Wow! After playing with PTE for a few days I finally got the hang of the basics. It is actually easier to get many effects than ProShowGold, but I also am beginning to see how much more powerful PTE is. The degree of control is great, even at the rudimentary level of my understanding at this point. Also, I discovered a file buried deep in my archives, that had my original unlock code in it, and PTE 5.5 accepted it. While it will take some work on my part to become proficient at PTE, I doubt that I would go back to PSG, which seems like a blunt instrument by comparison. I do wish PTE had two features of PSG, though: the ability either to do simple audio editing, or at least to incorporate an audio editor of my choice, the way PSG does; and either a link to go to Photoshop and back, or the ability to alter the basic tonal and color elements of a slide, not for "optimization," which I am happy doing in Photoshop, but for producing interesting effects parallel to the changes in opacity now possible.