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Everything posted by HaroldB
That's exactly what we're here for. BTW, that scroll bar didn't always exist. Igor added it because we requested it here. Harold
Since I always use a timeline and I always pre-set effects for my shows, from my point of view, making one default duration for fades and all other effects makes perfect sense. However, it would be better to hear from people who construct their shows using the default transitions. Even if you DID show the transition times on the timeline, I do not think that I would necessarily show the transition times that are generated by the defaults. In fact, if you DID want to show it, I would show it in at least a slightly different color so that one could visually see that it was defaulted and not set by the user. If you also have a dropdown box in the synch window that lets the user change the transition style, there should be an entry in the box called "default transition" or something like that, to indicate that no transition has really been specified for this slide. Harold
I think it's certainly a reasonable option to have. I just wanted to point out that your users might not be too happy to get a slideshow that completely "takes over" their system when they are accustomed to being able to use Windows to multitask. But as an option, it certainly seems reasonable to me. Harold
When I write software, I find it's generally a good idea to provide multiple ways of doing things. For people that are not doing synched shows, the current method of entering transitions and transition times may work just fine. But if you're doing a synched show, it's a real bother to keep on going in and out of the synch window to set transition times. Why not simply let PTE support both ways? I'm assuming, of course, that the necessary data is in memory and accessible to both functions. Have fun! Harold
This is already in 3.80. There's a scroll bar at the bottom of the list of music file names. Harold
Igor, A while ago, I suggested having a drop-down box in the synch window that lets us change the transition effect and transtion duration for a particular image. I think this would make it easier to create a slideshow without going back and forth between the synch window and the effects dialog box. It occurred to me the other day that it might be pretty easy for you to also graphically depict the transition duration for each image by shading a portion of the timeline to show how long the transition for that slide is. (And in a future version, attach a "handle" to the end of each shaded section and allow us to drag it to increase or decrease the transition time .) Harold
Try rebooting. Sometimes things get so messed up in Windows.... and rebooting seems to fix them. Harold
FWIW, the current software already shows you what you've not read and let's you go right there. Threads are listed in reverse chronological order. All threads that have messages that are new for you have a little down-pointing arrow to the left of the thread name. Click on the little arrow and not the thread name and it goes directly to the first message in the thread that is new for you. The only problem I see with this is that I don't know of a way to set yourself "backwards in time". So, for example, if you log on at 1pm and DON'T read all your "new" messages, when you log on at 3pm, it won't flag them as "new" any more since it uses your last logon time and the message post times to do the flagging. That's why I find it easier to just have one list when reading all messages in a forum. It DOES make it harder to find something, though -- I haven't used the search function so I don't know how effective that is. Harold
Mike, The synch window is the answer to your problem. If you make sure that there is enough time for the transitions even on slow machines (IOW, leave at least a half second longer than the transition for the slide to display), it works wonderfully on lots of different machines. It IS a pain to have to exit the synch window and go back to the slide list to put in transitions. The way I do it is I first get all the timing worked out and then go back and enter all my transitions. I expect that Igor will give us a way to set the transtion time and type in the synch window soon... it seems real easy for him to implement and will really save lots of time when doing shows. Harold
Sure, it would. But it would also mean that you can't switch away from the show to do something else when a part of the show you have already seen and are not interested in is playing. That's what we have Windows for.... to be able to do more than one thing at a time. The idea of an application taking over the entire PC is very un-Windows-like! This is PARTICULARLY relevant for long shows until Igor gives us a way of skipping to a place in a show at execution time. Harold
Lin, I'm curious. Did you omit saying anything about the Nikon 5700 intentionally or just because you have no experience with that line? Harold
jrb, I'm not making this decision now (I'm happy with my Coolpix 995), but I DO expect to make it in a while. So when you make your decision, I'm curious which way you went, and why. And also if you were happy with the what you bought! Harold
Sharon, As another possibiltiy, try taking out transition effects for the first two slides. If that fixes it, put them in, but for shorter durations. Harold
Marian, Can't anybody who wants the 7dpi picture printed just go into Photoshop or PSP, resize it, and then print it? Harold
Guido, It just seems that this question, about shows running differently on different machines, comes up so often that it might just pay to change the way PTE operates internally and eliminate the problem. Your guess is as good as mine whether this will be simple or hard to do. FWIW, I'd much rather have Igor working on additional features like preview from the middle of a show and being able to change the effect and effect duration from the synch window than fixing this. It was just a thought. Harold
Actually, in my experiences with forum software of this sort, I find it easier to read all messages if there is only one section or forum. That way, I can just run down the list of and read everything that is flagged as new for me. The other way, I'd have to run down multiple lists. "Get new posts" in some forum software deals with this problem. But in this software, "get new posts" seems to actually gets each new post instead of pointing one to the threads that have new posts. Harold
IMX, this usually happens when the amount of time specified for the transition plus the time needed for loading the slide (which is hardware dependent) exceeds the amount of time specified for the total display of the slide. Hopefully, Igor will fix this soon. Harold
Guido, Since this question DOES come up very often, I have a question for you. Now that Igor DOES have the logic for synchronization (which seems to work EXCELLENTLY on different systems subject to the limitation of hardware speed), do you think it would be an advantage for Igor to turn a NON-synchronized show (one that is defined by intervals set at the show or individual slide level) INTO a synchronized show internally at PTE run-time? IOW, using the intervals specified by the user, PTE could "plot" transition points on an "imaginary timeline", and then execute using the synchronization code. It seems that doing that would eliminate the complaints of this type as well as possibly simplify the internal PTE code. Am I missing something here? Harold