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Everything posted by jkb

  1. See also my reply under 'Changes in Slide Duration' page 8 The old sytem works, the new does not Jill
  2. Igor, I am sorry but I have to disagree. 1. Adding video with the old timings works perfectly, the video runs to the end & is not cropped. Moving it to another position has no effect. A 20sec video stays at 20sec no matter where it is placed. However with the new timings the end of the video is cropped by the next incoming transition. 2. With a slide having complex animation (& I have made several AV's with some very complex animation in v6.5) The old timings work perfectly, you can move the slide & the timings stay as expected, even when an animation overlaps onto the next slide. So a keypoint is on the grey part for the next slide. However again with the new system, moving a slide with animation & the timings are not preserved. So the old system works the new does not. Jill
  3. I agree there are still BUGS. It does appear a lot better, but with 'keep full....' ticked amending the effect duration moves the start position of the slide. So add 3 slides of 7/2, overall duration 17 secs. Slide 3 starts at 10 secs. Increase the effect duration to 2.5 secs & it moves the start position from 10secs back to 9.5 secs. Jill
  4. Peter, glad that it is not just me!!! Jill
  5. On both my Vista Laptop & XP desktop it does hold the value between closing & reopening PTE. Maybe Win7 is working differently for some reason Jill
  6. Having sorted out the AVG problems I had hoped (just maybe) that this may have been causing the problems in PTE. I have just uninstalled v7 & re downloaded & installed on my Vista Laptop. However the faults are still there. Added 3 slides with default times of 7/2 & 'keep full slide..' is unticked - so would expect an overall time of 21secs. Switiching to timeline using the button, overall time is 17 secs!! So it is working as v7.0.1 Both View & F6 alternate the 'keep full...' between ticked & unticked Amending the last slide duration as in my previous posts, it is again moving the start position of the slide instead of increasing the duration. Closing PTE & Starting a new Project, this time ticking the 'keep full slide...' box. Add 3 slides with default 7/2 & this time I get a duration of 21secs. So it appears to be working in reverse, which is what happened the very first time I downloaded this beta. However with the 'keep full slide...' box ticked amending the last slide effect duration works as expected & just increases the length without moving the start position of the slide. I don't use Templates and closing & reopening PTE several times & even rebooting the Laptop the problems still persist. It appears to be working in reverse - unticked is v7.0.1 & ticked is v6.5 Jill
  7. Peter, in the main window, each slide now has a little box above it with the effect duration & a box on the bottom right of each slide with the duration. Click in these boxes & you can amend the time by scrolling the mouse wheel. It changes in increments of 1/2 sec. You can also use the Customise Slide window & again clicking in the duration (main tab) or effect duration (effect tab) the mouse wheel changes the times by 1/2 sec. Or you can just type directly into the boxes.
  8. I have just updated AVG to database 2090/4548 & the problem now seems resolved. Having just installed this version late last night I would have thought it would have had the latest version of the database. 4548 was just released at 07:39 this morning. Had hoped that this may have cured some of the other problems I have been having with PTE but sadly it does not appear to be the case. Jill
  9. I have just upgraded to AVG 2012 FREE & it has not cured the problem. I just tried to Publish & it flagged up 2 of my existing sequences as being infected. Both of these were created (I think) with v6.5. Just going to the folder in Windows Explorer which contains these exe's brings up the AVG virus threat warning. Yet all the others in the same folder are ignored. Running on laptop with Vista. Jill
  10. Ken, you can easily have it so you can see the whole video without any overlapping transitions. Just specify an offset of the length of the slide, say 2secs which is the default & make sure that the slide duration is long enough for the video to play. So for a 10sec video, if the effect duration is 2secs then make sure the slide duration is 12secs & give the video a 2sec offset (in the O&A window) I agree with you, keep it simple! If I am correct in remembering, the early versions of PTE did not include the effect in the slide duration. They were seperate as you are suggesting. Jill
  11. As there is only one download link, I assume you have used the same download & as I have installed 3 times, once on desktop & twice on laptop, the chances of getting the same corruption each time are very slim. Even closing & restarting PTE & starting new projects these problems occur on both machines. They are just unpredictable as to when they occur. I have also tried on a different user on my laptop & they still occur. I have one user setup for giving talks, basic system, with internet & as much else as possible switched off. And a user that I use for normal purposes. Both have Administrator access. Having been a Programmer & Systems tester in my working life I am used to following through problems & checking carefully what happens. Jill
  12. I have already tried re-installing, but didn't un-install first. Just let the new version overwrite the first. I would agree that it may be a corrupt version, EXCEPT that the problems occur on both my desktop & laptop & were installed on different days. The reason I need to switch between the two options is when I am giving a talk & need to demonstrate to people what the options do. I always do live demos as it is much easier for people to understand if they can actually see it happening. When working on my own sequences I will always stick to the v6.5 timings & will use the Timeline view to amend effect times. Jill
  13. Don't know as I am not actually working on anything at the moment. But do have a new sequence to start very soon, so hope these issues can be sorted. I am simply trying things out as I need to be able to demonstrate each option when I give talks.
