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  1. Well, I do have one from Nero I believe.....I will give it a shot! I had never thought of doing it that way. Thank so so much!
  2. Can someone tell me where to go to find info on how to do this? I am working on a wedding slideshow and wish to use three songs. One of these songs HAS to start on a specific slide going forward, but I cannot figure out thru the "customize music" how to do this. The help didnt help either! Thanks for any input!
  3. copy protection! so someone else cant burn it.
  4. I would like to protect my work--is this possible somehow with this program?
  5. Thanks Al, I think I got it! Now I just have to figure out how to rotate text, make it fade in and out. There is sooo much to learn!
  6. Al, I cannot seem to follow the shutter click thing. Is this on each individual slide, or in project options? Copy and paste? I must not be in the right area...I dont have a "sound" box under comments. Thanks for any help.
  7. Are there simple instructions for this program? I downloaded it and I'm lost. I want to incorporate different sections of music at specific points, and do the shutter "click" for some fast slides. Anyone have any suggestions? I love this PTE program, I am now consumed with it!
  8. You mean you dont think there is anywhere to dive in Oklahoma?! YOU WOULD BE VERY CORRECT! We dive in Beaver Lake, In Arkansas, and sometimes we do dive in Lake Tenkiller here in OK. Thanks for the links! Meredith
  9. Hi! Yes, I am a diver from oklahoma looking to make slide shows from all my dive pics. How do I send one to Beechbrook? Thanks!
  10. Thanks much--I will try it!
  11. Can someone tell me the steps to sending a slideshow via email where it dosent take forever? I am new to all this, and any input would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Does anyone know how to fade in and fade out the music associated with a slide show? I would like to start the music 10 seconds into the song--Im lost!
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