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Everything posted by marianchild

  1. My DVD burner is under a year old and I normally use nero to burn DVDs. I have burnt both types on this burner, and am halfway through my stack of DVDs so I am sure there is no problem with my burner or discs which I use for my photography business, so I try to get the best. Definitely DVDs. I get to the ISO stage, so will have to use another piece of software to burn it. When I buy the next stack I will ensure I get the right type. (found the label - current batch is DVD+R) thanks for your advice. - I have learnt not to burn at more than 8x. Ironically the only DVD I have managed to burn was at 18x. But it only worked the once, I only tried out of desperation
  2. I am having the same problems. Is there a solution to this. I have good quality DVDs but as they are coated for printing I cannot tell if they are -R or +R. Is this the issue I have slowed the speed, but it doesn't work. Can anyone please help. Downloaded it a couple of days ago - the new DVD burner version
  3. I am having the same problems. Is there a solution to this. I have good quality DVDs but as they are coated for printing I cannot tell if they are -R or +R. Is this the issue I have slowed the speed, but it doesn't work. Can anyone please help. Downloaded it a couple of days ago - the new DVD burner version
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