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Everything posted by jkb

  1. jkb

    Black box

    Rob, if your images are 1920 x 1280, then the aspect ratio of the project needs to be 16:10 not 3:2 Jill
  2. We regularly run video files using VLC player from an .exe Menu at competitions. Make sure that you have VLC player as your default to open MP4 files etc. Also make sure you have the latest version of VLC You can also set it to automatically run full screen, always on-top, not show file names & to exit at the end of the video You sometimes get a small flash as it opens up, but otherwise it is seamless from the Menu. A manually controlled show (which is what my Menus are) should not be any different to what you are trying to do. Jill
  3. Hi Dennis, in O&A add a rectangle to cover the whole slide. Set it's opacity to zero so in effect it is one big invisible button. Set the mouse click on the rectangle to run application and set the name to be your video file. Remove the full path but make sure you keep the " so it would be something like "my video.mp4" Make your manual show .exe and make sure that the .exe and .MP4 are in the same folder. I use invisible buttons a lot and never have any problems. Hope this helps. Jill
  4. Denwell, if you are manually advancing most of the show, then just put an action on mouse click on the last slide to run the MP4 video. If you open up VLC player before you start so it is in the background then your video should start quicker. You may not get a perfectly smooth transition from the still but will be better than what you have now. Jill
  5. +1 timeline scaling in O&A is essential. Jill
  6. Ronnie a BIZ is a backup in zip. Jill
  7. Hi Barry, I recently tried to make a BIZ and PTE gave a message that there were files used with non standard characters. The zip could be made but windows wouldn't be able to open it and to use another program such as 7zip. Could this be the problem? I just renamed the offending file to have all standard characters. PTE was then happy and the zip file could be opened normally. Jill
  8. I would also like this feature. I am currently working on a project where I am editing the music and taking different parts of it. I therefore have several copies with different start & end times. I need to be able to quickly copy the sound clip & just drag the ends to adjust start & end times. To also be able to 'cut' the track into separate clips would be very useful & make editing a long track much quicker. Jill
  9. There is a program called ClipGrab which will record an exe from a screen grab Just put it into Google to find out more Jill
  10. Jean-Marc, Are your heads a .png? If so then you need to make them much smaller file size. Large .png files do not show in exe & Full screen preview. Jill
  11. I must admit I never use that button & had completely forgotten it was there. I have the 'slice of bread' set on in preferences, but usually just right click in the mini preview window. The problem comes for people who are used to using the 'slice of bread' from older versions. Then when they upgrade they can't find it & don't know how to get full screen preview. For anyone starting off from version 9 it shouldn't be a problem, although maybe it would be more obvious if it was placed next to the play/stop buttons in the previw window? Jill
  12. I agree with Barry, this option should be in preferences. I have also known people who have turned it off by accident and not realised or known how to turn it back on. Another thing which should be set on automatically is to show the 'slice of bread' preview from current slide. I had someone yesterday who had upgraded to v9 and had spent 2 days trying to work out how to preview from part way through a show. This icon always used to be present but for some reason was set to be hidden by default in v9. Can it be set to show in V10 please. Jill
  13. +1 if possible please Jill
  14. Thanks Igor, it will be really useful. Jill
  15. Just click and drag the clip to another track. Make a note of the time position - left hand side of the timeline. Then if it does move slightly when dragging you can reach enter the exact time. Jill
  16. Gary, it doesn't just cover up the cross-fade, it cuts the first sound clip at the point where the second one starts. I believe that it was the only way to be able to link the sounds to the slides. There is a post in suggestions to look at the way linking works so maybe Igor can solve this problem in a future version. I link slides if I need to move or copy them, but always unlink again to preserve the cross-fade. Jill
  17. No, this is how it is designed to work. It is not just video, it happens with still images as well. If you need the cross-fade then move the sounds onto different tracks and use the volume envelope to fade. Or remove the link from the second slide. Jill
  18. Hi Eric, You can do what you want in PTE. You can adjust the guides by increasing the pixel count, untick the snap to grid & then adjust the offset to get the position you want. Bit fiddly doing it with a mouse, you can adjust by typing in numbers but would be easier with the arrow keys if Igor can do this Also by increasing the size of view you can easily adjust to the exact position you need. Jill Come to the Workshop afternoons at WGAV & I will show you
  19. I do often use crossfades on the same track for soundeffects. EG ambient background sounds. If the clip I have is not long enough I will duplicate the clip several times & crossfade. As it is only a low volume background sound the crossfades work perfectly. Also when we are demonstrating PTE to camera clubs etc & I show how to shorten a piece of music to fit the slides the crossfade works very well. I am often amazed at how well it does work with a very quick random selection to remove part of a piece of music by keeping the start & end & removing the middle. 9 times out of 10 you cannot hear the 'join' Only when the two parts are very different in structure can you hear it. Obviously if I am blending two different sounds/music together then using the volume envelope on two different tracks gives more accurate control. If I do need to link several clips to be able to move them, then I accept the lack of crossfade while I move, then I unlink. Another reason to link several clips is when copying slides to another project. The sound will only copy when it is linked to a slide. I sometimes will build up a sequence in several smaller projects, getting each part correct before copying each project into a final one to join them all together. I need the sounds to be linked to the slides in order to copy them to the new final project. Jill
  20. Thanks, if it is at all possible could there be a way of linking several audio clips on same/different tracks together - even if only temporary - so that they could all be moved at once. We may need to do this if we have several clips on same/different tracks that are all timed perfectly with each other, but we then need to adjust the timing of something else earlier in the show. To be able to CRTL click on several clips & move them as a block would really help. Jill
  21. When you open a project with PTE9 that has missing files - ie the path name has changed - you should get a window opening that allows you to search for the files It should list all the images & audio files that are missing. Click on the dot next to one of the missing files & then on Find Selected File & navigate to where the the file now is. If all the missing files are located in the same folder it should find them all. You need to repeat the 'Find Selected File' for each one it doesn't find BEFORE clicking on OK. If all the folder structure is the same & it is just the Drive letter that is different then another option is to open the .pte file in a text editor such as Notepad or Word Do a Find & Replace to change the Drive letter on all the images & sounds. EG find C:\ & replace with E:\ or whatever then save the .pte file with a new name (just in case!!) Jill
  22. Hi Chris, you have to save the project as either a Template or Backup zip to move it to a different computer. If you have version 9 it should allow you to relink all the files, but older versions didn't. Look under the file menu for the manage template or the back up zip options. Jill
  23. Hi Igor, This does not happen! If I link a clip to slide 1, then move slide 1 to a different position - Slide 10, then only the clip linked to slide 1 moves, all other clips stay where they were on the timeline. There are many reasons we need to link more than 1 sound clip - for example we have speech which is broken up into small sections & we need to adjust the position of a slide. Then all of the small speech clips need to be moved by the same amount to follow the slide. Or if we have carefully worked out timings of sound to images but find we need to insert or remove one or more slides - all of the carefully timed clips need to move to keep their relationship with the slides. It would be very useful if we could link several sound clips (on same and different tracks) with each other & be able to move them as a block. Jill
  24. Thanks Igor, the File came back clean from AVG as I thought it would. Jill
  25. Hi Roel, click on Igor's. Picture in the above post. Then click on the envelope symbol in the window that appears. This will open up a private message where you can type your reply. Jill
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