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  1. From your experience, do you think this would work well enough when the audio track is for people speaking, where the audio synch is important? H
  2. Igor, Sometimes, I like to use pan and zoom to give the presentation a kinetic feel. When doing that, it is often important to keep the "speed" (for lack of a better word) of the zoom pretty much constant from slide to slide for a series of slides. Today, the only way I know how to do that is by trial and error, or by using numeric computations based on the zoom numbers, which can be pretty tedious. So it occurred to me that PTE is running on a computer, and why couldn't I ask PTE to do it for me? This is my dream, and I am going to use words to express it that might not make much sense to you, since you know much more about video than I do. But I am going to try <s>. Suppose I want to do a sequence with the "camera" slowly moving "forward" at a constant pace ("speed"). As it does that, I want to fade or cut from one picture to the next. So what I want to do, when looking at two keypoints, is set the size and place of the picture for one of them, and then tell PTE how "fast" I want to zoom in ("move forward"). Then I want PTE to calculate the size and place of the picture on the next keypoint that will generate that "speed". I also want it to keep the speed number around so I can change it a bit (make it faster or slower) and recalculate the specs for the next keypoint. When I move a keypoint, I am certainly willing to press a button to recalculate, although if you have hot-linked the two keypoints together, and it happens automatically, that would be great. Zoom seems like it might be somewhat straightforward, since I can zoom in and out. But I think this might also be a good idea for pans, and it seems to me that for pans, I would have to give a direction in addition to speed. To generalize this, and allow both zooms and pans to happen at the same time at a constant "speed", it seems like I want to give PTE a "direction" in some kind of "3D way" that tells it how I want to move, and then also specify how fast, and let it figure out where I will end up on the next keypoint. I've not given this much detail implementation thought, since I have no idea whether something like this might be at all possible. But I'd love to have the ability to do this kind of presentation with less tedium than it would take to do it now. H
  3. Hi, Ken! <laughs> But it doesn't have to do with video OUTPUT per se! Starting with PTE 7, PTE also takes video as INPUT! <laughs> It's OK wherever it is, Ken, as long as Igor sees it. H
  4. <nods> I didn't think I could do this with keyframes. But I would have thought that I could do exactly this by using the Time Range parameter on the Common tab! I tried it, and you are most certainly right. Even if I use Time Range to get the video object to appear somewhere in the middle of the "slide time", it is as if the video has been running since the beginning of the "slide time" unless you specify offset. This does not seem intuitive to me, but I guess I get to live with it. BTW, Igor, there seems to be a bug in PTE. When I do this setup (having a second video come in later in the "slide time" and be reduced in size, it jerks when coming in instead of just appearing. It's as if it "came in" in the wrong place on the screen and then was put into the "right place". H
  5. Hi, Lin! Wouldn't I get the same effect by simply having the video object appear where I would put the third keyframe in your example above? It seems to me that the only thing the offset field is buying me is the ability to see the first frame in freeze-frame for a user-specified time. Am I still missing something? H
  6. What is "offset" in the property tab of a video clip used for? What it seems to do is hold the first frame of the video in a freeze frame for the specified interval. Is that its purpose, or am I missing some clever PTE feature? H
  7. From what I can see in the forum, I think there are plans to address this general problem, but I wanted to add my thoughts. I think that the current all-or-nothing for the video clip's audio is a severe limitation when dealing with people's voices in video clips. While I can work around it by using an external sound editor, that would require re-working any time the video clip's location changed. I think a good start (and hopefully easy to implement) would be to offer the following options in the O&A for a video clip: - "percentage loudness" for the PTE audio track and the video's audio track. 100% would mean that they are each mixed at full volume and the PTE audio track volume is unchanged from the previous slide. Values more than 100% should be allowed, particularly for the video's audio track. - "fade in time" for each of the PTE audio track and the video's audio track. If this is non-zero, it would be the time at the beginning of the object's presentation where the respective volume is changed from 100% to the number specified above. - "fade out time" for each of the PTE audio track and video's audio track. If this is non-zero, it would be the time at the end of the object's presentation where the respective volume is changed from that specified above to 100%.
  8. If I add a video file and use the video converter as part of the add process, and I crop the file in the video converter process, the slide time in PTE is still set to the original full file time. It seems like it should not work this way. H
  9. I am brand-new to video with PTE, and I have a number of questions, which I intend to post separately. I've tried to read the forum, and apologies in advance if I am asking things that have already been covered but I could not find. My "video camera" is a Canon Powershot SX210 IS, which produces .MOV files. So my first question: when I include the video clip directly into PTE, it starts at exactly the right time. However, when I use the video converter and include its .AVI file, there seems to be about .6 of a second of the first frame frozen at the beginning of the clip. If I use the O&A screen to bypass this, it works fine. Harold
  10. Now that you're back, I'm bumping this up so that you can take a quick look at it. H
  11. I updated to AVG 12 with database 4546... and all works fine now on my system. Presumably these database updates will shortly be migrated to AVG 11, too. I'm not thinking of me, but the people to whom I distribute PTE shows. H
  12. I am running AVG version 10.0.1410 with database 1522/3943. It says AVG 11 when I start it. It's the most current database (10/07/11) and it causes my PTE programs to fail. H
  13. I just updated AVG (AVG 11; Windows 7) and it does NOT work. H
  14. I also tried a one-slide show. It said it failed to send it to AVG. I hope AVG resolves this soon... it's positively embarrassing. H
  15. Just for the record, I am having this AVG problem, too. And it says that sending them my "sample file" (ie, my EXE) failed. H
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