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Everything posted by HaroldB
Igor, Thanks! That's EXACTLY what I was looking for. You might want to consider what Al said about moving the location of that option, since I never would have found it if you hadn't pointed me to it. Sorry about not being there for the last beta, but I am hope I am back for a while now! Harold
Al, I hear you, but I am not happy with this "progress". I think it's really wonderful that one can go to the timeline directly from the main screen, it's wonderful that you can add slides directly from the timeline window, and it's wonderful that you can shift groups of points. I think Igor did great with those changes. But exactly how do you explain to someone, especially a novice, that when you add a slide to the middle of the show PTE suddenly adds transition points for all the following slides? Is this really by design, Igor, what you intended to happen? If so, I am curious what your thinking was. (BTW, Igor, if you are in the midst of working on zoom and pan, I think those changes are much more important than dealing with this. I just wish I had been able to be around when this release was being developed to provide feedback then.) Harold
I have been away for a while, and naturally when I got back, I downloaded the current release on PTE before starting work on my next slide show. I must confess that I am mystified by how the timeline is working now (PTE 4.41). I LIKE the fact that you now GET to the timeline from the main PTE screen, but the timeline now seems to have a mind of its own and I do not like what it seems to be doing. I scanned through old messages on this forum in order to see if I was missing something, and that made me only more mystified. (Before I even explain my problem, I note that I am an experienced PTE user. If this is mystifying me, I'm worried about what it is doing to more casual users.) First, a note about the way I work. I generally add lots of slides to a show when I am beginning, and then use the light table features of PTE to get them into a rough order. Then I use the timeline to set transition points. It is not at all unusual therefore for me to have more slides than transition points while I am working on a show. What seems to be happening when I then insert a new slide into the middle of my slide show is that PTE is inserting new transition points for ALL the slides in my slide show! Why is it doing this? And what can I do to stop this behavior? It doesn't make sense to me, and it's a pain because then when I go to insert a trnastion point that *I* want to insert, I first have to delete PTE's inserted transition point. Can someone tell me what I am missing here? Harold The Confused
Al, What you said . Harold
Igor, I haven't had much free time lately, so I haven't been following the forum lately. But I did get to quickly scan it tonight, and I just wanted to comment that I do NOT like the idea of using any part of the registration code to unlock PTE contents. My principal objection is that if I give the code to somebody to unlock a particular EXE, he can unlock ALL my EXE's forever! I would rather have a field in the PTE UI that specifies a code and a checkbox to indicate "no unlock". If "no unlock" is not checked and the code field is blank, then use the registration code fragment. Harold
Thanks a lot, cici & den. That's exactly what I was looking for! I campagined for this when we were testing 4.30, but darned if I could rememebr what the key was. Igor: it might be appropriate to stick it into the right-click menu, for those people like me that don't remember the space key from month to month. Harold
I haven't been around for a while... Reality interfered with having the time to do slide shows . But I need to do a quick slideshow this week, and I have a quick 4.30 question (don't have enough time to play with the 4.40 beta): Is there a way from the light table view of the slide show list, to see a slide full screen? Harold
I might be misunderstanding what you are trying to do, but why not simply remove the transition point, too? Harold
I think the 4.30 Push effect is a good base. It was wonderfully improved over previous versions. Harold
I just wanted to second Jim's suggestion of preventing the screen saver from kicking in during a show. And it should work under all operating systems. Harold
