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rp creative

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  1. Is there a way to shift the entire music track ahead in the timeline with version 5.5? For example, I want to allow for a 5 second leader of black at the head of my show, but, as you know the sound track starts at this first black slide and I can't move it. (In hidesight I'd have built the 5 sec. buffer in to my sound track recording..too late now) Its been a while for me coming back to using these programs, but with version 4.9 I would cheat this problem by checking off the "Sync Slides to sound track" box, which I believe locked the slide in. Then I would insert my black slide at the head of the off the show and the track didn't start until the NOW Slide2. Then I could uncheck the sync slides box and carry on with moving all my picts as needed. Any suggestions for me on how to move my sound track ahead?? Much appreciated.
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