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Everything posted by BobM

  1. I've updated, but now get a PTE Process that is taking up 25% of processor time the first time I try to run it, but don't get a PTE screen, the second time I run it I get a PTE screen and 2 processes. Is this to be expected?
  2. Hi All, thanks for your positive responses, but any suggestions for improvement are welcomed. Bob
  3. Hi All, I'm a long time lurker and get lots of tips. Here is a contribution for your critiscism Zipped AV Bob
  4. 1680 x 1050 Bob
  5. In 6.5 I could select some slides in time line view and then move them along by dragging one of them. In 7 beta 3 as soon as you left button on one of the selected slides all the others get deselected and don't move. Bob
  6. Hi John, Thank you for a very informative document. One typo I think, page 20, second paragraph, end of 1st sentence 'Add Sound audio' rather than 'Add Slide audio'. Bob
  7. Hi nobeefstu, Thanks for that information - magic. I was brought up in the days of DOS and "start" didn't exist then. Bob
  8. Thanks Peter, Your proposal does save work over what I was thinking of doing. regards Bob
  9. Peter, thanks for the reply. I understand what you are saying, but unfortunately I didn't give you the full story of what I'm trying to do. Here goes :- It is a travelogue and I want to click one button that says "View all" and another button which says "View by place". This latter button goes to a slide with a map with buttons placed on the map that can be clicked to "Run slideshow with return" for a particular place. What I want to achieve with the "View all" is the ability to run in sequence all these individual place slideshows which of cause don't want to have a "Run slideshow on exit" for use in the "View by place" mode. I realise that I could copy all of the individual slide shows in to one big one for the "View all", but I was hoping I could avoid the duplication that that would involve. regards Bob
  10. Hi all, I'm sure that the topic of running a number of slide shows successively and automatically has cropped up before, but cannot locate an answer. I have resorted to creating a '.bat' file with the slide show EXEs named on successive lines and then have a button that "runs application or open file" on clicking. It works but with the cmd screen showing in between each. Am I missing a trick? Can "Run Slideshow With return" take a list of slideshows and overcome the 'cmd' screen bit? Bob
  11. Just a clarification, ImageComp Pro wasn't developed by our club, it's author is Roy Moore. We have been using it for 2 years on an XP Laptop. Bob
  12. Hi All, I've been a lurker on this forum for some time, it has been very informative as well. Anyway getting back to the thread of competition software, our club uses ImageComp Pro http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/imagecomppro/index.html It has worked well for us and costs very little, and after a bit of training on behalf of the button pusher gives a very slick presentation for all aspects required. I'm sure this topic was raised some time ago and several other packages mentioned as well. Bob
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