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Everything posted by Bobo

  1. Link Seems broken.
  2. Is this a good time to hint that it would be nice to be able enter Asian fonts as well? The only work around now is to enter Asian fonts in Photoshop. Bobo
  3. If anyone has an old Zoom H2 or similar to "ditch", I'd like to buy it!
  4. Can you share what you are doing that contributes to your success?
  5. There have even been a few times when I wished there were image blending modes such as additive, subtractive, light, multiply, etc. Maybe that is too complex to implement, or maybe not.
  6. Please tally my vote as HIGHLY in favor of audio capability as Peter has described it. I absolutely believe that no very basic sound track adjustment is presently the greatest limiting factor in PTE. 1. I also propose 3d capability (merely a cool gadget if we can reasonably have it) 2. An overall improved, intuitive interface (including mini previews of effects) 3. An improved forum (Peter you do a great job, but you can't do it all, and a more family/student friendly forum could be developed-- more details available if we want to discuss this) 4. I do NOT want to see prices go up, and bought PTE in part because it was a great product that--who knows--might continue to be developed and I could get free updates. That has proven to be astoundingly true. Igor has kept his word. However, I just wonder if something like purchasable plugins were available (i.e. DVD writing module, sound editing module, etc.) then those who want/need/can-afford-them could purchase them, and those who don't can live happily ever after with regular upgrades. Of course I would far rather I could have it all and have it free
  7. I'm kinda at the bottom of the totem pole, but I have to suggest this free software: http://icofx.ro/index.html It does all you could hope for, quick and easy.
  8. Got it! Thanks SOOO much!
  9. YES! Now that is is one GREAT slide show! A keeper for sure.
  10. Does anyone know where to get a copy of the slideshow of aircraft mishaps at the Old Hong Kong airport? I think it was originally posted on Beechbrook maybe 4-5 years ago--that is a wild guess. I asked for this a year or two ago, and someone provided it, but then I lost it again! Bad Me! Thanks, Bobo
  11. You are WONDERFUL! You just made my life that much easier! Thank you SOOOO much!
  12. I'm one of those Americans who love grass roots efforts to bring about change. But don't blame it on our country alone! We learned it from the French during the French Revolution! Liberte! Fraternite! Egalite! You British are always trying to put down rebellion ever since a few folks in Boston threw a little of your tea into the ocean! (If my humor is out of place I will publicly apologize) I do respect all members here, deeply. We have egalite. I would also offer that the liberte to express our wants and hopes is OK. Of course we should be respectful. I know there are language differences; I think that adds color and I have long loved it. I speak to my wife about my "friends" from UK, Russia, France, Spain, US, and where else? We can be slow to take offense, if we bother to take offense at all--this is just a forum after all. However it is to PTE's credit that people take it so seriously! I don't use the the "Original Size" feature, though I might have if I had known about it earlier. But the more I read about it the more useful it seems. I will be patient for these features however long they take...I love PTE enough just as it is. ----------- But, since I'm here anyway, can we sometime reconsider these features? 1. A way to keep the customize slide dialog box open in order to process customization of many slides faster (big issue for me) 2. No limit on the number of icon colors (minor detail) Long live fraternite!
