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Everything posted by Alanweb
CC, Thank you very much. Putting the PTE file in the moved folder allows PTE to find all the files again, that is exactly what I needed to know. It works perfectly doing it that way and I appreciate your knowledge on that. And Al, thank you for explaining the feature that I misunderstood. Alan
I believe, from reading posts on beta versions, that PTE is supposed to have the ability to locate photos after moving them somewhere else, different from the original location. As an example. if I create a slide folder called C:\slides, and later move that folder to C:\work\slides, how do I get PTE to find the photos without relinking every single one? As I stated, I believe PTE has this function now, but I cannot figure out how to get PTE to locate the original photos that have been moved. I have a number of slideshows that I would like to rework, but the photos have all been moved and I'd like an easy solution to helping PTE locate them. Can anyone give me a primer on this? Alan
I appreciate everything you have done on PTE and I love the program as it is today. Below are a few minor things that I think would contribute to improving the program: 1. Using a background, "Tiled" image is nice, but I would like the ability to have a centered background image that will size according to the resolution of the desktop. Using a tiled image will cause the image to move around on the screen depending upon the original image size. 2. I would like the ability to have PTE reset the path for source images. I often move or rename directories and it's very difficult to reset the source for each file in a slideshow. I'd rather give PTE the opportunity to relocate the files by specifying a new path. That's it...just those two. Alan
George, I'm honored to be the first person to comment on your show. One word; WOW! The photography is superb and the photos themselves are all award winning quality. You must be proud of the way all those shots turned out. I am curious to know, did you do that with digital cameras, or film? "Kenya" is like three shows in one, each having it's own special subject matter. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Thanks for putting that show together and sharing it with us. I hope everyone gets to view it. Alan
Like Ken, I lean more toward a show conveying some sort of feeling. I try, though, to pay some attention to the technical details, where possible, to improve upon the shows. You'll notice I held that last slide longer this time, as a correction to an abrubt termination as pointed out once before. I must concur with Ken, the lot of the fisherman seems to be fading into the sea in many cases. It is a fate such as that of the small family farm. I photograph both farm and harbor subjects for that very reason. Like the steam train, the days of small commercial fishing vessels seem numbered. I am happy to know that some of that emotion conveys and can be enjoyed by others. Thanks for the comments thusfar. Alan
I created this PTE show from very recent photos, taken on a gray day at a small fishing harbor. I then searched for some music that would compliment the photos. I found a song that complimented the photos and further caused me to change the title photos to match. It's unfortunate that the song can only be posted in one language, but hopefully most of you can enjoy the words along with the music. Alan
I don't have 3, but I have 2: 1. Warning before overwriting on "Create Slideshow" menu item. 2. A "Locate images" feature when the folders of a PTE show have moved or been renamed. Alan
I thought the slide show was excellent and a fantastic tribute to some fine couple. I like the use of the frame and painted effects of the photos. This ran just fine on my 1Ghz machine. Alan
I accept all the criticisms. I had second thoughts on everything mentioned, but went ahead with the slideshow, because I wanted to try something different. All the critiques are worthy and I agree with everyone's separate opinions. In the end, it was the photos that spoke and everyone seemed to enjoy those. Thanks. Alan
I'm glad that people have viewed and enjoyed this show. The criticism regarding the ending is good and I will now be conscious of that in future shows. Thank you. Alan
I have added a new show, called "American Fisherman", dipicting a small fishing village in Galilee, Rhode Island, USA. I hope you have a chance to view and enjoy the presentation. Alan
The tribute in this show was moving. I suspect that's what you wanted to convey. I'd like to see more people do tributes, I always find them moving. This one was tastefully done and had some interesting effects. Very nice. Alan
Ralvis, I was shocked at how that slideshow was constructed and most impressed by it. Not only was it well constructed, but it was so entertaining and nostalgic. I don't know how you packed so much music and action into one slideshow so relatively small. Excellent work and excellent choice of artists to represent, "Who we are", and "Who we were". Thank you. Alan
Michel, This is a very beautiful show. In addition to the format and transitions you incorporated, the photos are all absolutely beautiful. You brought out the very best of that park and I was impressed. Wonderful show. Alan
That is a very nice, and interesting slideshow. I especially liked the caricatures by TinTin. Alan
Works fine on my Dell, Intel 1Ghz Windows XP machine. Very impressive array. The sounds blend well with the actions too. Very good work. Alan
Today I put up, "Digital Ghosts II" slideshow. This is the last of the "Digital Ghosts" slideshows. I hope you enjoy this one, it's a bit smaller than the previous one. Again I enjoyed making it and I hope you enjoy watching it. Alan
Michel, I like the idea, since currently it's not possible to know whether a show is worth spending time on or not. Looking at the number of downloads isn't a good indication of quality. However, it may still be good to have a place for people to post who are learning and looking for critique. Maybe split or identify high quality posts versus people just wanting to excercise their new skills. How to separate those is another question. On one of the digital photo contest sites, for example, judges are selected based upon their wins. Over ten wins qualifies them to judge other photos. The same principal could be applied here for categorizing shows. In any case, the idea has merit to rate the shows. Alan
Hi Ralvis, I enjoyed the show, "Mambo Italiano". The pics were good and I enjoyed the transitions. I liked the second piece of music. The jet flyby was neat, especially with the sound added. It was a little jerky, but I attribute that to the hardware. Years ago I had a Commodore Amiga, with a 4Mhz CPU and separated graphics and animation chips. To this day I have yet to see an Intel based system do smooth scrolling of graphics like the little 4Mhz machine could do. Anyway, I enjoyed the show. Alan
Thank you, I'm happy that you enjoyed the slideshow, "Digital Ghosts". It was, as I said, a project for fun. Making it was enjoyable. I fought with the idea of just using fades, but then I decided to try some other transitions to get different effects. In some cases I did paging from the bottom to get the effect of the "spirit" coming up from the ground. In a couple of cases I did "no transition effect" to get that sudden appearance of change. I suppose fade would have been effective in all cases, had I stuck with that. I would have preferred longer transitions, but the song I chose to synchronize to limited how much time I had between slides. Again, I'm very happy that you found the show entertaining. Alan
I posted Digital Ghosts last night PTE for everyone's enjoyment. I had fun doing the digital art and even more fun creating the slideshow to compliment the images. It's a little large for download, but I cropped about as much as I could from it. I had problems with the original midi file in beta 7 of PTE and had to convert it to MP3, which made the show a bit larger. I hope everyone enjoys it. Alan
I had similar problems in trying to email large PTE presentations. Some email providers limit the size of an email and it's not always obvious when you try to send something large. In my case, it just failed after a long attempt. A better solution is to look into a "shared disk" provider, like XDrive or Yahoo. THere you can upload your presentation and send your audience an invitation to download it from the shared drive. I use XDrive to share PTE files and I have shared dozens of them using that technique. Plus, it's only one upload and as many people as you want can link and download from the location you upload to. It's something like Beechbrook, except meant for private file sharing. Alan
I recently posted a new slideshow called, "September Port". It was created with the most current version of PTE, version 4.12. Someone reported that they could see the show but not hear the music. I wonder if others had that issue. The only oddity about he show is that the music was in midi format, not mp3. However, I hear the music fine on my Windows/XP system.