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Everything posted by jkb

  1. It is very easy to do this. You will need to use Master Video, so that the video will run for several slides as the background. Then you can use Text Animation to have the text fade in and out on each slide. Look at the PTE help files for how to do this. Jill
  2. It has been suggested several times in the past, but no harm in doing it again Jill
  3. I think Main Image is mainly used in Slide Styles - Which is something I never use. For ordinary images I don't think it matters if something is marked as a Main Image or not. If I only want to see the action of 1 Object then I either reduce the Opacity of the others or as Dave suggests turn off Show Front Side. It would be really helpful if we could have a single button to click to turn On/Off Objects Jill
  4. You can easily get a Full screen image simply by pressing the Spacebar in PTE, either from the thumbnail in the Filelist or in the Fullscreen view. Then press ESC to return. You can also rename the Slide from Slide Options Main Tab. This only change the name within PTE & not the actual filename, but can still be very useful if you wish to number each image. I just feel that you are making more work for yourself with the way you are doing it. But if it works for you then fine. Jill
  5. It is so much easier to do it in PTE. I leave everything in their original folders & just add them to PTE in the order needed. But if you want to move (duplicate) them all to a dedicated folder first then fine. Go to that folder in PTE, press CTRL+D & all the images & videos will be added to the Timeline. Then simply go into Fullscreen View & drag them to the positions you want them. I am sure that this will be much quicker than having to move them around and/or rename them in another program. You are only have to sort them once. Jill
  6. I currently have this turned off as I prefer to save with a different name as I go along making changes, so that I can always go back to an earlier version if needed. But I can see how it would be useful for beginners and in the event of a system crash. At least you can get back to what you were working on. Jill
  7. Congratulations on this achievement. PTE is a great program that gets better with every Release. Looking forward to seeing what V12 has to offer. Jill
  8. what about PTE, have you done a slow motion test with it?? Jill
  9. Gary, why not use the Rotate C parameter? I use this often to get horizons etc level. Jill
  10. When Pan, Zoom & Rotate were first introduced, way back in V5 I think, we did have to add the animation speed on all 3 otherwise it didn't always work. But maybe when Modifiers changed (in V9 ?) it was no longer necessary. I don't use them that much these days, so haven't noticed if needed or not. Jill
  11. As you are using Framing to actually move the Map, then you need to add an 'Animation Speed Smooth' modifier to Framing on the first keyframe. The Smooth Animation gives a slower start & slower stop to the movement. To make sure that the Text follows you also need to add an 'Animation Speed Smooth' Modifer to the Pan. Again on the first keyframe. You are correct in saying you remember having to also add modifiers to Zoom & Rotate even when not using them, but in this case with the Text it works well with just the Pan. Igor - Not sure if we still need to add modifiers to all Pan, Zoom & Rotate in V11 ?? Jill
  12. And keyframe 1 is not needed at all, it isn't doing anything. Jill
  13. Hi Gary, I have had a look at this & I think it is because you are using framing to zoom the map rather than using the Zoom & Pan modifiers. The Framing modifier is altering the Map but not the Text. When you use Zoom & Pan then the Text stays in the same position relative to the Map. Also you only use Smooth Move Modifier to make a bezier curve & it should only be used on the centre of 3 keyframes. If you want the map to zoom smoothly then use the Smooth Animation Speed modifier. Jill
  14. The filename is everything up to the .mp4 so by removing the .convert you are changing the filename. As DG says it is a Windows thing - the original file is in use by PTE, it is in the Slidelist. So you cannot change the name, that is why .convert is added to it. You could save it as a different name, which already exists but is not currently in use, then that file would be overwritten. When you Rename from the Filelist, the file is not in use by PTE - not in the Slidelist. When you change the Slide Name from Slide Options this is just the internal name shown within PTE not the physical filename. When you Adjust Time Range in O&A you are not physically altering the video length or size, it is still all there. You are just telling PTE to only use that portion. As I said you are over complicating things by trying to do this. You will save many more steps & time by just working with the original file. The only time you need to worry about file size is if you are Publishing to an exe as the final file. With MP4 it doesn't matter how big the original files are as long as your computer can handle them. Also if you are using several portions from a longer video, then you only need the 1 original, not several copies of smaller sections. Jill
  15. I think you are correct Dave. But that is exactly what you are trying to do by removing the .convert. I think you are making things more complicated. If PTE will open & use the file there is no need to convert it. All changes in PTE are virtual, so you can work with the original file without worry of losing or corrupting anything. I know you are worried about file size, but you already have the original file with it's full size. Converting it to create another file (whatever it's name) you are simply increasing file size on your disk. All your files should be backed up on a separate removable drive anyway. Just work with the original file, do all your editing in PTE, create a Template or BIZ for backup once your project is complete & you won't have any problems. Jill
  16. Maybe better to change filenames in Windows Explorer & then use that clip in PTE. Also not a good idea to overwrite a file unless it is already a copy of the original. Jill
  17. 5.2GB seems quite large, even for a 1 hour show I have no idea if you can strings shows together on a TV, as I said I don't have one. It is very easy to create a Playlist with VLC Player, I would have thought there would be something similar on a TV? If you can repeat play it, I would have thought there was a way to create a playlist of several shorter shows. Jill
  18. How big is the file? Maybe it is just too large for the TV - no idea if there is a limit as I don't have a TV. Also you do realise that once an MP4 has been made the images are in that order & will be the same order every time it is played. It is only an exe that can randomise the images each time it is played. Jill
  19. We weren't suggesting that you have a problem, just that it may explain why you don't see any difference. You have 4K monitor, so 4k files wouldn't look oversharpened. If I view a 4k file on my HD (1920x1080) monitor then they do look oversharpened Jill
  20. Agree, I was just about to ask Gary what device he was viewing on. I usually find that 4k videos or very large sized jpgs look over sharpened on my 1920x1080 monitor Jill
  21. If you are going to Publish as an MP4 then it doesn't matter what size your original clips are. Unless your computer is struggling to handle them, then reducing the size makes no difference to the Project. Jill
  22. I honestly wouldn't worry about it. Just drop the original videos directly into PTE & then Publish as an MP4 at the default values set by PTE. It's what I do & never have any problems with quality. I never even look at the bitrate. Jill
  23. No need to uninstall, all versions work side by side. So you can still use V10 while also using V11. The improvements in V11 are well worth upgrading to, have fun using them. Jill
  24. Well done on getting this far. It will all get easier Jill
  25. There are not as many dedicated AV Groups in the UK as there used to be. A lot of Camera Clubs have a few AV workers, but they tend to work in isolation. I help run the Wilmslow AV Group & we are now running totally online as our members are from all over the UK & abroad. We meet on a Friday evening & have an active membership. We used to meet physically near Manchester, but all our members were travelling long distances & numbers were dropping. Covid lockdowns forced us online & we haven't looked back. See www.wilmslow.av-group.org.uk We only have a few more meeting then stop until September. Jill
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