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Everything posted by taler

  1. Hello Daniel, please send one of those exes via dropbox or wetransfer to me. I will capture a video with a special software (the costs are about 30 Euro for it; there is also a demo version) and send it back to you. In this way you can evaluate the quality of the resulting video. Cordialement Peter
  2. Hallo zusammen! Seit gut 3 Jahren verfolge ich mehr oder weniger regelmäßig das englischsprachige PTE-Forum. Mein Schulenglisch erlaubte es mir, den Inhalten einigermaßen zu folgen. Ich habe dadurch einiges über die Möglichkeiten dieses peiswerten Programmes gelernt. Eine aktive Teilnahme scheiterte allerdings an der Sprachbarriere. Die kapitalen Fehler, die ich auf Englisch gemacht hätte, wollte ich mir nicht zugestehen. Nun denn, jetzt gibt es eine deutschsprachige Abteilung. Was mich wundert ist, daß die deutschsprachigen Teilnehmer des Forums sich hier nicht rühren. Ich habe zwar im Augenblick keine aktuelle Frage oder ein Problem, mit dem ich alleine überfordert wäre, aber das wird sich mit Sicherheit ändern. Damit allerdings schon jetzt etwas Leben in die Bude kommt, möchte ich alle deutschsprachigen PTE-Nutzer auffordern, ein Lebenszeichen zu geben.
  3. Hi Lin, back from a trade fair I'm absolutly shocked to read your bad news today. Feeling so helpless I just can send you these few lines. I wish you both from the bottom of my heart the very best. May your wife be healthy soon and may your souls be calm and easy together. I wish both of you peace, freedom and power! Warm wishes for you and your wife, also from Doris.
  4. Hi Lin, my husband was so enthusiatic! And right he is. We've seen your show togehther this morning and sang and laught. Your pictures are really great and the way you put the music and the pictures into your special show is very warm and amazing. Only one thing i must say: my dear husband is not too good in recognizing music (although he plays a bit guitare himself!!) The song's real title is: Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann...see attached.Mein_Vater_war_ein_Wandersmann.rtf By the way i even like the way of playing and singing this song in this english version very much. We sang it both this morning with your show and felt very well. So once again thank you very much. Doris
  5. Hello Lin, I liked your show very much! The pictures are wonderful, the new transition is well placed and the using of masks is very good. Especially the song gave me a lot of joy. I didn't expext to watch wonderful pictures from Colorado and listen to an old german folksong "Das Wandern ist des Müller's Lust". I' ll watch it some more times. Thanks a lot. Thanks also for your very usefull tutorials!
  6. Hello all, I would like to present you my very first slide show, made with the help of P2E. The title is "Bangkok Two Worlds". Bill was so kind, to store it on Beechbrook Cottage, Thanks Bill. You can download it here! I wonder about the reaction! I 'm used to work with m.objects, but a friend of mine showed me this great program. Being my first work, I would be very grateful for any comment. I think, one learns most by the opinions of other experienced AV-Producers. I did not make this show for the forum, but I'm ready to make any correction, if the show will change for the better. My intention was a little bit pilosophical and it would be a great pleasure for me, getting feedback, also concerning these questions. The Two Worlds, was I successful to show them in this show? The lying Buddha (at this moment going to the nirwana) does he wake emotions? Did I successfully show the Thai people living their life? ( Lotus flower is a religious symbol for buddhists; yellow is the color of the king, and the Thai love her king) Peter Taler
  7. Peter, as a new user of P2E it will take me a lot time to understand all details of your explanation. Further on, my English is not the best one! But let me tell you, that I was really astonished, seeing the differenz between the two versions, concerning the impression on the screen. Could you be so kind, to tell me, what are the colors of the two backgrounds in RGB.
  8. Peter, I am rather new with P2E, but I think I can imagine the lot of work You have done. You made a very good work in synchronising the music. The movements and the appearing and disappearing of the wheels are perfect for me. Through the visualisation, I got at once contact to the music, which I'm not used to hear. I enjoyed the show, by the way, already my old computer for office works showed it without problems.
  9. Bon Jour TheDom! I would like to thank you very much for your wonderful template "The merry go round". I´m absolutly new in this forum, dont know, if I can reach you this way. Therefore I only want to know, if I am allowed to send a show about Bangkok, where I used your template, to Beechbrook Cottage. I made some change to the background and the frame of the pictures. I´m rather new with P2E, about two months and I think, it´s a great thing to participate in the experience of a great master like you. Again I want to express my gratitude.
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