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Everything posted by kosheyar

  1. Igor when you want solve this problem ? http://www.mediafire.com/file/mrd2ygymikj/Project1_Sep25-2009_14-09-43.zip
  2. please Add "New project (*.pte)" in the right click of all windows right click for windows xp , vista ,…
  3. HI IGOR In pte5.6 Final and pte5.7 beta13 option of "Download user Guide in PDF..." in Help Menu don't exist in all language except of English and Russian . Igor please go and test this option in all language by View menu -> language In Help menu in all language should exist 6 options but just only there are 6 options in Russian and English language but in other language only there are 5 options in help menu . thanx Regards
  4. adding xm format music to Audio Files from button of add music from music tab from project option.
  5. Hi Lin For all language except of English and Russian , option of "Download user Guide..." don't exist even in PTEv5.6 Final
  6. ok Igor but please see "Download User Guide in PDF" In Help menu and compare it for exist or no existing in all languages except of English and Russian ! BestRegards
  7. Dear Igor If you download these two photo of a slide from my project and double click on it and compare it to eachother you will notice that remove AutoFont Quality from PTE was not true work beacause as you see , the font of photo of slide created by pte 5.6 is a bit clearer than the font of photo of slide created by pte 5.7.8 ! why do you remove Aut Font Quality What a pity ! Regards
  8. Dear Igor Thanks very much for editing Font scale AutoFont Quality in beta8 , but now I see that Font quality is turbid , please do a work ......
  9. Also please igor note this problem that the option of " Downloacl User Guicle in PDF... " isnot shown in help menu in farsi or other language translation except of English and Russian !. I hope you catch my say igor sorry my english language is not romantic !
  10. Hi igor why do you remove scrollbar from startup window and help window , it cause to write INFINITE text in them ! I can add story or BIOGRAPHY for my object of slideshow by scrollbar but now i can't DISSAPOINT Regards
  11. As you see when project open with pte5.7.2 , all text fonts are disformed or distorted ! please note that point that you must first install pte5.6 and watch the project with it then you must install pte 5.7 and ..... Best regards
  12. why do you remove Auto Font quality ? I am very sorry for pte for removing Auto Font quality , Auto Font quality is caused for choosing font quality also it caused to ADJUST size of font as Automatic with best SYMMETRY I always adjust fonts in my project by handspike of Auto Font quality ... please return it ............ this is my project :
  13. Hello Igor & Congratulations to you and your team! If it possible please do a work for this problem in pte v.5.6 that i already illustrate it . Can you please solve this problem in this version ? thank you beforehand kind regards http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=e722350...f932dd72b2836ab
  14. Dear xahu34 for more information please download below source : Project1_Apr9_2009_11_29_06.zip
  15. HI xahu when i turn off the Synchronize music and slides I expect the action of pause click can pause playing music in slideshow but it can only pause playing music when the Synchronize music and slides is turning on , I think if igor set it for two case was very nice , wasn't it ? King Regards
  16. why Action on mouse click pause don't work in case of when Synchronize music and slides is off ? If it is possible please add it for two case . thanks for your effort Igor
  17. Congratulation to you Igor , You gave 3000 th post
  18. Igor , Thank you very much for Fixed bug of when mouse cursor didn't change its view when cursor was placed over an object with action hyperlink .
  19. I don't catch your mean anyway thank you Regards
  20. Xaver Then finally what did it happen ? It is possible or impossible ? lovingly regards
  21. Dear Xaver I did that , but It didn't open when I removed "book.txt" from source , I want it performs even it shall be removed from the source folder .!!! King Regards
  22. Xaver ok , but I can't use this slideshow in another computer , link of this slideshow that has a book by Action on mouse click" (e.g.: Run application or open file) only use in my computer , and willnot use in another computer , e.g this slideshow dontuse in my friend's computer in Moskow , and she can't perform this link with its book that linked in my computer from there !!! I 'm saying as we can save music by projectoptions-->music tab --> Add music , Igor creat a tab in the name e.g Application Tab and user can Save or Add his application such as book (*.txt , *.doc ,*.pdf ,...) executable prgrams such as slideshow and .... in this tab and they save in slideshow .I hope Igor think about that !! REGARDS
  23. Dear ken please for more description refer to following screenshots .in this picture, I umlaut picturestoexe with pixBuilder too ! King Regards
  24. Hello book , such as .txt, .doc, . pdf formats in computer e.g if igor can creat it , we can put our book in slieshow as a link , and when we click on it, our text as ".txt" or ".doc" or ". pdf" formats is openning.and we can interchange our very long scrip together
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