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Everything posted by jkb

  1. once the sound clips are linked to a slide, they will be copied when you copy the slide to a new project. To export all of the sound to a file, in Timeline click on the 3 bars with the drop down arrow, above the timeline & select Export soundtrack Jill
  2. Good tutorial Barry & explains why you 'may' want to use KFSD for video with a following still image. But I still prefer to keep it switched off. It is so easy to simply move the following slide in the Timeline to give the exact effect you want, as every 2 slide combination will be different. Depending on content you may want the video to transition into the next slide, or you may want it to end at the start or part way through the transition. When working with still images KFSD causes so many problems if you move slides to a different position. So I find it much better to just keep it permanently off. Jill
  3. Keep Full Slide duration Something i never ever use - causes too many problems Jill
  4. You don't need to, unless the video is a very large file & you want to reduce the final exe file size. If making an MP4 then it will only contain the portion you are using. You can also drag the same video multiple times into the Timeline and trim it for each part that you want to use. You can go into Objects & Animation & select Adjust Time range in the Properties tab. Then just move the start & end pointers to where you want the video to start & end. If you physically want to trim the video & Create a new file then right click the video in the File List before adding it to the Timeline & set the Trim points (the same as in O&A) Make a note of where the file will be saved & click OK It will normally be saved in the same folder as the orignal, with the same name with .converted at the end. I just find it so much easier to trim in the Timeline, you can always fine tune it then if you don't quite get it right first time. Jill
  5. you can just trim the video in the Timeline & you don't need to save it. Put the play bar where you want the video to start. Right click & select Trim beginning of video Move the following slide up to where you want the video to end. Job done - very quick Jill
  6. In Timeline, click on a Slide then right click an audio clip & select Link Clip. You have to do each clip individually & can only link 1 clip on a track to each slide. Clips on different tracks can be linked to the same slide. Jill
  7. Copy & Paste the slides you want to a new project. Jill
  8. Only once had a problem with this, it was a competition secretary reading out the titles of the images. They were using Photocomp software I think. But I put it down to him reading from his list & not actually looking at the screen to see what the image was. Running AV's - PTE exe's and/or MP4's we have never had a problem with sync. If you do a sound test with Zoom & speak into the mic, you will notice it is several seconds before the sound comes back through the speakers. It has to be uploaded to Zoom servers, then presumably to a satellite, then downloaded again & passed back from the zoom servers. So this does take a time. Presenters need to be aware that there could be a delay & make sure if demonstrating that they leave enough time between saying something before moving on for the audience to catch up. Jill
  9. It would be really helpful if there could be a Shortcut key for 'Split Audio Clip' EG Alt+S Having recently made 2 AV's with voiceover - I do the whole voiceover as 1 take. I then need to split it up to be able to move the phrases into the correct place on the Timeline. The Split Audio Clip command works great, but it would be so much quicker if I could just hit Alt+S (or another key combination) Jill
  10. Do you mean for the Object names? Yes this could be useful Jill
  11. This is something that has been asked for before & would be a really useful feature. Hopefully in a future version Jill
  12. Hi Lynda, a lot of our members are also nearing or above 80 as well. Surprised how well most of them have managed. To run AV's well without stuttering you need a fast broadband upload speed. But if yours is just still images then it should work OK. It is the dissolves that suffers if the upload speed is low. Jill
  13. We have been running many AV Zoom meetings & most AV's are created at 16:9 ratio with 1920x1080 pixels. Some are 4:3 & occasional ones are in 3:2 format. Most of our participants are either using dual monitors on a PC or else connect a laptop to their TV or a digital prohector. Some however use a tablet & even a mobile phone. No one has said that they have lost part of the image. Jill
  14. It could be how your windows media player is set up? I always use VLC Player & that works fine when I hit play. Jill
  15. Malcolm, the ptshow is needed in the same folder as the exe & must have exactly the same name. The exe is just a very small digitally signed file which calls the ptshow to play. Not sure why the normal exe is not being created, I haven't experienced this but am still using 10.0.12 Which version are you using? Click Help/About to find the version Jill
  16. Thanks Igor for the swift response. I thought it would have to be an MP4. However he wants to make it a step through show, he is just showing single images and needs to talk about each one before moving to the next. There are also a couple of video clips. I know that you can pause VLC player with the spacebar, so he may have to do that or else play it on his windows pc. Jill
  17. I am asking for a member of our Photographic Society. He says he has recently updated his mac to the latest catalina & it will now not run any 32 bit apps. Therefore he cannot now run a file Published in PTE9 for Mac. He is giving a talk to our club in a couple of weeks & was planning to use his Mac for the Zoom session. Does anyone know a way around this? Thanks Jill
  18. Hi Brad, do any inserting, deleting and changing position of slides in slide view, not timeline. This will keep all the other durations the same. The box in the bottom right of the slide is the duration. You can change by typing in a new duration or adust with the up down keyboard arrows in half second intervals. The box top right is the transition duration. In timeline if you hover the mouse over the front edge of a slide it will change to a double headed arrow. Click and drag left to lengthen that slide duration and shorten the previous or drag right to lengthen the previous and shorten that slide. Click in the centre of a slide and drag left or right to move all following slides along. Jill
  19. In Objects & Animation each object has a keyframe at the start point. Right click the keyframe & select clone. This places another keyframe on the time line Move this to where you want the zoom to end. Then simply either drag the image outwards - grab handles in corner or adjust the zoom parameter to what you want Very easy once you understand Jill
  20. you can download up to 7.5 for free https://www.wnsoft.com/en/pte-av-studio/old-versions/ Jill
  21. If you look in the animation tab you will see that each parameter - Pan, Zoom etc has a box next to it with a tick. Clone keeps all the current settings for a key frame. So if you have adjusted anything, they are replicated in the cloned keyframe & all the boxes remain ticked Add will leave all the boxes unticked & you can tick & adjust the ones you need. Also Adding a keyframe will place the new keyframe at the end of the following transition. Cloning place the new keyframe 1/2 sec after the one you are cloning. It depends how you work, but I always clone & move the keyframe to the position I want. I would rather have all boxes ticked & reset any that I want, rather than having to retick all those that I want to remain the same. Jill
  22. to add a screen grab, look at the bottom of the window where you type your reply. There is a paperclip & it says Drag files here to attach or choose files. Just drag your image from Windows explorer or click the Choose Files & find the one you want to add. Jill
  23. If all of your files are already in your Template folder, then you can work on the project and save the .pte file. If you resave as a template again it will make another folder. I find it best to set up a new folder in a dedicated place and bring everything into there, with subfolders for images, sounds etc. Save the .PTE file regularly with a new name as you work. Say project1, project2 etc. That way you can easily go back a step if you don't like what you have done in the latest changes. Then once I am happy it is complete I then save as a template. Jill
  24. Depends on the content and image file sizes, some MP4 can be smaller than the exe. All video file types and exe play over Zoom. Some slow dissolves or very fast movement can look jerky but it mainly comes down to your upload speed. We have had the same file play perfectly one day then the next it is juddery. And we have a fast upload. Think it can depend on how many neighbours are online at the same time! Jill
  25. So does the Template. Just transfer the .pt folder to the Template folder on the laptop and again it will be available from within PTE. The backup zip is useful if you need to send to someone else over the internet. Jill
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