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  1. yes, i think thats it! this is exactly the problem. uhhhm... one more question... if somebody gets a show created by me and uses an ati radeon card, he will have the same problem like me? so he has to install the fix? or does the fix change PTE and it will work all over? thanx for all your nice support! felix
  2. so, now i´ve installed on my vista-laptop and here it walks very well. all functions perfect. but what could be the matter with the other pc running win xp? i was looking to all settings like grafic-card and so on. but i´ve found definitely nothing... and i never got trouble on any other programs, its a core 2 desktop-pc, average speed, fine grafic....
  3. i use .jpg format the picts have between 100-500 kb it´s the first time i use this program, never created a show before... ok i will specificate: when i click on the preview button, it takes little second befor the whole screen gets a little golden, after that there comes the show but even foggy interesting: if i take a screenshot and paste to cs2 there is no golden fog on it! only in the show...
  4. Grafic-card: 256MB Radeon x1950 Everything other else is running fine, i work with pictures every day, all other programs ok, all other picture viewers ok... also in the preview-window of PTO the colours are ok.
  5. Hi, i have some trouble while using PtE 5.1 and also on the new beta. I can do everything, create my shows and so on. But when i click on preview and also after i´ve created a .exe the show comes with a golden fog, means there are no regular colours. The whole pictures are little foggy, looks like all is under a golden shadow. I´ve tried to uninstall and reinstall the program, was looking for configure everything for hours. Nothing helped. Now i´m short to become a crisis. Am i stupid, do i need some glasses? Or is there any trouble with my installation? Anybody can help me? Thank you!
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