  14. Dave, see my new post under the Bug report(not sure how to add a link to that!) so if can do so then please add it. Trying to explain these new timings in words is so complicated. I suggest if users want to understand then they try them out with a few slides & simple numbers. But I also suggest that people stick with 6.5 until Igor has sorted out the problems that we have found. Jill
  15. I have tried this again and have had to open & close PTE several times before the faults occurred. Once the problem arises then pressing F6 or the view menu both cause 'keep full..' to alternate between ticked & unticked. Once this bug happens then other strange things happen also. The first time I opened PTE with 'keep full..' unticked, the default timings were 5/2 & it all worked as v6.5 - no problems. Ticking the box & the timings stayed at 5/2....I would have expected the default to change to 7? However closing & restarting then the default is set to 7/2 Starting a new project & unticking the box the default remains at 7, but closing & reopening & it goes back to 5. This is when other problems arise. 1. add 3 slides, doesn't seem to matter if 'keep full...' unticked or ticked. 2. look at the timeline (by using the buttons NOT F6) & note the starting points of the slides, in this case 0,5 & 10 secs. 3. Amend the effect time of slide 3 by clicking in the box above the slide & using the mouse wheel (or customise Slide) to increase the time to 2.5 secs. 4. look at the Timeline, the effect duration should have increased to 2.5 secs, BUT instead of adding the 1/2 sec at the end so it goes from 10secs to 12.5secs It has added it to the beginning!!! So the slide now starts at 9.5 secs. 5. Go back to slide view & increase the time by another 1/2 sec to 3. 6. Look at the Timeline again, the start time has now moved back to 10secs & the duration is 3secs as expected. 7. Repeat again, increasing the effect to 3.5 secs. Again the extra time is added at the front not the end & so the slide starts at 9.5secs. 8. Increasing the effect duration again to 4secs, the slide has now moved back to start at 8secs!! It appears that each time the effect duration is changed it is not being added in the correct place. This is how I ended up with overlapping slides in my previous examples. Once these problems start to happen it then seems to be using a mixture of v6.5 & v7.0.1 methods of timing & nothing works as expected. What causes it to go wrong in the first place I do not know. As sometimes it initially seems to work as expected then suddenly changes & the problems occur. Maybe if I just leave it with 'keep full...' unticked & do not change it things may work. This happens on both my desktop XP & vista Laptop. Personally I will always use the standard v6.5 timings as they are logical, make sense & work for all objects & video. I am simply trying these situations to help sort out this bug. Hopefully Igor will reply soon to let us know if he can replicate these problems. Jill
  16. Another, possibly related bug? is that pressing F6 to switch between slide & timeline view also ticks & unticks the 'Keep Full Slide Duration' box each time you press it. Using the slide/Timeline buttons to switch does not change the status. This & the View Menu bug happen on both my XP desktop & Vista Laptop. XP I installed V7.0.1 as a seperate version. Vista I installed it to overwrite V7.0 Jill
  17. Dave, Yes I have the most recent. As I said I downloaded it as a separate version. So I have V7.0, V7.0.1 first beta & V7.0.1 2nd beta all as separate versions. I will try it again on my laptop - Vista, later this evening. On that I allowed the betas to overwrite V7. So I just have the one version. As it 'appeared' to work on that last night, maybe it has something to do with the way it was loaded. Or maybe just a difference between XP & Vista - who knows!! Jill
