, or used to be, that puts a green frame around the screen at the viewers end. That is very distracting. I work with 2 monitors so it is easy to share 1 screen and use the other for anything that I need myself. There is an option in VLC to set up a playlist, so that it will automatically run one show after another, although I have never used it. Jill.
  2. Gary that sounds awfully complicated. If you are leaving the green frame around what you are playing that is distracting from your shows. Make sure that you switch that off in Zoom. We always use VLC player to show any video files - MP4, Mov, AVi, WMV etc they all play fullscreen. VLC is set to quit at the end. We always set up a PTE Menu exe to run everything. That way you can easily run videos, exe, PTE or any other program seemlessly from the Menu Although I believe calling programs doesn't work on a Mac As I said in my post above - use the Basic Tab & share the desktop The other thing to look out for is to make sure that nothing else is running on the PC sharing the screen. So close any other programs, especially anything that could be trying to download/upload at the same time. I also set the power options to never & make sure that I stop Windows updates & any anti virus that might kick in. Jill
  3. We run many AV events and competitions on Zoom & things play back smoothly. We normally have around 60 to well over 100 participants connected using various devices from around the world Long transitions are MUCH smoother than short ones Faster Pans & Zooms can stutter Video - MP4 files play perfectly as well as exe files Use 60p video files for smoother playback The main requirement is a fast Upload Speed - we have 20mb Connect to the router by Cable - not wi-fi & make sure you have a fast computer with a good graphics card When sharing Screen, use the Basic Tab - not the Advanced Tab & share the desktop, not an individual program. Ensure that you tick both Share Computer Sound & Optimise for fullscreen video. Don't try to host & share screen - it makes things complicated - try to have someone else as host. For best viewing - again connect by cable if possible. If viewing on a laptop make sure you are on mains power, not battery. Download speed is not that important - we have people with around 2mb able to view Jill
  4. Ok, it's just when you are triming a video clip we often need to do it by the sound - if spoken word - rather than just the picture. To do quick trims it is easier to use the Adjust Time window rather than having to trim in a separate project & then save, as it may need adjusting again as the project develops. But sound will be a big help for now. Jill
  5. Great news Igor. That will be very helpful, thanks. Will it show the waveform as well as playing? Jill
  6. Rosy, that is exactly what I have said to do. You can add your text slides first if you wish, then simply add the video afterwards as a Master and Linked clips. As Davegee says look at the help and try it. It really is quite easy to do. Jill
  7. Split your video clip & have Master & Linked video on seperate slides. If your first text is to appear at say 5 mins In Timeline position your cursor at 5 mins Right click & add a blank slide In O&A for the first slide set the video to be Master On the 2nd - Blank Slide you have just added, add the same video clip but set it to Linked. Make sure the transition to this slide is a cut ie 0 secs You can now add your Text to this slide & it will appear as soon as that slide does Depending on how long you want the Text to stay on screen set the duration of this slide to the length you need or add keyframes to make the Text fade out. Add another Blank Slide & again add the video as Linked & let it run until you need more Text Repeat the above as needed. The Video will play continuously & the Text will appear as you need it Jill
  8. when you have adjusted the speed, you will see the new Length for the Clip in the Adjust Time Panel. Make a note of this time & then in Slide View type that time in for the slide. This will then adjust the length to exactly the time of the speeded up video You can then drag your next video into Slide View & it will line up with the end of the previous video. Repeat for each clip So do everything in Slide View NOT Timeline View Jill
  9. It couldn't be any easier, just click Save or Save As to give it a new name. This saves the .pte file which is all the instructions to build the Sequence. If you mean you want to save all the images, sounds etc as a complete thing then just Create A Template. This makes a Folder with all of the items needed including the .pte file. You can specify where this Folder will be placed in the Manage Templates option Jill
  10. Hi Tim, the various keys only work on the active screen. So you have to click on the zoom screen to mute your mic etc, then click back on your Menu screen to advance the slides etc. It is much easier if you can have the host controlling your mic while screen sharing. Trying to do both gets very messy. Jill
  11. I received an exe file from someone today & it was named 'showname updated.exe' I noticed that the Icon looked different & when I tried to play it, it tried to install the exe I downloaded the file again thinking it may be corrupt, but this time named it as 'showname.exe' without the 'updated' The Icon now looked normal & the show played as expected. I can only assume that having 'updated' in the file name made Windows think it was a Program rather than a file to be played? Just in case anyone else comes across anything similar Jill
  12. if it is an MP3 then check the bit rate - is it CBR or VBR If he has saved the file from Audition then make sure it is CBR - Constant Bit Rate I have had problems with VBR - Variable Bit Rate in the past Jill
  13. you need to click on the the Object in the bottom right hand pane to make it active. If you notice none of the Animation details are showing either. Jill
  14. Snapcam, check to see if there is a .lock file in the project folder. This is generated when a project is opened & sometimes isn't deleted if something goes wrong & PTE doesn't close correctly. if there then Delete the .lock file & see if this helps. Jill
  15. I am sure you have already checked these but - In Project Option/Advanced Tab is Synchronise Sountrack & Slides Ticked?? In Timeline view it will play from wherever the Red Play Bar is positioned. To play the sound from a particular slide the position the Play bar at that point. Jill
  16. Totally agree with you JRR I find the constant zooming that some people use horrible to watch, it makes me feel extremely nauseous & dizzy. You want the viewer to see the content of the images, not how clever you are using effects. When you feel a Zoom is neccessary it is often better to start close & then zoom out slowly to show the whole image. But only use it occasionally. Jill
  17. I use Global times when trying to fit to the the music, although now that we can see the waveform in O&A it is much easier. I have always used Global & rarely use Slide Times - each to their own Jill
  18. You can easily switch between global and slide times using the Tools menu at the bottom of the O&A window. Both are useful depending on what you are doing at the time. Jill
  19. Merry Christmas Igor & all at WnSoft. Thank you for all the work you do to make PTE such a wonderful program. Picture created in PTE from 4 separate images & text. Best Wishes Jill
  20. Laszlo, If you want the whole show to repeat then in Project Options/Control Tab Select Action after last slide - Repeat Show. In the latest versions of PTE you can repeat images, sounds, or video & it only adds the MB once in the exe no matter how many times you use them. Jill
  21. Slide option of Loop should work , I have just tried this. The slide will loop until you press the right arrow key on the keyboard to move it on to the next slide. Repeating the same image(s) in a project does not add volume to the exe Jill
  22. Hi Brian, Glad to hear that you are entering BIAFF. I have also put a couple of entries in & I know that other AV workers are also entering. Use the Publish to HD Video, but set the size to match your image size of 1400x1050 - Select Custom from the drop down Set it to 60p and leave everything else at the default. For those who don't know BIAFF is the British International Amateur Film Festival Get your entry in by today to qualify for Free entry for IAC members. See www.theiac.org.uk Jill
  23. The Bold is much easier to see in the light view of PTE rather than the dark view. Jill
  24. Ideally you shouldn't use an image again in the same AV, people will notice it. PTE already shows you which images are used by marking them in Bold But only those used as main images, anything added in O&A is not marked This is something that has been asked for in the past. Personally I don't have any trouble knowing which images i have used Jill
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