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Everything posted by OGL

  1. To LumenLux and Michel Thank you for compliments! Yes, this show is some fun, but life is life... Information about show: Time: 3min 52sec Size: 5.32Mb Frames (1024x768): 55 Sound: 3 tacks, 1.56Mb "RSS" is: Russian Slide Show Team: Olga Alakina (Computer graphick arts, show) Olga Boritsch (Photos) Igor Novikov (Photos) Oleg Lobachev (Computer graphick arts, photos processing, show) And maybe, "Wnsoft team"? Igor Kokarev, how do you like it? In principle, RSS is open team, I think. Welcome! Oleg
  2. Nice, Gantor! I understand your position. You are right too. But my next show, 'Life is life..." see with music, please. OK? You download Olga's photos? Nice pictures, is not it? Oleg
  3. To Ken Cox: My information for Richard is "...confuse him more" ?! It is very interesting thought!... Dear Ken! Richard never gets quality compressing pictures in Ifranview which he can get in UleadPaintShop, PhotoShop or UleadSmartSaver. You like use freeware programs? Use it, please... Regards, Oleg
  4. Hello, Igor Thank you for new version! Oleg
  5. Hi, Ken! Ifranview have "Save for Web" too. "Save for Web" and "Save as...jpg" is very different algorithms, I think Oleg
  6. Hello, Richard! 1. Resize your pictures to 800x600 or 640x480 PIXELs ( no inches!) 2. PhotoShop (or others editing programs) have option "Save for Web". Use it. Regards, Oleg
  7. Hello, Gantor. Thank you for your compliments! Dear Gantor, you make mistake: this show is not album... This is "show for good mood" or "relaxation show". (sorry my bad English ) All components of this show (photos, music, backgrounds, borders, transitions) are work in complex. Make little experiment: see this show without music... Never! Olga Boritsch is one of very popular amateur photographers of Russia and you can see her photos THERE or on other Russian photo sites. Regards, Oleg
  8. Hello, WALTJONES. Welcome in forum! Make mixing your sound files in SoundForge, CoolEdit...etc, and use this file in PTE. Regards, Oleg
  9. Hello, Bob! I download and see your "Sunset Peak" show. Nice photos and very good work. My congratulations! P.S. But maybe to use other effects? Regards. Oleg
  10. Please! Oleg
  11. Hi, Lenny. First of all I would to say, that "Frame in frame" technology was using at first in Olga's show ( and in "Elbrus.Cheget moutain", "Malajsia.Sipadan..." shows) That's why to say: "In Computer graphic arts by Olga Alakina show....also saw similar effect in Chuck Chesterman's wedding show" is right. Is not it? Secondary, Olga Alakina only pictures author, but slideshow was making: see final subtitles of this show. And in thierd, the little tutorial how you can make what you want you can find THERE (377kb zip file : PTE project, pictures and soundfile) Regards, Oleg
  12. To JRR I'm ready, I'm ready!!! To alrobin ...make Great short circuit again. No, Al, no... But "Web international team"? Oleg
  13. Al, thanks!!! Oleg
  14. To alrobin You wrote: I think you can use and "glass" borders as in "Malajsia. Sipadan isl" show. How do you think, international team it is good?... Oleg
  15. To alrobin and think(box) "3O2I" team...It's interesting idea! Or "OIOI-Team"? Thanks! Oleg
  16. Hello, Al. I download your new slideshow. Very good photos and fine synchronizing! And narrow border... Thank you. Oleg
  17. To alrobin Al, I think, after 1-2 week you can see new member of our team. Name of new slideshow - "Moscow February".Photos by Igor Novikov. It is very cold! Oleg
  18. To alrobin Hello, Al. Many thanks for your compliments! This is nice words... Oh yes, I'm very-very proud of me! Regards, Oleg
  19. Hello, Wayne. http://www.beechbrook.com/pte download "Olga Boritsch, photographer." It's OK? Regards, Oleg
  20. Èãîðü! Ñêà÷àë 4.12 âåðñèþ, ïðîâåðèë íà "Ñèïàäàíå" è "Îëüãå Áîðè÷...". Âñ¸ ðàáîòàåò ïðåêðàñíî, ïðîáëåì ñ .ogg ôàéëàìè íåò. Óñïåõîâ è õîðîøåãî îòäûõà! Oleg
  21. Hi, Al! You are right. Audacity don't load .wma files. Oleg
  22. To think(box) Oh, this is top secret of Russian terrorists!!! Bill, all elements for slidefilm "OB, photographer" I create in PhotoShop7 only.(texts, BG, borders, etc) I think, in my answer to your questions will be used much attachments, so send me your email, please! Bill, Olga and Me don't understand this sentence...Sorry! Please once again. Îëüãà Áîðè÷ is correct in Russian. "ëü" is soft sound "L". Regards, Oleg
  23. Hi, Ted! Open your .wma files in SoundForge, then: Save As wav. Regards, Oleg
  24. Hello, Bill! Your semiquestion is to Olga Alakina ("Computer arts...") or to Olga Boritsch ("...,photographer")? I think in photos by Olga Boritsch no the mysteries. Oleg
  25. Hi, Ken! In Russian mirrors 3.85 version Regards, Oleg
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