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  1. Thank you both very much for your help
  2. Thank you Dave I was trying to copy slide in the O&A objects box and pasting in the same box
  3. Hi Dave I have tried that already but it does not copy the keyframes ???
  4. Is there away you can copy all your keyframes from one image to another in the objects box
  5. I have set music to it and yes the music wilplay normally in both view screens but the slides are still moving to fast even after setting times to 10sec
  6. Hi Peter I have tried the above and set both to 10sec and it still moves to quick
  7. Can anyone help me please I'am new to PicturesToExe and the problem I'am having is when I view my slides in the viewer all seems ok but when I preview my work it goes to fast for viewer the photos how can I slow it down
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