Igor, First the"leftover stuff" from 4.30: 1) Remember to display the waveform in the timeline window if it was last displayed for this project when the timeline window was shown within this PTE session. 2) Change the fast-forward-and-backward through the slides (using the arrow keys) to not do the transitions. Also automatically enter "pause mode" when doing this (needs some thought). Then the long-standing "leftover" problem: Allow specification of transitions close together without PTE glitching... letting PTE automatically adjust to slower hard drives or CPU's. New stuff: 1) Pan and zoom, both with PTE quality. 2) Additional effects 3) If you are ambitious and want to do a larger project, the ability to "build" a slide. You'd start with a slide and then you'd be able to "add" another slide transparently over the first with a transition (useful for slide buildups, and for adding text dynamically). You might want to consider also allowing the "removal" of such an "added slide". Powerpoint has been doing this for several releases now, with good quality, so it's obviously do-able. 4) Make nav bar callable up and hideable by hitting a key during the show. Perhaps optionally make pause automatically call up the nav bar. 5) Allow a slide to be "named", and then extend the nav bar to optionally include a drop down list of available names to "go to". Allow specification of whether the drop-down list's names should be in alphabetical order or in the order the names appear in the show. 6) Allow user design of nav bar (and exact placement) so that it fits with the show theme. 7) Allow changing of the transition time visually in the timeline window. Harold
Boogie, I do it exactly the way you described. I use the slide list as a place to work out my raw presentation. And then, as I replace the original pictures with PSP'd versions, I delete the originals from the slide list. Harold
Bob. I'll try looking for the "Peruvian" Greensleeves. And I'm in NY. Harold
I liked your show! I was in Peru this summer and have a large stack of photographs waiting for my attention. Could you tell me what music you used for your show? I'm especially interested in the last piece, the faster-paced one, right before the "credits" at the end. But if you have the name of the pieces, I'm actually interested in them all. I can TELL that you loved your trip -- we loved ours! Harold
Igor, Great work on 4.30, and thanks for the GfxEditorPath= feature! I found that to be very useful today! Harold
Igor, Great work on 4.30! I just wanted to second the idea about the screen saver. That IS an annoyance and if there's a way to stop a screen saver from kicking in, that would be great! Harold
Got you, Igor. It makes sense to wait... but please do put it on a list for next time! Good luck! Harold
Igor, Beta 14 looks reasonable to me, even though there is a slight blink when transitioning to the desktop at the end. If you can, before you officially release, if the change is minor enough, could you make PTE "remember" whether the waveform was last shown on the timeline screen, and the next time that screen is shown for the already open show, redisplay it the same way it was last shown? Harold
The timeline position thing works fine on my system. I notice that PTE remembers the position across PTE sessions. Thanks for making the change! I have one more tiny idea, if you can still sneak it into 4.30. For a given PTE project open in a given PTE session, can you "remember" if I last saw the timeline window with or without the waveform, and re-open it that way? This should NOT be "remembered" when a new project is opened or PTE is brought down and up. Doing this would save a click for me each time I go into the timeline window, since I almost always work with the waveforms present. Harold
Igor, I've been playing with beta 11 of 4.30 and it really looks great. One minor irritant: when you go into pause mode and use the arrow keys to advance or go backwards, PTE displays at least a fragment of the transition. Could you just show the slides without any transition when moving around in pause mode? I think this was mentioned before, but it looks a bit strange the way it works now, so I think it's worth doing. Harold
Igor, In both the file list and slide list, clicking above or below the thumb part of the scroll bar does not scroll a *page* down -- it only scrolls a line down, exactly the same as it would if you press on the down or up arrow at the bottom or top of the scroll bar. The bug occurs both in text and thumbnail mode on the main screen. It also occurs in full-screen display mode. Harold
Igor, It all looks great! I think the keeping the waveform in cache is really great... I tried it on one of my longer slideshows, and it would have made me totally crazy to have the waveform read each time I opened the window! This way, it's perfect! Harold
Igor, It looks great. The only minor anomaly that I found in what you added was that if you go to full-screen view of the slide list, and then hit ESC, and then immediately hit the apace bar, it seems to create an EXE file instead of showing the selected slide full-screen. Otherwise, it looks great so far. I haven't had much of a chance to play with it extensively, but I will do so tonight or tomorrow! Wonderful work! Harold
I have been working with PTE more over yesterday. And this constant relatively slow refreshing of the waveform is what I would say my number one problem is. And that's with a short slideshow -- it would be TORTURE with a large slideshow! Harold
Here's exactly what I have in my directory, and the order PTE is showing them when I tel it to sort by name: Seq5.jpg Seq1a.jpg Seq1b.jpg Seq1c.jpg Seq2a.jpg Seq2b.jpg Seq2c.jpg Seq2d.jpg Seq3a.jpg Seq3b.jpg Seq4a.jpg Seq4b.jpg Seq5b.jpg TitleA.jpg TitleB.jpg You'll notice that seq5 is in the wrong place. Harold