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Everything posted by kosheyar

  1. PTE is very nice program for just those who want embed pictures+brief comment +caption+sound +Gif+Videos together PTE just is these no any more things, So Is it possible PTE offers things more than these ?
  2. No Comment but perhaps be a suggestion if it is possible [just professional photographers need making professional slideshows not other people , Don't they?]
  3. I suggest add this logo or another as equivalence of ToggleFullscreen F4 located in settings menu into pte area
  4. There are some points in Lng editor 2 must be modified or change : If Wnsoft can not Add Online Translation page Atleast please Add more facilities into it like features , fix bugs ,... Thanks inadvanced 1-Enable copy&paste in Search box area it's necessary 2-Use filtering must not be sensitive to upper case please [capitalized] 3-"Always on Top" option please 4-Remember Last position in minimizing 5-In WinXp area Box of Minimizing of LngEditor isnot being seen please fix it 6-Add rightclicking on toolbar or status bar in Lngeditor to disable enable features or options Current LngEditor area is without flexibility and is not Translator friendly at all 7-Some features in LngEditor1.0 had existed that is removed in LngEditor 2.0 for example in LngEditor 1.0 If all threads be translated then A dialog window warn user "All Translated" why you removed it [in lngeditor 2 just is being seen "Untranslated : 0" in status bar
  5. please add posture of "Diagonal display view" in watermark display dialog position dropdown menu section
  6. Like video builder You can add more gadgets to p2e too : GifEditor&Maker PhotoEditor like pixbuilder Music composer ,... Can u ?
  7. I am not sure absolutely which program is so power to able remove registry & restruction of trial programs perhaps kingsoft perhaps Revo Uninstaller Pro but if it happens again surely I accurately try to find which one is fault Regards
  8. P To E 7.5.10 request key repeatedly it can't remember last time successfully key loaded at last restart system , Don't know perhaps for scanning system by Kingsoft PC Doctor .Anyway this is fourth time I try to be loaded my exclusive key ! Thanks
  9. Very thanks ken , If anybody is doubt in Maxthon as Top browser , please read this :http://www.browserchoice.eu
  10. I wanted to introduce aMaxthon Cloud Browser for Windows with so many features better than Firefox and chrome or safari or opera in here It is not Advertisement it's free , just for Love it I put it in here , hope you enjoy it
  11. Sorry I forgot to say happy about your ceremony anyway I too say Happy Christmas to you and all every bodies in this forum Hope you 'll be have a best days memories in New year 2013 With Regards
  12. Hello Igor and Wnsoft Team So you really be comfortable of all these hard full time working hope this travel causes you earn more popularity in that religion and to able making money and find new idea's for better to be success in this way . Thanks for all efforts and offer to you the best hearty thanks Happy and be calming With best wishes
  13. PTE (PicturesToExe) ables to convert all media files to an Executable desire structure file ie. I can convert all All Audio video and All pictures format to an exe file , If Wnsoft Team can support some new formats in pte (i.e : *.doc /*.txt/ *.pdf/ *cad/*.zip/*.rar/*.pptx/*xlsx/,...) in this case Why just say PicturesToExe , Doesn't it ? Hope To be benefit With thanks
  14. Hi all Totally I really like PTE just because of possibility creating LinkBox for that please concetrate more a bit on creating EBook feature I want to say : Why don't you concetrate on creating Ebook by PTE and why have you so concentrate on converting exe to avi or wva ,.. ? PTE is converting pic to exe so Ebook can be in range of it when I found PTE I translate PTE just for its possibility for creating Ebooks not another something Ebook can be type of its different aim , ie as Creating Article (Explain plus Images) or as creating Linkbox(Hyperlinks with buttons in a category and sub categories to connect sites) please do working on pte that it ables be replace of NATATA for making Ebooks Thanks
  15. hello my friend what time is it there ?

    here time is 3:10 AM

  16. please give its download link new version
  17. I did it but it's not working for pixbuilder !
  18. Happy your Birthday & Hundred years to your the years ! So much love you IGOR !

  19. what's its folder's name? pte 7.0 beta 18 os= winXP SP3
  20. Adding options in right click in project exe including : Next Slide, previeus slide, stop, pause , About Artist , Email , Web , comment about this slide ,...
  21. Hello Igor &congratulations to you and your employees please open pte -> right click on pannel in tab slides-> select insert blank slide -> object&animation -> right click on screen and select file info . as you see it caused appearing this message :" Access violation at Address ...." Do this can be a issue ? good luck
  22. Hello IGOR what time is in there , here it is 4 am
  23. where are you from ?

  24. Thank you very much dear peter but my mean was another thing , I want main page or page 1 in my project can fixed and immovable until clicking on hyperlinks on this page also controlling the other slides work with clicking on hyperlinks on page 1 not clicking mouse keys or keyboard key exactly like a software ! anyway thank you Goodnight peter
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