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  1. Hi fransw

    I am please to understand that you attempt to play my english tutos, unfortunatly we just face a hosting service's downtime.

    Sevice is back to order so you should procede and I will be plesed to get your comments.



  2. Hello Lin It is true that there are no significant differences between HD on/off when viewing video with the base size of the player, however if you opt for full screen using the proposed option in the navigation bar there is a large difference in quality and format. Regards Jean-Claude
  3. Hi peter Thanks for this advice, I re-checked all links and I hope I fix it. Regards Jean-Claude
  4. Jean-Claude, Sorry, I inadvertently wrote over your post - That happens sometimes when moderator's are not careful - I apologize!!! I'll try to remember what you said and paraphrase it below: You said that I probably downloaded the low resolution version for iPod and that it was necessary to click on the "HD" button to get the high resolution version. The low resolution version must be used on iPod and both are available on the same link. My findings: Hi Jean-Claude, Thanks! That is "exactly" what happened. I downloaded again after making certain that I had HD selected and the output was perfect on all my players. Interestingly, even without the HD turned on, when viewing on your link the output was perfectly good at "low" resolution. But when the low resolution files were played on other players they were, as expected, less than optimal. Perhaps a note to be certain that viewers pay more attention (I didn't notice the HD on and off on first view) might be helpful. Best regards, Lin
  5. Hello hello Lin Goddi Thank you for your appreciations, they encourage me to pursue and I will quickly bring new tutorials on video. Did you have the opportunity to view the tutorials on an iPhone or an iPad ? Thank you for your cooperation. Regards jean-Claue
  6. Hello Lin Yes it is a problem I ask myself for several weeks because I want to distribute my tutorials also on iPhone and iPad. Finally I found the solution using the new versions of JWplayer http://www.longtailvideo.com/ Here you can see my first test: http://www.clubipi.com/learning-center.html In this regard, I will appreciate your reactions because I'm currently re-editing all the tutorials I had done on PTE version 5 with version 6.5 and future version 7. I have the ambition to make an English version, but before proceeding if you can tell me if my English is understandable or not I will appreciate? Regards Jean-Claude
  7. Hello If you are interested in the internet broadcast of your slideshows in the form of video you can see an example here. http://vieillespierres.1cd2.com/les-cloitres-en-italie.html This site uses Joomla as a base and we are developing our sites as part of an association 1colibri-diffusion where we share the cost of a very powerful server to meet the needs of the video bandwith. You can see here the sites developed by the association's members they often present videos and slideshows created with PTE. http://www.clubipi.1cd1.com/realisations.html Regards Jean-Claude
  8. Hi Igor, I am not going to enter in the technical discusion as the subject is so well presented by Jean-Pierre. I just want to confirm my full support to his request and tell that the most important from a user standpoint of vu, is to be able to get a perfect continuity from one version to an other. This is particulary true for the Original mode that we really used almost in each Show we created. This as been the way we teached user's to work whith PTE. Regards Jean-Claude
  9. Hi Igor, During several hours, JPD and I, have been dicussing the topics he describe in his message and I fully support his request. I hope you will be in favor to give all attention to the subject. Regards Jean-Claude
  10. Hi Igor, Many thanks to release the 5.6 Beta1 I really appreciate to have the opportunity to test it. My first concern is about the fact that you remove the "adjust to the original" option that we use intensively in all our productions. This is a very helpful solution when we want to adjust format to various media. I hope it's not a big deal for you to maintain this option beside the other feature you are offering in this new release. I really appreciate the mask feature and other improvement to edit to various support as youtube etc.. I will pursue my inquiries and let you know. Regards Jean-Claude
  11. Hi lin You are right for the preload time. The exemple I offer to watch is placed on a personal page server, offer by the FAI which is realy à bad place to get performance. The expérience I got whith my tutos (FLV file) in terme of performance is satisfactory . But I use a dedicated server. Jean-Claude
  12. Hi This technique explain in my tutorial is issued from JPD's recommendations. The goal is to offer the best quality to anyone who wants to watch a .exe file whatever his screen resolution is ! The idea is to use a gauge image as a parent to pilot all the child. This technique is also help full to manage the safe-zone if you want to create a version to watch on a TV set. If your community is interested by this technique I will by please to implement some English summary version of it. Let me know. Jean-Claude
  13. I Guy_Paris You can see an exemple here : http://fotodiapo.free.fr/dream/video01/index.html This is and exemple base on a FLV file created directly from PTE thru an flv encoder. If you need some help for that just ask for: Jean-Claude
  14. I godi, I use to explain in a VIDEO tutorial how to manage that situation, unfortunatly this is in french language but you can watchit and probably understand it with the images. http://www.1colibri.com/video_show/index.php?reference=pte36 Regards Jean-Claude
  15. Thanks Lin I will experiment that and let you Know. Regards Jean-Claude
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