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Everything posted by capricorn36

  1. :)I recently used the movie mode on my Fuji Finepix S9500 when on holiday. I am a new user of P2E and have tried to add these movie clips to be used as part of my slideshow, which also contains digital stills. Although I can see these Movie files in Adobe Bridge (CS3) and they play, and are quite good, I am unable to add them to a P2E slide show when I browse for them. In fact, I cannot even seen them - there are no .avi or .mov files shown. I have previously used Memories on Tv, whereby I was able to use still and movie clips and they would play on the same Slide show. I could also burn my Slide show to DVD for TV viewing. Am I right in thinking that .avi or .mov files cannot be used within Pictures2Exe? If they can, would you mind telling me how this can be done?
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