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  1. Hi i did reinstall and checked what you say it only changed the icon . It still did not go to the ver 6 .I did the usual open with always open with this that had no effect . Solution -----explorer tools folder options file types scroll to pte clk change and sel ver 6 from list bingo it works . Iwas sticking to ver 6 as its on old ME pc but i will change all to ver 7 . thanks to all cheeers John
  2. Hello i have on pc PTE 5.5 V6.0.2 V7 i make show with pte V6.0.2 and save make exe and dvd fine . When i double clk the pte file which has like a generic icon it opens V5.5 and says cant open not made with this version. If i open pte v6 and go file open and go to that pte it opens no problem. i used ver 6.0.2 to make the exe when i browes with open with to the V6 folder clk on the start exe i get [cant open maybe made with newer ver1.00-1.6] I try browes to ver 7 as that mybe back compatible to v6 no get same answer cant open. any solution please ?
  3. Hello all ypu helpful; guys i may have solution crossed fingers as yet .I found the hard drive was on the middle socket of the ide cable. Now from what i found out this is not good as there is a stub hanging un terminated on the end . I have put drive as master on the end socket [ black plug ] and it has not failed since .Even if it does not solve this problem its a good thing to have done in any case, it must have been like that since PC was built and i kept all as was . i have a new question that i shall put as new topic. thanks J
  4. Hi guys thanks for response it began on what was looking like a duff drive . So put image on new drive of windows and started again hence install new pte I have tried your ideas i opened the V6 pte with V7 and after a couple of tries it did it in that as well..... So its got a version of windows that is prior to any problems a different HD It does it in two versions of pte Now i think that Ver 6 could have a problem as i tried a pte made in Ver 7 and it did not do it [but there again it does not do it every time in any case ] I guess that as its new to you i shall have to keep attempting to isolate the thing my self .I will start by uninstall ver 6 reinstall and try that .Im working with V6 as i have not up date key for ver 7 but no matter for pte and exe.
  5. Hello Folks i loose my cursor %90 of the time when i use esc to stop a show. It is confined to pte show preview only ... exe file ok cant do it in any other app. have to restart pc to get cursor again. All else ok any ideas please ? win xp home
  6. moonman


    hello you helpfull guys . i am not sure if lin now wants me to up load again . If you do i am lost on how to do it . I have used mail big file a web up load but dont know how on earth i would get it to this forum or you. I have sent the file to a friend to try on his pc see if he gets same result. If he does i will try sending to you. cheers john
  7. moonman


    thank you man from the bay it might well be i have made narrower pans before without problems. cheers john happy new year
  8. moonman


    Hello i have tried with short transition as you say no diff also try with no blk starter slide again no effect Would it help if i up loaded the file for any body to try . I dont know if thats possible i know i can up load but how you get at it no idea . cheers J
  9. moonman


    Hello thanks for response to Lin golly i thought i put everything its pix dims are 3530 x 526. i sent file to two others one regular pte man sees stutter the other on a sony laptop after careful prompting does not see any stutter. I notice i am down as a junior member but im actually an old man !! I will try other suggestions like the no transition . cheers j
  10. moonman


    Hello i have been making a pan shot and am getting a stutter about 5 secs into a 1min pan. smooth after that. win xp serv pk 3 spd 1.8 Gh ram 960 Mb V ram256mb virt mem 672Mb free disc space 2.7 Gb avail V mem 1.96Gb . 5 sec blk---4 sec trans---60 sec pan---4 sec trans----blk does not show in small p/v only at full scrn the stutter seems to be at end of first blk slide i attch the exe Otley panorama 1 17 Mb any suggestions please
  11. I shall continue to investigate this if i get any sense from it i shall post my findings .Thanks for all of your help and time cheers john an old feller in otley england Its very strange that im not had a reply from wn soft from my first request and send agains do think something has happened to them ?
  12. Hello Peter i have made scrn grabs of file info in cool edit it does show that cool ver wasat 44,100 and aud at 22050 see my attches. thanks for your time cheers john
  13. Hi guys dont seem to have got my last reply posted try this i note what said. i have since tried this . The orig sound trk was from cooledit yet played and looked fine for timing inany other editor.So this time i opened in audacity then re saved . Put it into pte and proj options agrees with the timing and it fades out as per the timeline waveform. I think pte have a bug problem but they dont respond to my question other than giving a ref no this has gone on since sept ! Thanks for you help but it really means that you must play around with diff sound editors to see if they correspond with pte
  14. Hello In pte 5.5 both my friend and i have had this problem. You edit a sound track to a given length that matches slide show ie full show 14min 01 fade out at 13min 45 This matches the time line display Now when you put this sound trk into pte proj options shows it as15min25 impossible it aint that length ! When you view it in time line it looks perfect ie you see the fade out and end of trk coincident with last slide. As14min with fade at 13m45 But ! when you play it in p/v instead of fading out the music plays on past the end of the show and stops abruptly at end of last slide without any fade out at all. ie it wants to play on to 15min25 I could find now way of sorting this so i made the exe and to my surprise it faded our correctly . So i went ahead and made the DVD that too was correct. So whats going on oin pte in that it sees a sound track at the wrong length. It would present real problems if i had wanted to shift any timings having put the sound track in i would not know what i was looking at as the time line does not tally with the inserted track length. I have been trying to contact wn soft since 29 sept with tracking id of 6JP7XRQP2Q but have had no response Can you help please cheers john
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