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Everything posted by jkb

  1. Agree that we need Rename as well as Delete Template Jill
  2. You can change the name by going to Windows Explorer & rename the .PT Folder. It shows in the List of Templates with the new name - However it will not Open within PTE. So I think the only way is to open the existing Template, Create a new Template from that with the name you want & then Delete the existing .PT Folder using Explorer. Not that difficult to do. Jill
  3. Unfortunately I only speak French... Merci Igor pour ce merveilleux logiciel... I would like to know if it is possible to enlarge the soundtrack (magnifying glass effect for example) to better see the sound waves... Please use Google Translate or similar to post in English Use the + and - at the bottom right of Timeline to expand Horizontally CTRL+Shift+Mouse Wheel to expand Vertically Jill
  4. You need to set to Photoshop in Settings/Preferences/System/Set Graphical Editor What you are doing in Slide Options is calling Photoshop from that Slide when running the Published exe file. Jill
  5. Hi Brian, most laptops should play AV's OK. I have always had Acer laptops & they have proved reliable, but I have gone for a higher spec graphics & RAM. If showing MP4's (made on your Desktop) then the graphics spec is less important, and most should be fine. Also for viewing Zoom sessions, the internet speed is more critical. Not sure of the needs for Photoshop as I very rarely use it & only have an old version anyway. Do you have a local Computer shop that sell laptops? You could always put some AV's on a pen drive & take it along to see how they play. I have done that in the past. Good luck finding something. Jill
  6. snap, has been bad for months. Also keeping busy judging AV Competitions. Jill
  7. I was just about to type that - you beat me to it Dave ! Jill
  8. Also see the Online Help files https://docs.pteavstudio.com/ You can easily resize images by going into Objects & Animation (O&A) and when an Object is selected you will see the Grab Handles around it. Simply drag these with your mouse to resize as needed. If you have several images all the same size then you can use the Quick Slide Style. Do the first Manually, then 'Create Quick Style', Select all the other images & 'Apply Quick Style' and they will be resized accordingly. PTE is a great program, very easy to get started but extremely powerful allowing you to do anything you can imagine. Jill
  9. Do you have any large videos in these 2 that don't work? I have one show with a couple of large video files & many other files. When creating a Template it takes a long time and nothing seems to happen. I thought it had finished, but looking at the Template Folder not all of the files were there, it could be the same for Zip. Jill
  10. Select the Blank, then Click on Slide Options. In the Main Tab you can select the Slide Name, this is how you rename any Slide Jill
  11. Right Click the Desktop & select Nvidia Control Panel. Select Manage 3D Settings from the Menu on the Left then the Program Settings Tab Under Select a program to Customise - Navigate to your Program Files & find PTE AV Studio exe & click Add Then under Select the Preferred Graphics processor make sure it is High Performance Nvidia. I have also set pte viewer to use the Nvidia as well. If you have different versions of PTE on your Laptop make sure you do it for each Version. Jill
  12. I see you have 'Hide Selection on Pan/Zoom/Rotate' ticked Try to untick this. Your text box has the green rectangle but no grab handles in the corners Jill
  13. Make sure that the Text Object is highlighted in the Object Panel. Click on the Text Object. It may be that you have another Object that is in front of it, so it doesn't allow you to move it. Click on Tools and then 'Ignore Objects not selected' Jill
  14. Have you set up your new laptop to make sure it is using the Nvidia card for PTE. Also are you running on mains power not battery. I have an Acer laptop & I find that even though it is set to always use the Nvidia for PTE it will revert to the Intel chip when running on battery. So I have to plug it in when I want to publish an MP4 for instance. I haven't found any problems with using video within PTE, although when using small sections from a 90 minute video in several places it did stutter a little sometimes in preview. Jill
  15. No, you need to set up Text Animation individually. You can however set it up for the first Text Object & then Copy & Paste that Object to all the other Slides that you need & just change the Text. But depending on the Animation, you may find you need different timings depending on the length of Text. Jill
  16. 1920x1080 for a 16:9 ratio Jill
  17. Mark, on my 1920x1080 display there were grey bars at each side - due to the fact that you were sending a 16:10 ratio image & I was receiving it & displaying on a 16:9. Some AV's were losing part of the image, text was displaying outside the frame or missing part of it. Some seemed to be stretched vertically - had a black band at the top but not the bottom, although the actual image didn't appear stretched. Also when the on screen display flashed up at the start it was showing - display at 90% or words to that effect. So I don't think it was displaying the full picture By using VLC player you shouldn't get any of these problems. However your 16:10 display will always show grey bars at the side on a 16:9 screen. If other people didn't see these it will be because their screen ratio was most likely 16:10 Hope this helps Jill
  18. jkb


    you need to split the clip (right click & choose Split) at the point you want to repeat & then Duplicate it (right Click) Move the duplicated bit to the point you want. It may be better to move the split part & then extend it so that you keep the original ending & repeat a phrase from earlier. Jill
  19. I think most drives are in NTFS format - at least for Windows. Assume Mac is the same as they can be read on both systems. Just Publish an MP4 at 60p and it should work, but I think some older TV's will only play 30p. Jill
  20. Mark, have you tried using VLC Player instead ? This is the preferred player for MP4 files & is available for both Mac & Windows. You can easily set it to Quit at the end so that it automatically returns to your Menu. It is what I was using all weekend at the Peter Coles Competition. Not sure if the same version will work with both Mac & Crossover if you will need to install both versions . Jill
  21. And all versions can be installed alongside each other, so no need to delete your earlier version. Jill
  22. Mark are you using the latest PTE 11.0.12 I know some faults with Macs were fixed in this. Jill
  23. they will all stay between versions Jill
  24. Are the shows with the Video Clips Exe or MP4?? If MP4 what program are you using to play them? VLC player is recommended to avoid problems How big (bytes) are the video clips? Spec of your computer - memory etc Jill
  25. You can easily move a KeyFrame, just click on it - so it turns darker blue - and drag it along the Timeline. You will also need to move the KeyFrames for all of the Objects within the Frame by the same amount. Jill
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