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Everything posted by kosheyar

  1. Please Add custom sound for objects of Action on mouse click {in O&A -> Common} in Custom sound Tab beside Common Tab such as : Еxit Go to slicle number... Go to first slicle Write Email Run application or open file... Run application and exit Нelp Рause And so on ,... BestWishes for PTE
  2. Hi Igor Doesn't it better instead of removing direct support of MIDI in the future from version 5.7 , you produce two kind of product of PTE in the future : One for Windows Version such as XP , VISTA , Windows 7.0 , ...(Without removing direct support of MIDI ) = Download Windows version Another for Macintosh ,... (with removing direct support of MIDI ) = Download Mac OS X version Because be sure that in future It might you enter with any problems about running PTE in Macintosh version ,that you can't remove possibilities of pte only for some users of Macintosh . Sincerely
  3. When we want to add password by 'In project option ->Advanced Tab->option of 'password protection' please creat a case that only can be enter password for one when we run project.exe,and it will not need to enter password for next times and for example to creat copyright Author when the User who has registered or purchased can enter password one time and user does not feel anoyance , in the otherwise for somebody who has not rejester project.exe , it is locked for example 10 times enter wrong password Also please put option of 'password protection'(project option->Advanced tab ) in 'customize Trial use Details' Button for that creat password by 'creat password button' and saves it by 'save password's button ' in a reg file in computer for give it to users who registered before. (This is for that putting Expire date for reg password given to users for keeping copyright by Author . Do you can ? Faithfully yours
  4. I hope your opinion be correct and you will right !! Sincerely
  5. Well down Igor I hope you fix this problen in this release that is "http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=1900" BeGoodLuck
  6. Dear Igor 1. Please publish your computer configuration (CPU, system memory size, exact name of video card) : I sent it . 2. Does your PC work slowely with any projects or only particular (with Masks)? No only with pte with mask 3. Did you test previous version 5.5 for same problem? Not yet . Is it necessary ?
  7. Yes , that is , I remove rectangle , but the seed of system don't change , but when i remove Mask from slide , the speed of system goes good , and i can use from pte . faithfully yours .
  8. Adding TimeLine&Slides Button In Objects&Animation , is caused user can compare preview f slides designed to eachother without exit from O&A .
  9. Adding "Customize info Version" for project.exe , in Rightclick on project.exe -> properties -> Version Tab ; like as following pic : Best Wishes for PTE .
  10. o.k , Igor My video card is 64 MB , but I made Slideshows with 4750 slides with it , but for even one slide that only one mask be on one rectangle , speed of system is very very slow , and I can't use from pte to make it !!.I wish using mask in pte was without require to change video card , Does it possible ? faithfully yours .
  11. My friend peter I think you don't catch my say , I told Adding Mask on Rectangle is caused to increasing Occupied memory system very clearly but, why adding other features such as text or images or rectangles ,... even in 100 slides isn't increasing Occupied memory system (very clearly) but adding only one Mask on Rectangle in one slide is caused to increasing Occupied memory system very clearly !!. Sincerely
  12. IGOR Adding Mask on Rectangle is caused to increasing Occupied memory system very clearly : it is very boorish for system ! Adding Mask on Rectangle Best Wishes
  13. Adding Convertor Menu to pte menues with following items : Pic to Exe Exe to Scr Exe to Flv Exe to Swf Exe to Gif Exe to Avi Exe to com Exe to Mpeg Exe to Wva Exe to ppt Exe to Scf Midi to Wma /Mp3 / wav/ ,... BeGoodLuck
  15. when we want to add music background by the project option->Music tab , please creat a case that run or no run 'pause button' in In project option ->Advanced Tab->Customize Navigation bar for project.exe cause to only stop or continue music , without needing to check project option ->Main Tab->option of 'Synchronize music and Slides.you can predict three case for it , that is for instance one case that i said, and the second cause to only stop or continue Automatic displaying slides and the third case , can be compound of one case with second case . Do you can ?
  16. Dear Igor Did you really forget Angle of Text alignment in Button ? Sincerely
  17. Happy New Year's Holidays to You ; Igor When I 'm working with p2e on project1 , I don't know Does it be a bug or no but this is my problem because of It 's cause to decrease speed of working with p2e clearly.Also The speed of computer is very slow when I only work with pte on project1 for more than ten minutes , I think it 's for checking item of "View Menu -> AdvancedOptions -> AutoSaveProject..." but when i check it , I see it was off ! , Can this problem be a bug for p2e ? All the Best
  18. Predicting&Adding items of "MovePan" & "Minimize" to Action on mouse click. This is for case of Windowed mode in creating slideshow by p2e. untill user can minimize or move slideshow !
  19. Which one is the Best Compression Format ?? 1-.Zip 2-.Rar 3-.sit 4-.sitx 5-.sitx 6-.tar 7-.ARJ 8-.ARC 9-.ACE 10-.ZOO plus ISO 11-.BIN 12-.IMG ZIP 13-.7-ZIP 14-.CAB 15-.LHA (LZH) 16-.TAR 17-.GZIP 18-.BZIP2 19-.BH 20-.XXE 21-.UUE 22-.yENC 23-.MIME NRG ISO 24-.KGB
  20. Adding "Picture(s)ToExe" to RightClick of all windows is really necessary !
  21. Thankx Gary , I went to try it ... BestWishes
  22. What should I say !
  23. I get it by hacking pctools.com but it doesn't work in winXPSp3 !?for more information i upload it Error message : Ofcourse it was final version that is File Recover V.
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