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Everything posted by kessnick

  1. Thanks so much John and Yachtsman1! Both of your suggestions worked great. I was able to change the timing of the slides so they worked perfectly with the music and ended at each section before the next piece began. I'm glad I didn't need to mess with the music too much this time, but would probably do more editing as you suggested when I do this again (hopefully with more lead time, haha). Thanks again for help! Kess
  2. Hi all, just new to using PTE and, of course, in a rush to create a 135 pic slideshow for a friend. I have all the slides in but there are 3 definite 'sections' to the slideshow and I have 3 pieces of music to go with each section. How do I coordinate my audio files with my slides? For ex, my first section has about 30 slides, then the next section has about 40, etc. Sorry, this is probably really dumb, but any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much, Kess
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