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Everything posted by jkb

  1. Easiest way is to 'Normalise' the wave form in Audacity or similar audio editor. You can set the maximum peak to be around -3db to -1db This way the volume is increased without distortion7 Jill
  2. Does this matter? I have never found it to be a problem. I just resize the template to the required size & shape Jill
  3. use a Mask & adjust the corner radius to get the effect you want Jill
  4. I keep getting notifications for each new version. Still on 10.01 as been working on a project and didn't want to change in the middle of it. It tells me every couple if days that there is a new version and the version number changed each time a new one was released. Will update next week when I get time. Jill
  5. You can Clone a keyframe - right click This copies the settings & you can then adjust to what you want. You need to use a Speed Modifier on the Zoom - select Smooth to give a smooth start & stop Jill
  6. Think you may have a 'not' where there shouldn't be one!!
  7. Hi Ken, no problem to PM me if you wish to. Best Wishes for Christmas & New Year Jill
  8. As I have said in the past, the biggest pproblem for me with Slide Styles is that they change the slide's transition time and duration. Even something as basic as fit or cover, adding a simple caption, or changing to greyscale all change the timinings for the slide. These styles which are not adding any animation should not, in my opinion adjust the timings of the slide. For AV workers, every two slide combination is unique and requires it own timings dependant on the soundtrack at that point. Something as simple as changing from 4:3 to 16:9 requires a slightly different transition time and maybe effect. So for me I would never want to reapeat anything in the same or a new project. The only style I may want to use is the cover if I had a mixture of 3:2, 4:3 or 16:9 images. But this would have to be done before anything else so I could preserve my own timings. As I normally build my projects 1 slide at a time it is just as easy to adjust as I need in O&A Maybe one day we will be given the option to preserve times when applying a Slide Style, this may make them more useful. Jill
  9. I also am a programmer from way back and like you always show file extensions and work with explorer always open on one monitor. With most programs I would just double click the file. But as I have most versions of PTE I open the version I want first. They all run happily alongside each other. I don't even have the .pte extension associated with PTE. I also agree with you on slide styles and never use them. Can't check on which user guide is opened as not on my computer at the moment. I think you can still get to the old user guides from the wnsoft website if you need them. Opening the project in 10 should not have caused the problems of missing animation. 10 works in the same way as 9. The main changes were to add the waveform to O&A and the ability to split or duplicate the waveform. Right click on a clip and you will see these choices. Other changes were to video. Do you have an earlier version of your project? I always save mine with a different name - 1; 1a; 1b etc when I make any significant changes. This way I can always go back if something does go wrong. The .pte file takes up very little space so doesn't matter if you keep several. If your slides have been messed up with a style then try selecting them and applying 'no style' it won't bring your lost animation back but may return the image name. Not sure, as I said I never use styles Jill
  10. Use the light interface and it is still the same as previous versions. Much easier to see than the dark. Jill
  11. Templates are very useful. I save all of my shows that way, as a backup. It means all of my shows are in one place, my templates folder. You can choose where this is stored. And I can easily and quickly access any show from within PTE. By copying the individual template folders to my laptop I then have the same facility there. Great when out giving talks and demonstrating. You can set up different 'blank' templates for different shows, eg 4:3 16:9 or 3:2 depending on your image sizes. Including start and end slides if you wish. This means all your project options etc are already set. The big advantage over zip is that you only take up one lot of space rather than having the zip and then the unzipped copies. But mainly to keep everything in one place and accessible from within PTE. Jill
  12. Ken, all of the older versions will open in newer versions. An easy way to see which version you used is to right click on the .pte file in windows explorer. Select Open with & select Notepad. This opens the .pte file in the Notepad text editor. The 3rd line shows which version of PTE was used to build the project. I never double click a .pte file to open it. I always open the version of PTE that I want to use & then from the menu select File Open & navigate to the .pte file I wish to open. This way you can work in whatever version you wish to. If you do open a project in a newer version, the first thing to do is to save as a new name with the version number in the name. So if your original was made in V6 & you now open it in V10, then save as Project1-V10.pte You can then always go back to your orignal if you need to. If you are happy with using PTE7 then fine, but the changes in V10 make things so much easier. Being able to see the waveform in O&A really speeds up any processing with keyframes. I have just finished updating a project that was originally made in V6 Opening V6 to look at what I had done I couldn't believe just how much has changed & how much easier the program now is to use. The changes really do help to speed things up & you will soon get used to them the more you use it. Have fun updating your shows. Jill
