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Vesa K

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  1. I was also silly enough to click on the link, but now I know at least where it would have taken me, and fortunately the site did not open in my PC, so probably I got nothing bad into my PC. I have run some spyware scanning on the PC and found none. I have also Ad-Aware and SpywareBlaster plus Avast running. - But why, overall, is there the option of sending personal messages, because such a forum obviously offers a route of intrusion to criminals ? Perhaps the moderator could post a comment, because this kind of event is serious to the reputation of the whole firm ! All correspondence could well go solely through this site, and none by e-mal. Vesa
  2. I got an e-mail telling that I have a personal message on the WNsoft forum. The message was from "mignulikz", and the message was "please help". That text was underlined, and when I clicked on it, the browser tried to open the address "sabl.ru", but it did not open. I donĀ“t know what to think about this kind of message - hopefully it was not some kind of illegal activity. If you know what this is all about, please tell me.
  3. Sorry for misspelling in my last letter: CR-RW should have been CD-RW. of course. and "sems" means "seems". Vesa
  4. Good news: I have downloaded PTE 5.6, opened my project there, recreated the show and written it onto a CR-RW. It plays OK both in XP and Vista ! So the reason for the problem remains a mystery - apparently something was corrupt, but now all sems to be in order. I have not yet tried it on a DVD, so hopefully the format does not matter (that particular show fits well onto a CD !). Thank you all for taking part in my "sorrow". This is a great forum (great people). Vesa
  5. -- Can I open a project created in PTE 5.5 in 5.6 ? I would not like to create the whole project again. Another thing: I have found that Vista has no problem reading files on a DVD not containing the PTE presentation, so the problem is, after all, related somehow to PTE (i.e. the PTE show interferes reading of also other files on the DVD). The PTE presentation shows the same problem independent of whether there are other files on the DVD or not. Maybe one day there will be a solution. Vesa
  6. Thanks, I will check the matter in due time ! (the Windows-related incompatibility issues are really annoying..) Vesa
  7. I have the 5.5 version of PTE. I have now found out that the slideshow DOES indeed play in Vista from a USB flash drive ! It is exactly the same file that I have on the DVD. I have copied it on more than one DVD with the same result. So the problem must be some incompatibility of Vista with the WindowsXP-generated DVD. Besides, the "Vista-PC" could not read some image (JPG) files on DVD which were not generated with PTE. I just worry how I can deliver my show to relatives who possibly have Vista, because CD or DVD is the only practical choice. But obviously the problem is not with PTE. Thanks to you and the others. Vesa K
  8. No, my slideshow does not contain any sound files, or any other copyright protected material. Thanks anyway. But I will try whether the slideshow will play in Vista from a memory stick. I will notify of the result here. Vesa K
  9. Thank you, Ken, I will check your references ASAP. Vesa K.
  10. Well, it says in English: Exception EstreamReadError in module "slideshow.exe" at 0001879B, and in Finnish approximately: Copy protection error - reading failed because the segment is hidden. Vesa K
  11. No. It tells (in Finnish) that there is some kind of copy protection.
  12. I have made a slideshow.exe in Windows XP on a DVD-R. It plays OK in a PC with XP, but not in that with the Vista operating system (Vista tells it cannot open the show because it is "locked" or something like that). How to solve this ?
  13. Thank you very much for the excellent service. Happy new year, Vesa
  14. Many thanks, Vesa K
  15. I scanned my PC with a-squared free, and it reported a "Trojan.Generic!IK" in PtePreview.exe. Previously I got a similar alarm with Avast concerning the same exe file, but it was somehow resolved that it was a false alarm. Supposedly this is again a false alarm, but I cannot help getting alarmed by these messages, so is there anything you could do to improve the software so as to avoid these problems ? If not, could you tell me why this alarm keeps appearing ?
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