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About raybridges

  • Birthday 10/22/1955

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  • Interests
    Photography,cricket, steam railways, history, genealogy.

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  1. A lesson for the planners, although I don't think they ever listen to those these changes affect. Well done Roger on a wonderful documentation of events.
  2. Thank you snapcam. Yes all of the images except 3 are my own or from the family album.
  3. Thank you everyone for your help, especially Yachtsman One for his tutorial. I have now uploaded to Slideshowclub. raybridges
  4. I have tried twice to upload to Slideshowclub but when I click to upload the page reverts to the terms and conditions which I have read and agreed to. At this point I gave up.
  5. This is a show set to Russell Watson's song 'Homeground'. It was made for a camera club AV group topic to interpret a song. It lasts about 6 minutes 30 secs and the file size is 54mb. All of the montages were created in CS6, Topaz and OnOne.http://www.mediafire.com/download/csm558y429y2h4o/Homeground.exe
  6. Superb! No more to be said. Ray
  7. Hello Roger, I really enjoyed the show. The music was excellent as was the photography. The AV as a whole gave you a sense of being there. Well done!! Ray.
  8. Hi Roger, Many thanks for your advice. Best wishes, Ray
  9. Hi Roger, I tried normalize and have increased the music volume. What do you think? Happy New Year, Ray
  10. Thank you Robert and Happy New Year.
  11. Hi Eric, Thanks for your thoughts. I will see what it sounds like when I play it in a larger venue. I like the sound as it stands but i'm always open to other opinions. Happy New Year, Ray
  12. A new show made entirely from pictures taken on the Romney Marsh in Kent early one morning this December. All pictures were taken from the roadside or very close to it. The show is 30mb in size and lasts about 4 minutes.Link to my AV
  13. Thank you to everyone for their positive comments and taking the time to watch.
  14. Thank you Bill I'm glad you enjoyed it. Ray
  15. A new AV lasting 3 minutes 30 seconds 24mb in size My link The poem was written and read by me. The music is Bilitis- Generique sung by Sarah Brightman.
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