  13. My Username is new, but I have been using PTE since back in the days when it ran on an abacus. Back when men went out with clubs to drag something big back (not a wife) to the cave for dinner. Igor was probably in grammar school then. I'm going to be painfully honest, so take a deep breath, here goes... This forum seems to be made up mostly of stuffy older men (among whom I am chief). We are men who can more or less afford big black cameras and can more or less afford the time to create AV. We don't want to have to change our habits--the way we have been doing things for a long time. While we want PTE to be easy, we demand extreme quality, ability to be creative and we clamor for development. With better profits, Igor can better develop PTE. We all want that. But how? This might be a good time to reach a wider market-audience. 1. Develop a Simple interface with a few pretty buttons handily arranged. Include some Kool templates. This will meet the needs of Newbies, grandmas, kids, moms, dads, college kids, high school kids, and drive-by slide show makers. Quick, easy, fun and fast. Yet it will produce a result that only PTE can create--Kool and Quality slide shows. Then...push an "advanced" button and voila! You open another page filled with buttons, knobs and levers for those of us who love to tinker with such stuff. It won't matter a lot how the buttons are scattered over the page--we will figure it out (with a little help from Peter, Len and Ken, Ronnie and others). 2. Develop a Quick-Start manual and an Advanced Manual (which is already developed). 3. Develop this Forum. There could be an open friendly air for moms, dads, kids, grandparents. It should be warm and inviting and interesting for college kids and high school kids. It should be family-friendly where people can chatter about daily life and have something more than just images on Flickr or Myspace to show off their creativity and photos and life. It should be a community that people can belong, contribute and where they feel needed. It needs to be kept safe and clean. Of course there will always be a place for stuffy old duffers like us to talk about the "things that really matter," like PTE, photography, AV, etc. 4. Develop a hosting site. There would be a place where high school kids would post their slide shows of the latest football game, grandma could show off the knitting bee, dad could show off his fishing trip with his son. There could be a place for cool animations, demonstrations, cartoons, and of course a site for awesome professional productions. Stuffy old men could offer encouragement to newbies and recognize those who are improving. Kids could sneak over and look at the honed productions of Pros and imagine what they could someday do. Don't under-rate kids. They will learn PTE faster than Musty Old Duffers any day...if we can just get them started. --- Personally I think PTE is easy to use...but I've used it a long time. I would suggest a better button arrangement. Buttons are often not where I expect. When my kids use the program they often say..."Where do I just push to make it..." And I have to show them. I still think the whole timeline, audio thing is confusing. It's awesome what it will do, but a bear to figure out. I am in the habit of just not doing some things cuz I'm not sure what happens or if I will make a mess of my work. Maybe developing lots of "tool tips" popups with very clear messages would help. A very basic audio feature should be included on the timeline. I'm not talking Audacity, just simply the ability to align a few tracks with a mouse and fade in and out. That may be the next most important thing in broadening market appeal. I also think that ability to create multi-faceted images (such as rotatable 6-faced cubes) and development of free-transformation of images would make PTE far beyond the reach of competition and result in a whole new dimension of AV. But maybe that belongs on another part of this forum.
  14. I picked up some free Hannah Montana 3D glasses at Walmart awhile back. Good thing! WOW! I am impressed! Must you use 2 cameras? What if you just shift one image slightly, can you get pretty close to the same effect?
  15. Ken, Tom, Yachtsman, Thanks for your input. This B&W slide show was something I haven't tried before, and I couldn't tell if I liked it or not. I like B&W when Ansel Adams does it. Tom, I played with some of the doors doing what you said--adjusting mainly Red and Yellow in Lightroom. My wife wandered by and said "Wow! Thats it!" So it must be. My slide shows always tend to be a bit fast; nothing is more dreadful than a dull slide show. I appreciate your advice and will slow down a bit Tom, I know what you mean about the monotony and predictability of evenly timed slides and transitions. Yet, too much variation feels contrived. How do you find that sweet spot? I know it when I see it. Does someone have an example show they can recommend?
  16. You can count if you want. The number of doors kept changing and I'm not sure how many actually survived in the end. A few seemed more like gates than doors. Anyway, I thought many looked nicer in B&W than color, since some had little color to begin with. I would really like to know how to do better--please tell me. http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=1619
  17. When customizing many slides it is presently necessary to open and close the "Customize slide" dialog box for each slide. Can a features be added that allow: 1) the ability to "arrow through" slides leaving the dialog box open such as we can do in the O&A window? 2) the ability to leave the dialog box open and click on the slide we desire to customize? This would make customizing many consecutive slides much faster and less error-prone
  18. My daughter recently made a slide show. Pictures varied up to 6mb /image. Photos were scattered in folders from the desktop to who knows where buried in the bowels of 2 different hard drives. Then she complained that the pictures needed some editing and were jerky. How was I supposed to find all those pictures? Edit them? Resize them? Not overwrite anything original or change image paths so PTE can't find them or create umpteen mb's of unwanted images to store? ARGHH!!!! Easy. Use File | Create Backup in ZIP Save the zip somewhere convenient and then unzip it to its own folder. Voila! Everything is in one place. Music, photos, rasterized text images, the pte file finds all these resources in the new local folder. It don't get better than that!
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