  13. This has been requested & will hopefully be included in the next version. Jill
  14. jkb


    Welcome to the Forum Dave. Are they jpg or png images that are not showing? If you have any very large png images they sometimes do not show in fullscreen preview. If this is the case then simply reduce the file size of the png. Jill
  15. Make a one or more slide exe in PTE - any version. Set each slide (or the whole project) to wait for keypress. List the names of your shows, I use text objects but you can use images, rectangle, blank frames or buttons. Set each object to run application and navigate to the correct show. Remove the full path and just leave the show name in quotes. Make sure mouse is not hidden or you can't click on anything. Launch your menu exe and then single click the show you want to run. When that show finishes it will return to the menu screen and you can click on the next show etc. Jill
  16. I have been doing it that way for years & never had any problems. The only slight problem is that sometimes a Proshow exe will start behind the Menu, but usually works OK the 2nd time it is started. When running a competition I always start each show & then ESC out of it. Then everything normally runs smoothly. You have to take the full path out of the run command & just leave the show name in "" Also the Menu exe has to be in the same folder as all the shows. This then allows you to run on any computer as JT49 says Tom when running a competition the entries can be made with any versions of PTE or any other program so you cannot use Run Slideshow If only running your own shows then there is no problem Jill
  17. you can easily set VLC Player to 'quit at end of Playlist' so that it will exit straight back to the menu. I run exe and MP4 etc all the time from the same Menu like this. Simply set a text object with the title of your show. On Mouse click set it to 'run Application or Open File' & have VLC Player as your default player for MP4, Mov, Avi etc You can set it up to always open up fullscreen & not show the file name or other on screen commands Exe files made with different versions of PTE can also easily be run using the 'Run Application' command Apart from a brief black flash when launching the exe or MP4 it is seemless wth the Menu We have just run the Great Northern Festival with 55 entries last weekend. The AV's were a mixture of PTE Exe, ProShow Exe, Wings Exe and mov & MP4 made with different programs as well as PTE Jill
  18. This is something I have asked for in the past. It would be very nice to have. Jill
  19. Hi Rosemary, in Settings/Preferences/System tab - Click on Set Graphical Editor, use the Following program & then navigate to your chosen program file & select that. Do the same thing for your Audio & Video editors. When you want to open a file in one of those programs, just click on the file - image, video or audio in PTE & press CTRL+W. This will then open that file in your chosen editor. You will then need to save your changes in that program & then replace the file within PTE. Jill
  20. I usually use smaller images, 1920 x 1080 if widescreen, but still 1024 x 768 or sometimes 1600 x 1200 for 4:3 aspect ratio. All at 72dpi As mentioned above, PTE upscales without any problems. Most festivals & competitions in the UK use either 1920 or 1600 projectors. Although some camera clubs still have 1024 projectors. Jill
  21. PS I do find that downscaling can look worse, especially when people have used large images at 300dpi. To me it makes them look oversharpened. Jill
  22. Running many competitions and festivals, I have never had problems with upscaling and find that PTE does it very well. Even from 1024x768 to 1920x1080 and shown on a 20 foot screen. Leaving it at fixed size you can end up with a small image on a large screen, which looks worse when compared to all the other full screen entries. Jill
  23. I am working on a project where I am adding several Objects. I add 1 object, set it's parameters, then copy that Object & amend the parameters to a new position/time Once I have added all the Objects I then realise that at the end of that slide I need a keyframe to turn the Opacity to zero for all the Objects. It would be very helpful if we could select all the Objects & right click at the end of the timeline to Clone a new keyframe for each Object. Currently I have to do it one at a time. I can then select all keyframes to turn the Opacity to zero. Jill
  24. It is very possible to have 2 different images with the same file name in 2 folders. This happened to someone at our club recently - we were trying to create a Template. If PTE can rename the file, in both the BIZ and/or Template this would be best. eg files called image001 - rename to image001-1 and image001-2 Yes the PTE project file would have to be updated so that the correct file was referenced. Also display a warning to say what has been done. Jill
  25. Will this also work for Templates? I tend to use them rather than backup zip. Jill
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