  18. Dave, I know exactly how the new system should work, I just don't know why anyone would want or need to use it! As to the unpredictability, that is the problem I cannot always reproduce it. Look at my screen grabs from my earlier post. You will see that PTE set the screen to 7 when it should have been 4secs if following v6.5 or 7.5secs if following v7.0.1 I am now getting the same inconsistencies where it seems to be following a mixture of both rules. Even though I have Closed & restarted PTE SEVERAL times. This is on my desktop XP PC where I have installed V7.0.1 as a separate version, I.E. not overwriting V7.0 I have just started a new project, the default screen time is set to 7secs with the effect set to 2secs 'keep full slide duration' is unticked so it should work as v6.5 Add 3 slides & they show 2/7, 2/7, 2/7 ..... this is what I would expect if following v6.5. BUT switching to the Timeline view you can see that it appears to be following V7.0.1 The overall time is only 17secs, with slides 1 & 2 having 5secs & slide 3 having 7secs. Now Amend the effect time of Slide 3 (last Slide) to be 5secs. 3 ways of doing this are: Customise Slide; Using mouse wheel to increase the number; or typing 5 directly into the box. Again the slide view looks correct, but when you look at the Timeline, the overall time has DECREASED to 14secs & Slide 3 overlaps Slide 2. Whichever rules it is following, amending the effect duration should NOT alter the overall time. However, amending the effect duration the 4th way (& the way I usually do things) is to go into the Timeline & drag the grey bar of slide 3 to give 5secs duration. The overall time remains the same as expected. BUT switching back to Slide view & it shows that the screen time of Slide 2 has now altered to 10secs!! Something is clearly going wrong & results are totally unpredictable. I don't have any more time to spend on this now, so will await Igor's findings. Jill
  19. Dave, I have tried what you suggested & yes it is werid!! The first time PTE is opened, even if you don't do anything at all - every time you click on the view menu it changes 'Keep Full Slide Duration' from unticked to ticked to unticked again. Very strange. Closing PTE & restarting & things work as 6.5 if unticked. If ticked I still get unpredicatable results when moving slides or inserting new ones. I still cannot see any reason for having the new timing system as you can add video with the old system & move it around & it works perfectly. If the user has a need for the slide following the video to overlap it, then simply move it up the timeline by however much they want. Every situation will be different & it is not something that PTE should try to program for. Leave the timings as they were & always have been. They have worked for over ten years without problems. Why is video any different to anything else? I give a lot of talks to camera clubs & try to help beginers. If this new system is to remain I need to be able to demonstrate why it is needed & at the moment I have no idea why anyone would want or need to use it. So can someone please explain to me the need to include both transitions? Jill
  20. Things do seem to be behaving strangely & it seems to do different things each time & it is not always possible to recreate a problem. I have just created a new project in 7.0.1, before adding any slides in project options I set screen time to 4 & effect to 3.5. I then add 3 slides & would expect the total duration to be 12secs. It is NOT & is only 11secs. This means that slides have no screen time. Also it is behaving as V7 with the slides showing a screen time of 7 not 4 as expected with V6.5 See screen grabs. Jill
  21. Dave, Not sure what you mean by the two 'Timed Points'? This beta now has 'Keep Full Slide Duration' on the bottom of the main screen. When unticked it behaves exactly as version 7, slides include the outgoing transition & all the associated problems they had before. Nothing seems to have changed. When ticked it behaves as version 6.5, slides times are as expected. I have tried this on both my main pc - Windows XP & on my laptop - Vista & the problems do not seem to have been cured, only the switch is reversed. Jill
  22. Hi Igor, I have just downloaded the new beta & done a very quick test. It appears that the switch 'Keep Full Slide Duration' now works the other way around! So ticked it follows the old rules & unticked it is the new, which sadly still isn't working. I will do some more tests, but initial results still appear to be the same in that slides overlap. Jill
