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Everything posted by kosheyar

  1. can you Add option in the name 'Save Book.txt and Book .pdf and Book .doc ' in Navigation bar , Also can you Add option in the name 'Save Music B
  2. Creat Customize Right Click for user instead of Useing Navigation bar in SlideShow, for Enable or Disable Navigation bar. and define cutomize options by users. Display Customize Name of Items in Navigation bar to Native language users , when The pointer of the Mouse go on it. Also Please creat a case in customize Navigation bar , that be define all item of in it to user's native languages .
  3. Tools in the name "Zoom + & Zoom -" for zooming of pictures in slides in Navigation bar
  4. In Navigation bar please Add this Items : Tools in the name "SaveMusic" for saving background music of SlideShow.
  5. In objects&Animation , button of 'Invert Selection' is neccessary. Also In corner top right in object&Animation , beside the back button and forward button , Home page (first slide) button is necessary. !
  7. In o&A in part of objects for : Drop shadow Perspective correction for Zoom Transparent To Selection please predict drop-down menu infront of one of above item with "select all objects" because of it 's hard for user that for all hundreds objects in objects panel , comes to set one to one objects with above items. bestwishes
  8. Adding "Find Object" beside the panel of Text objects in O&A ! when i want to find a object , I should very try to find it among hundreds objects in panel of objects list.
  9. O.K Because you are Advanced Member , It's only for users that encounter with p2e for first time users like you can disable it for next activity . okey !!? BestRegards
  10. Adding option of 'Tip of the day' at start up in a windows message in Help menu : about working with p2e about Questions and answers about How to creat slideshow .... about possibilities of in this version .... about ....
  11. Adding option of 'Send Feedbacks' in Help menu with this link (http://www.wnsoft.com/support.htm)
  12. Adding option of 'check for Updates in Help menu
  13. Adding pause mode for Help menu -> About pictures to exe ->portable List of employee of p2e with going mouse on it for better read by users.
  14. Adding module ruler for length and width in "show/hide Grid" in O&A
  15. Ok Igor , I sent for you . BeGoodluck
  16. Yeah , you're right , but I sure that "Auto Font Quality" is very benefit for Artistic users , and I believe that Igor should add a option again in the name "Auto Slide Quality" beside the "Auto Font Quality". it 's caused to use artistic slideshow for displaying our pictures or texts . Best salute
  17. Hi xahu34 but Why i don't have this circle checked , I only have "Auto Font quality" Naturally yours
  18. I don't really catch your say ,dear Xaver !
  19. Igor Is your mean folowing picture ?
  20. Hello Lin Never regret anything that made you smile... You can solve both of problems to eachother , because of : It's in your momments of decision that your destiny is shaped... I sure your things will soon improve but on the whole i for you. with love
  21. Ken Beforehand I give my idea in Ideas and suggestions. It was only as a mention , I love it happen for pte pte to Scr is not my say , My mean was only convertors Menu instead of Creat Menu as a follow : Exe to Scr Exe to Flv Exe to Swf Exe to Gif Exe to Avi Exe to com Exe to Mpeg Exe to Wva Exe to ppt Exe to Scf Midi to Wma /Mp3 / wav/ ,.....
  22. hi igor how think you about adding "convertor" to the menu instead of creat menu , because of "creat option" has options of creat menu and you see they are repetitious So i think if name of "creat" menu changes to convertor menu , perhaps will be romantic and interesting for pte : convertor mEnu: Exe to Scr Exe to Flv Exe to Swf Exe to Gif Exe to Avi Exe to com Exe to Mpeg Exe to Wva Exe to ppt Exe to Scf Midi to Wma /Mp3 / wav/ ,......... and button of creat option will be for Pic to Exe that is Executable File for PC . I hope , i don't seem as a stupid man in this post mr.ken. Best wishes for pte and you iGoR and your tEaM
  23. Ross Quote from Igor (Admin1) below: BestWishes
  24. Hi IGOR I think language files of pte & video builder need to reupdate , please look at this pic and tell me where 's (Project options | Main tab | "Customize synchronization" button) ? where 's Customize synchronization" button ?! I detect it today and i have to check language translation again. please don't will be published pte 5.6 as a final release untill 2009/01/30 untill i check language files again Thanks&Sincerely
  25. Hi Dear IGOR I think your original language of language Files need to update , please note this pic , where 's Project options -> Main tab -> "Customize synchronization" button ? what's your mean about it ? or .... will be continue Sincerely
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