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About Aleksey

  • Birthday 11/30/1976

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  1. Hi Paul! You can use the "New Project" instead. The new project will not require saving until the first modification (adding a slide or music). This behavior is more convenient than simply closing the project in my opinion. Aleksey
  2. I fixed this bug. Download and reinstall beta 14 again please. Aleksey Elin. WnSoft Ltd.
  3. Hi Paulvn and JSlugman You can solve the problem by "Group" the objects and ALL graphics in the slide. You must place the main picture as the image object in the object editor and group it with other objects in the slide. This will preserve the relations between the main picture and other objects at the slide. Paulvn, We plan to add the resizeble picture and all other objects in future versions of the program. Aleksey L. Yelin. WnSoft Inc.
  4. Sorry. The link: www.audacity.sourceforge.net does not work Where I can find this program else?
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