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  1. Thanks Lin. I'm sure he liked the "dessert" at the end best I liked your Halloween skit. Nice sounds, and the pumpkin was great. Herhey
  2. This a Star Trek themed show I made for my father's birthday a few years ago. I made it using an older version of Pics2Exe (5.6 I believe). I realize this won't be as entertaining to people who don't know my father (or me), but I thought people might like to see it. Some things you should know before you watch: Our family calls my father Wally as a goofy nickname, he loves butter tarts, and goes to Starbucks everyday. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2MW7LK69
  3. Sorry if people are having issues with depositfiles. I have uploaded it to two other sites, and have updated the first post with new links. Herhey
  4. This really isn't a template, but I didn't know where else to post it. (I also searched first and couldn't find anything similar). I made a cheap looking theater marquee sign (for a project I was working on), with a 4 frame animated light sequence. It's not a template, just a picture with the 4 frames you load in (for PTE 6.5 and up) Remember in the animation tab to set the rows and columns to two and two. The default speed (100) seems fine. Then just add your own text to the sign. I left the picture rather large, so you may want to re-size it before importing, to keep project size smaller. There is a slight graphic anomaly with it. I have the glow from the lights extending past the frame slightly, which can produce a fine line where the glow meets the frame of the sign. If you open the pic in any image editing program, it won't be there. It only appears in PTE (oh well). Turning on low quality resizing seems to eliminate it. I have included 4 different sequences. Clockwise, with many and few lines. As well as Counter clockwise with many and few lines. http://depositfiles.com/files/3vviunpzt http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SG9YKRCM http://www.mediafire.com/?fl77sfdqvvyz054
  5. Thanks for the kind words. I Added a link in the original post for the animated road I made for the e-card I made for my sister a couple of years ago. It looks a little simplistic and cheap but someone may find it fun to play around with. Herhey
  6. I've been experimenting with some frame based animation in Pics2Exe. I made a side view of a running skeleton animation at 30 frames per second (for roughly eight seconds). I wanted create this for a few reasons. One of which was to see what it would turn out like. Another was to try different things with it once it was completed. I often want to include a frame based animating element in a project, but don't want to go through the hassle of sequencing the frames. I thought if I made this, anytime I want to add a frame based animation to a project, I could just use the running skeleton. Then substitute the running frames for whatever I wanted to use in that project. (example: a bird flying, a horse running etc). As long as it was 30 frames per second. So I thought I would upload it in case other people would find it useful for the same reason. I have included all the picture and PTE files. I have made 1 though 8 second versions and few others as well. I have also included a set of .PSD files with a shadow layer underneath the skeleton. I kept the shadow on these a separate layer, so the shadow could be set to different levels of opacity or be blurred, etc. I have also included an exe of a few things I tried with it. I hope it can be useful to someone as a template (of sorts), or if anyone wants to use the running skeleton in something. Something to note: It isn't truly 30 frames per second, but it's as close as you can make it. If you use many skeletons in the same project(slide) it can be a bit taxing on system resources. Running skeleton: http://www.sendspace.com/file/o5xatx Six second Road: http://www.sendspace.com/file/nugfr3 Herhey
  7. Thanks for your comments everyone. I wouldn't have been able to make that particular exe without the helpful hints and tips people post on this forum. Herhey
  8. I made this for my sisters birthday. The exe is more animation than slide show. I don't take many photos, So I like to use the program for making e-cards for family and friends Some background: My sisters name: Heather It stars my sisters cat (Mojo) He's played with a certain stuffed toy dog since he was a kitten, and he drags it all over the house (This is relevant). Rendered all 3D elements using Poser and Vue. http://www.sendspace.com/file/6pdeke Herhey
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