  23. Hi Igor, I also have been doing some tests & the 'Keep Full Slide Duration' option still does not work. Opening & amending a project created in ver 6.5 with ver 7.0,1 gives errors in timings. Also creating a new project & amending it in Ver 7.0.1 gives errors. Rather than trying to explain these verbally I have taken screen grabs & put them into an exe with extra comments. So hopefully it is easier to see what is happening. Low res images to keep the size down. Zip file 1.4mb Use the arrow keys to move through it. I still cannot understand the need for these changes as using the existing timing procedure works perfectly well for both slides & video. Surely it is just creating an extra lot of work & programing to change it. Video is just another object & it is up to the user to set how the video appears with transitions in/out. Yes with the existing timings the video will fade in with the default transition time. But it will stop playing before the next transition starts. So the user needs to set how/when the next object appears, be that another video or a slide. But surely that is just the same as it always has been for any object/animation. The main problem will be with the sound from the video, as having two videos merging will also cause the sound to overlap. Or even with video going into a slide the sound will continue but the image will be fading out & this could sound awful if the slide has its own sounds or there is a background sound track. Being able to alter the background/video sound levels is far more important than automatically putting a transition at the end of a video. Can I suggest that we leave the timings as they have always been, if someone wants videos to overlap it is extremely easy to just move the next object up the timeline a bit. Trying to program for it is causing too many problems. Please, Please, Please can you also reinstate the two icons for full screen view of file/slide list. These are very useful for beginners & I also use them when projecting club single image competition entries. It is so much easier to click on an icon than having to remember F keys & beginners wouldn't know what to use or where to find them. Hope you can sort out these problems soon. Jill
  24. The results and pictures of the Winners of the 17th UK National AV Championships are now available on the AV News website. More images will follow shortly Congratulations to all the award winners. Reports of the Event will appear in the November issue of AV News Magazine Jill
  25. DG Page 16 of the User Guide states - 'Options Show and Keep full slide duration are set by default, but you can uncheck them. Option Show full slide duration shows the slide duration itself and the duration of transition effect for the next slide. Option Keep slide duration is helpful if the slides in your slideshow have different duration and while changing their places, their duration is not changeable.' This does NOT tell a new user that the two options should be used in conjunction with each other & in fact suggests that they can be used independently. As Peter has said the timings are just not intuitive. Add 4 slides with 2 sec transition & 5 sec screen time. What you see on the screen (slide view) is 5secs in the bottom right of each image. This suggests a total time of 20secs whereas it is actually 14 secs. If you remove the 8secs of transition times that works out at 12secs. So the actual 14secs is illogical. The main problem is with the last slide which is given an extra 2secs of additional time for a non existent outgoing transition. If you increase the transition time of this slide to say 4secs so as to give the 1sec screen time that the other slides have, or reduce the duration to 3secs, so again keeping the actual 1 sec of screen time. If you then add another slide to the end, or move this last slide to another position you will find that transitions overlap. Now that the timings are shown on the slide it would make far more sense to have to the duration independent of any transition time. If I remember correctly this is how the very early versions of PTE used to be. If this new method is to work it needs to set the last slide to exclude the non existent outgoing transition & the two Options need to be linked so that one cannot be used without the other. Setting one & not the other ends up in disaster! Igor has said the reason for this new method of timing is to do with video, but I cannot see why that has any effect. A video clip is just another object and timings need to be set appropriately for any object so that it has the effect on screen that you wish. Just because a video clip is 20secs long does not mean that your slide time has to be 20secs, it can be longer or shorter & the video clip can fade in and/or out just as any other object would. As I said earlier a Transition is linked to a slide, you Customise an individual slide to have the incoming transition that you want to achieve a particular effect on screen. The outgoing transition is nothing to do with that slide & neither should the time. Jill Editor AV News
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