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  1. After installing PicturesToExe 5.6.4 under Windows 7 , PicturesToExe starts up automatically. When you start immediately videobuilder it works fine and burn a DVD is a piece of cake. All this actions are done as administrator! After closing PicturesToExe 5.6.4. and restarting it , videobuilder doesn't work anymore for burning a DVD. The Optical drive can't be recognized, seems non existing.(empty fields) For solving the problem (temporarily) a new install of PicturesToExe 5.6.4. has to be done and directly after that a burn process (without closing PTE), for once. After closing PTE the error comes back. I come with this question not for me , I'm using 6.0, but a friend of me (86 years old!) wants to keep using PTE 5.6. Has someone a solution to that problem? Thanks and best regards!
  2. I've tested Fusion 3 on new iMAC and Windows XP home edition installed on a bootcamp partition. My first impression is positive and there's no lack of speed. But....just like with Paralells some slides with multiple masks aren't presented on the right way, some scrambling effect occurs. (I've choosen for running Fusion 3 with 2cpu and > 2GBram) I think that this information is important and that mayby there's a solution. I'll continue booting with bootcamp. Thanks for every reply. Regards,
  3. OK , seems a good way. Nevertheless building up some complex animations ask a precise sequence of inserting action points. But your point of view is interesting. I would replace "copy" in your proposal by "make visible". All points of one object visible (e.g. semi transparent) during building up the animation of another object. Best regards,
  4. I agree with you. I mend the repositioning of the pointer when you hit an action point. When I switch from one object to another an hit an action point, then the pointer reacts and I lose the old position of the pointer. So, my proposal could be: When you hit an action point by holding e.g. the controlkey the pointer doesn't react and remains upon his place until you move the action point. So you have the possibility to positioning the action point to that place of the pointer. Now it's impossible because the pointer joins the action point when you hit it. What should be new: Hold down the mouse button together with the Ctrl-key, allows to move the action point while the pointer stays on its place. Best regards,
  5. Dear Sir, There are many suggestions to ameliorate PTE. It's fantastic that so many people present their ideas. I understand that PTE should be kept a sweet software and don't become user unfriendly. But here IMHO I come with simple proposal with an positive impact. Now the pointer (blue triangle in the O&A window timeline) follows like expected, no problem. It changes its position also when you change from object inside one slide, e.g. from a photograph to text. It joins a current action point. It should be very very helpfull if the last preceding position of the pointer sticking to an action point, keeps visible and acts like a snap point cfr. the pointer itself. It should be easier to positioning action points of different objects inside one slide. (As alternative, a shortcut to memorise the pointer position should also be fantastic!) I hope many people react affirmative about this proposal. Best regards, I like PictureToExe and I like the forum!
  6. ferrolux


    A MAC version, that's what I'm hoping for. PTE in windows is already a cream, what will it be in a MAC environment...a revelation and success guaranteed! patience, patience, patience
  7. Oh, problem solved, codec H264 installed by installing iTunes all OK now.
  8. I'm using an Imac, Bootcamp and Windows XP SP2 is installed. The videocard is nVidia GT120. Windows XP SP2 is a fresh install with updating. Only service pack 3 isn't installed (own choice). By creating an 720p MPEG4 file, at the end of the processus (rendering) a file of 0 bytes is saved. What is missing here? Codec? Many thanks for a hint! Regards,
  9. I'll probable move to Apple but I'm not sure about the choice macbook or Imac. I would know if the speed of recent macbooks is sufficient for PTE and what are then the conditions (use of bootcamp or other loader), Windows version...My intention is the use of bootcamp and Windows XP. Now for presentations by friends and family I haven't a fast laptop but I use a cheap multimedia box (99€) of WD "WDTV" . My AV presentations are created with “HD video for PC and Mac” 1920x1080 high quality. The results are superb and reach almost the exe file quality. I reduce the size of the used slides to the minimum, otherwise pan&zoom isn't smooth any more. My PC with a nVidia 8500GT is faster but without reducing the size of the slides I've got shaking pan&zoom too. All hints to guarantee smooth pan&zoom are welcome! Regards,
  10. The microphone supplied with the Asus MB http://www.andreaelectronics.com/Buy/Produ...rbeam_Array.htm And a small cabine of cardboard an insulating material? regards,
  11. Thank you very much for this hint. It's the right solution. Regards,
  12. When using the fullscreen slide list I've sometimes problems to find the current slide. One reason could be the white frame around the current slide. My suggestion is using a darker frame or some other accentuating. The same for the normal slide list. I'm using a calibrated monitor. Regards,
  13. Hello, Thank you very much for answering. I've studied the different options in PTE and watched the forum about this. There are limitations but I don't worry about. When I make an AV presentation I feel like an artist. I imagine, try, feel, retry...One day I'm happy, another day I question myself. For an AV presentation of 10 minutes based on 1 piece of music I use PTE like most people do and I like it. But for longer AV presentations e.g. impressions of a 10 days journey I want to choose for every minute the right music. Trying, saving, exporting as MP3 file. Reopen the project in PTE (is really necessary to avoid error message during export) and so on ....is no practical. Trying out and positioning at <3/10 s in a first draft is easy with the described method. Further on I make small displacements of the slides and key frames in PTE and avoid to correct the sound file. (to laborious). I make most animations after the generation of the sound track. If synchronizing PTE and Audacity was a piece of cake I would be very very happy. Best regards,
  14. How I do this:see attachment. Finally I come with a question. Do you find this a good method? Is there a trick to start playing Audacity and PicturesToExe together with the same mouseclick or keystroke? If not who can help, the audacity community or...? Regards, methodPTE_Audacity.doc
  15. Hello, I appreciate this discussion. Is it “aV” or “Av” or “AV”? It should be “AV”. Until now I've concluded: Make your sound track in an sound editor an only synchronise on the time line in PTE. (PTE4 and SyP is gone). With agility and a fast PC it works fine and future versions will ameliorate it. Today I appreciate the high output quality of PTE. “Keep it sweet and simple” is a good statement for the user interface but I hope PTE goes also for an advanced “V”. Can the development give their long term vision on the "A" and the "V" ? Best Regards.
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