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Everything posted by jkb

  1. I was giving a demonstration to a camera Club of the new PTE10 tonight. I was showing how you can customise the Toolbars & noticed that they no longer change immediately. In PTE9 if you tick/untick or move the position of an item in Preferences/Toolbars the change happens on screen immediately without having to click OK. In PTE10 you have to click OK before the change takes place. Is it possible for the changes to take place as they did in V9? Also the little triangle 'Fullscreen view of Filelist' used to be on by default. Not sure when the default was changed to Off , but for beginners it is much better to have the default set to On. Can the default be changed back to On please. Fullscreen view of Fileslist/Slidelist In V9 & all previous versions when in Fullscreen view you can click on a thumbnail of a slide & press the spacebar to display the image fullscreen. Pressing spacebar again would return to the thumbnail view Now in V10, not only does it seem to take a lot longer to display the fullscreen image, but it no longer returns using the spacebar. You now have to use Esc to return to the thumbnail view. Being able to quickly toggle thumbnail/fullscreen using the spacebar was very useful. The spacebar is easy to hit in the dark, the Esc key is more difficult to find. Jill
  2. The standard was very high, it was hard to select the winners. I think almost all of 74 entries were made with PTE. Jill
  3. It's already on the AV News website www.avnews.org.uk I will send out an AV Links newsletter next week sometime to also include the results of the RPS Nationals being held this weekend in Leeds. Jill
  4. The Cut option CTRL+X works for Objects in O&A. Jill
  5. Could be useful especially on smaller screens. Jill
  6. Highlight the slides you wish to move & drag them to the new position. This may be easier in the fullscreen Slidelist view when you can see more (all) the slides. Click the little triangle next to Slides/Timeline bottom right of screen. Jill
  7. Yes it happens when topics have been moved and if you click the link to the moved topic it still stays bold. I then have to click the mark forum as read button to unbold it. Jill
  8. Think she means filelist
  9. An easy way to get a list of which files are used in a project is to make a Template. Open this in Windows explorer and you can sort it how you want. I know it isn't a printed list but at least you can quickly see all the files used. Jill
  10. Hi Gary, this would be a very useful feature, but isn't available at the moment. Maybe something for a future version. The way to do it at the moment is to link the next clip to the right to a slide, in both the track you are moving the clips from & the one you are moving them to. If you don't do this then then they will move when you move the clips. Double click on the clip you want to move which will bring up the Audio tab in project Options You can then drag the clips to another track, click OK & they will move keeping the same time position. Jill
  11. My file limit says 3.13mb also Anything larger I use WeTransfer Jill
  12. Go into Timeline view Click on the Photo clip Holding down the left mouse, drag the Photo clip 2 secs to the Left. This will allow the transition to occur over the last 2 secs of the video so it will not stop before the Photo clip is fully visible. Or in Slide view click on the video clip in the bottom right hand corner of this clip you should see 15.0 This is the duration of the video clip Change this to 13.0 It will have the same effect as moving the Photo clip transition to occur over the last 2secs of video Jill
  13. Well done Mark, a very nice gesture from you to do this. Once version 10 is released, as with previous releases, I will also advertise it on the AV News website and in the AV Links email newsletter We will also be having a PTE 10 night at the Wilmslow Guild AV Group to go through all the new features. (the new season programme is still to be finalised). Jill
  14. The grid can also be useful to help in lining up horizons etc between two or more consecutive slides. Jill
  15. Congratulations, Thanks for all you have acheived in the last 20 years. Wishing PTE many more successful years. Jill
  16. Yes very interested in having text features. I thought this was requested a long time ago? I often use different text when making a Menu & it is cumbersome to have to use different text blocks, especially if you need to animate them. Jill
  17. For a manual show set 'wait for key press' in project options. If you need some slides to advance automatically then change on the individual slide options. Jill
  18. As long as you have 'allow keyboard control' ticked in project options, then space-bar should pause the exe and left and right arrow keys should go backward and forward. I have never had to define mouse clicks or any other settings and never had any problems with it not working. Windows 7, maybe something in Windows 10 that works differently? Jill
  19. Ok so you were just seeing if the created mp4 was ok. Use VLC player to play video files rather than pte. As I said above an MP4 needs to be converted before PTE can play it, even one that you have just created. Jill
  20. George, are you trying to import the video clip you have just created into another or the same project? If so then create an Avi file instead. From memory the MP4 that PTE creates cannot be read directly back in and needs to be reconverted first. When Pte10 is released we shouldn't have this problem. Jill
  21. Why not add something to those images yourself? A small icon in a corner of the image would suffice if you need it. Jill
  22. I assume, as you say you have transparent text on the main image, that it is a PNG file? What size is this file? If it is too large then it sometimes won't show in full screen. Try reducing the file size of this image and see if that works. Jill
  23. Igor is away until the end of this week.
  24. I have come across this problem with someone who was using very large file sizes on a laptop with a 4k screen. I think it was just taking a long time to process the images and couldn't keep up. Also it would not load images into O&A. I told the person to reduce the image sizes and this seemed to cure the problem. I think it was pte9 and windows 10 Jill
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