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Everything posted by phlipside

  1. Sounds very cool. and it's nice to have options! Thanks to everyone.
  2. I use P2E to create slideshows used as a part of a larger presentation. What I'd really like to do is have a black slide first that I can manually step off and then have the music and presentation roll from there. What I end up with now is either the projector's blue screen or my desktop both of which are distracting. So can I have one slide just sit there (either black or with my logo) till I manually start the next slide at which point the music starts and it runs through to the end? Have I made myself clear? Looking forward to any ideas. Jay
  3. Very clever! And astoundingly obvious! Which are the ones I never see. Thanks I'll try it. Tried it, works like a charm! You da man!
  4. Just getting started with this great program. I'd like to create a slide that has more than one photo on it. If I import one photo then go to add another I can't get the first photo to move so I can position it where I want it. Do I need to create such an image outside of P2E? Same question basically for a slide with no photo but text only. What's the best way to do this?
  5. I've just gotten started with P2E and I think I'm really going to like it. I've started my first project (question on that elsewhere) when I see there's a newer version. I've downloaded the .zip file. I'm currently using 3.75. Is there anything special I have to do to upgrade to the new version? Will it automatically find the current project? Lead a newbie through the process if you will. Thanks JP
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