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Everything posted by pisolomau

  1. Hello everybody, I want to know if is still available to download the PTE version 7.0.5 Thanks a lot in advance mau
  2. No problem Kieron, is a pleasure for me.... This the links to my gallery on ladakh and others.. http://www.pbase.com/photo_mau/india_ladakh_kashmir
  3. I understand now. Great idea, thanks for the suggestion Dom..
  4. Many thanks for your suggestions and remark about my slideshow. Here you can download the slideshow win exe (64 MB): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QV9RBPG8 Dom,(by the way, my compliments for your amazing tutorials ;=)) What do you mean "you should try to add backgrounds for slides with portrait pictures." Can you give me an example? Admiral, I saw your web site: congratulations on the work you've done! P.S. Sorry for my bad English...
  5. A small slideshow (6 min) created with PTE 6 and exported on Vimeo in HD. Enjoy http://www.vimeo.com/7457226 File exe http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QV9RBPG8
  6. Great job, thanks to Igor and team! And now.... I'm waiting for a version of PTE for Mac!!
  7. Hi Henri, leopard 10.5.7
  8. Hello everybody I made download of the version 6 beta 24 of PTE as really interested in preparing executable files for MAC I tried to load a project done with version 5.0 and then I created a stand alone file for MAC I tested the file on iMac 24" Alu Core 2 Duo 2,8GHz GPU NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS: fluid animation, perfect images and audio The same file on Mac Book Unibody 2.0 GHz GPU nVidia 9400 works well apart from some micro audio interruptions as if audio missed a space Could you explain me what happens? thx in advance mau
  9. Thx Ken! Can the reg key unlock the limitations of 10 slides also for ver.6.0 beta?
  10. Hello everybody I'd like to buy licence for version 5.6. If I download version 6.0 beta, the licence I'm going to buy is valid also for this version? thanks in advance mau
  11. thanks Lin I will stay tuned
  12. Hello everybody what about a version for mac users? Is there a project for create a PTE version for mac? THX
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