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Everything posted by kosheyar

  1. I know what your mean But I want Main page in my project to be fixed and immobile until the hyperlinks in the main page have opportunity to be seen and pressing for making decision also the next slides to be fixed and immovable but the option of "Wait for a key press or mouse click to show next slide" can't prevent moving slides so I forced to select Time interval for new slides for final seconds that is 5000s . Igor if you could make a option for fixing slides specially for the main page of project.exe is be very good. Regards
  2. Would you give more explanation? I didnt findout your mean.
  3. In fact I want to make a type of software that with clicking on the hyperlink slideshow go to slide number without need to pressing keyboard or mouse key,I want my project seems like a software that the slide dont change even with mouse key or keyboard only by clicking hyperlink
  4. Thank you Igor
  5. No only in slide 12 and 13 text and rectangle isnot showing and are invisible when I copy text from previuos slide on slide 12 and 13 they are shown but when I change in text and rectangle they go to invisible
  6. Isnt anyone there to reply me
  7. I dont know this is a bug or not but I built 13 slides with hyperlink , All text in slides use good and were seen clearly but in slide 12 , 13 , the text and rectangle when I want to chang its name or options (in common tab in o&A) , get invisible and unable to see I sent this project for you for scrutiny I now try this project with pte Deluxe6.5 but this problem yet there is please help me Regards Project1_Aug7-2010_22-55-04.zip
  8. Adding Customize Help Message from pte 5.6 to pte6.5 because of : long story , biography ,.... Igor please place this option to project menu without removing customize windows from pte6.5 king regards
  9. thank u Igor , finally again you can finished this edition of p2e I hope u can improve p2e better Althought almost I use p2e 5.6 because of customize Help message in project menu that is infinitive in importing text but u remove them from p2e for ever with this possibility user (that is I) could write infinitive biography , story ,... regards
  10. pls go to GenuineFractals also in photozoom pro3
  11. Igor In Waveform and Envelope Tool , options of "Apply Envelope" and "Guide Lines" Do not work please solve them. sincerely regards
  12. In down panel in pte there is "Add images here from a file list above" possible of insert slide with double clicking on panel
  13. Dear Igor In language file in English.ini , phrase of "Music_Check5=دًèمëَّàٍü ىَçûêَ âî âًهىے çâَêîâîمî êîىىهيٍàًèے" is not readable
  14. However it was a best possibilities of pte that i use it what a pity you are removed three possibility of pte : 1- customize help message ; with this feature cause to produce unlimited text line 2- Auto font quality ; with this feature cause to produce best quality of font Desired personal 3-midi support with this feature cause to produce nice project with background music with smallest size thank you anyway Igor
  15. Igor what a pity why do u remove midi ؟ i am very very Upset for that pls return it again every day you are removing one of the best Possibility of pte such as midi support and quality font
  16. sure , http://www.mediafire.com/?wizdj0tjvlm please repeat restarting pte for opening this Gif folder more and more
  17. Also sometimes when i open pte 6.5.1 I'm facing with this error :
  18. Hi Igor I don't know this is a bug but sometimes when i want to insert animated gif , the gif animated in my hard had be seen "Image not found or damaged" ! but when i closed pte and restart it this problem be resolved
  19. hello Igor Unfortunately I can't use pte v.6.0 because of removing posibilities of pte5.6 in folowing pic best regards
  20. Hmmmmmmmm , I hope your bussniss will improve Igor ! please in next versions don't remove other possibilities of picturetoexe ! bestwishes
  21. Igor in Main menu ->view menu->language->Farsi is not loading , instead of farsi , English language is loading . BestRegards
  22. I don't know , this slide show has only 75 slides and both of them are same one of them is opened by pte 5.6 another is opened by pte6.0 . Ofcource I used alot of text or Hyperlink in it ; per slide has 45 link + 18 link , I changed the Autofont quality for only 18 links (Autofont quality=75) but for rest of links (45 links) I don't changed anything ! Does this point can be cause of this problem ? Also I had a text in my customize Help message in pte 5.6 that they don't exist in pte 6.0 .... Best wishes kosheyar
  23. size of project.exe created by pte 6.0 is Twenty times larger than project.exe created by pte5.6 I think pte 6.0 can't be a good update for pte 5.6 best wishes kosheyar
  24. In objects&Animations in objects panel when user wants to select many objects together with holding ctrl button --->and right click on them ----> Why choosing "order" in right click is disactive ? I want for example bring to front or send to back many objects together but order option in right click on selecting many objects together is disactive and i obliged use order--->bring to front or send to back only for one object that is very boring please active choosing "order" in right click on selecting many objects together in objects panel best wishes kosheyar
  25. please creat customize sound for Applying button , hyperlink , text , image , in 3 case of : a-when the cursor of mouse only goes on the link or button b-when the cursor of mouse only start to click on the link or button . c-when the cursor of mouse finished to click on the link or button . ,... such as help message , minimizing or maximizing window of project , and the options in navigationbar such as save slide or main image from project , close button project , next and previous button and In customize statup windows...such as IN Addobe Flash MX
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