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Everything posted by BabuWriter

  1. Arrrgh. I did rip the audio and add back in as a new movie... no use! no use! my little brain is going to explode. Every TouTube version I make just sucks! I do remember doing something weird with the narrration. It started as mono, then I split it, and inverted one track of the stereo to give it a more 3 dimensional feel against the background music. If you listen to the original it sounds like the narrator is standing in front of the orchestra, closer to you, rather than simply mixed in. The answer? KISS. Keep it simple stupid... and maybe next time I won't have this problem. Still... I have no clue what happens on YouTube to mess it up so badly.
  2. strange. the blog (Daily Motion) movie sounds fine on all of our computers.
  3. yes, that is precisely the problem. in the avi, the sound is fine. you can hear the spoken word part over the music. so why isn't it working when i upload it? especially since it works fine on DailyMotion?
  4. btw, I go by "Babu" which is my screen name all over the place.
  5. can't recompile because of a hard drive crash. i just have the avi now. have i given enuf info? gspot says my avi has the following characteristics (my partner made the one with the mp3 audio but it looks and sounds exactly the same): 129 MB (132,382 KB / 135,559,168 bytes) Note: 408 bytes unneeded bytes at end of file AVI v1.0 Video: 102 MB (79.67%) AVI Overhead: 147 KB (0.11%) Audio: 26.1 MB (20.22%) WMV3 WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main) 30fps 640x480 PCM audio - 44100Hz 1411 kb/s tot (2 chnls)
  6. ok... fiddled with it endlessly and the result is always the same: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9p60BOcHV8 is from an avi using an mp3 soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkZDFPEGAS4 uses a PCM meanwhile my original avi still sounds and looks great on my XP system and on Vista. Meanwhile Nero crashes on XP when i try to make a new movie and Quicktime does too when i try to convert. Just upgraded Quicktime to 7.5 and still it crashes. arrrgh.
  7. uploading it again now... will take while cuz it's over 100mb. meanwhile on my blog you can see how it looks on DailyMotion. http://TheLemonPrincess.blogspot.com. Possibly it is a compression problem with YouTube because whether I use my original avi or download the movie from Daily Motion and then send it to YouTube as a Flash... same problem. Grrr. thanks for any advice. Will give you the YouTube link as soon as it is ready.
  8. I have made a PTE show which is beautiful and converted it to an avi with mp3 --- which is also beautiful, and of the sort that YouTube supposedly likes -- but Youtube just garbles the sound. Been thru all the FAQs etc on the Youtube site and from their point of view I am doing everything right. So why doesn't it work? I have background music that sounds ok, but the voice part -- which I originally made on Audacity and exported as an mp3 before adding it to the project -- is very faint and garbled. Have conveted the avi into various other formats before uploading and have the same problem. Is there an underlying codec issue somewhere? What do I need to do differently? This project was made on an earlier version of pte and I can't redo it. I guess I could rip the audio onto Audacity and add it back into the video, but how do I avoid this problem in future PTE projects?
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