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Everything posted by walter.sk

  1. Strauss or Vivaldi--Doesn't matter to me. I really enjoyed yur very impressionistic, painterly Textures of Venice. Your sensitivity to the visual qualities and the music transcended the national origins of the music, in my opinion. Great job!
  2. Wow! After playing with PTE for a few days I finally got the hang of the basics. It is actually easier to get many effects than ProShowGold, but I also am beginning to see how much more powerful PTE is. The degree of control is great, even at the rudimentary level of my understanding at this point. Also, I discovered a file buried deep in my archives, that had my original unlock code in it, and PTE 5.5 accepted it. While it will take some work on my part to become proficient at PTE, I doubt that I would go back to PSG, which seems like a blunt instrument by comparison. I do wish PTE had two features of PSG, though: the ability either to do simple audio editing, or at least to incorporate an audio editor of my choice, the way PSG does; and either a link to go to Photoshop and back, or the ability to alter the basic tonal and color elements of a slide, not for "optimization," which I am happy doing in Photoshop, but for producing interesting effects parallel to the changes in opacity now possible.
  3. It sounds doable. Right now I'm just playing with PTE, and using the Lin Evens/Jeff Evans manual to try to understand how to appproach things. Thanks again for the info.
  4. Thanks, Peter and Ray: This will be the first time in my 10 years of using Photoshop that I am trying Slices, but I'll try both methods. Am I correct in assuming that if I can get either or both to work, the best I could do is make an action in CS3 to set up my 5 jpegs, but not any quick way to set up the transition in PTE as some kind of action or macro?
  5. I'm making the transition from ProShowGold to PTE, and am gradually coming to understand the basics of the pan/zoom/rotate and control points. While I am willing to go through the many tutorials here and on the PTE website, I would like to start using PTE for some of my projects right away. However, there is one transition in PSG that has become one of my most often used in key points in my slide shows, and I would like some tips on how to create it in PTE so I can continue my work. The effect may be deceptively simple, or not. I would like to be able to use it and set up a template so as to save time when using it. The transition is used in a fly-in as well as fly-out variety, and consists of the slide being divided into 4 quadrants, each of which pans diagonally out of the frame to reveal the next slide, or into the frame to cover the previous slide. The diagonal movement of each quadrant is toward the outside corner of the quadrant. Most of my transitions are simple dissolves, and the above transition is used at major structural demarcations in the project, as a unifying device. It has become an identifying feature of my work, and I would like very much to switch from PSG to PTE because of the smoothness of movement and the greater precision in syncing the slides to key spots in the music.
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