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Everything posted by kosheyar
when does pause button can"t pause the sound of music background of slideshow in case of that the item of "Synchronize music and slides" is turning of , Does it can't be a problem for pause button of navigation bar in case of when the item of "Synchronize music and slides" is turning of ? !!!
Igor Can't you predict a symbol's tool instead of pause button for turn/on or turn off the Sound of music background ,when the item of "Synchronize music and Slides" is off ? Because of as you know , the pause button in this case is useless ! Please do a work . I think this is a deficiency for pte when the item of "Synchronize music and Slides" is off.please think a bit ....! obliged to go and change in project.exe for understanding you please download again this source of project Dear IGOR : http://www.mediafire.com/?s04mpa8eblz . Also please read top text more again , i modified some false phrases... Sincerely
Igor Did you read following text in hyperlink "VIII" ? This presentation has some problem that i said you fix two bug ; "the bug of jumping slide" And the bug of "ApplicationError" but still it has some problem most important them is Pause button in Navigation bar ,Why does user can't turn off or shut off the sound of music background , If the item of "Synchronize music and Slides" turns off ?And why does the music background must change with clicking on one of Tabs ? {If user wants to use this template or presentation as a project , and if user want have Music(s) background with possibility of turning (on or off) the sound of music(s) background by pause button plus clicking on hyperlinks or buttons as a tabs that there is in all slides as common or share hyperlinks or buttons without changing the seeker of miniplayer that results to change or switching music with clicking on shared hyperlinks or buttons as tabs in all slides}.If you tell me ; "AbdolReza No it's impossible , because of slideshow is only working with MiniPlayer", Does this say is meaning that user(s) should forget Adding more than one music background for this presentation or template of project.exe ? And Does this say is meaning that user(s) should forget using of pause button in navigation bar (Even for one music background ) ,because of it will be nonsense ? At least ,please predict a Symbol's tool for turning of/on the sound of music background when the item of "Synchronize music and Slides" is off . Does your ultimatum will this !Please do a work ! Best Regards" I obliged to go and change in project.exe for understanding you please download again this source of project Dear IGOR : http://www.mediafire.com/?s04mpa8eblz Happy christmas Holiday !
Igor Thank you , I try to reproduce Application Error with my project in about 10 minutes but no happen , you succeed and you defeat "ApplicationError" in this kind of project ! !!! without removing "midi supporting" Well done!
I am dial up internet so i can't quickly therefore i am slow in reply please excuse me ! But , about this problem ; I don't think it will be a bug i think it is a problem for pte in navigation bar in pause button. Sorry Igor , i must to go and prepare this project 's source for you , it will be prepared for tomorrow night at 19:00 Here in iran the time now is exactly 20:40 , what time is it in there please tell me now ? thanks for your effort
IGOR I explored a important problem in project1.exe that i gived to you , It's pause button in Navigation bar , Do i send its source for you ? Or you prefered fix it in next version ? BestRegards Happy Christmass Holiday .
Igor So when you really want to add this following untranslate language to "English.ini or Enlish.lng" ? You forgot some untranslate phrases as a follow : a- "sky style" , "Air style" in customize Navigation b- The names of templates for video Builder in first Next button . c - "Min Width" In object and animation , when user wants creat a button , In Tab properties-> Advanced Button d- linear / cone / cone -Inverted / cove-deep /cove-shallow/gaussian / half round /ring / ring double /tooth all in project option ->comments tab-> customize button->spread button e-In objects&Animation -> Right click of objects pannel ->The feature of "Set Color of KeyFrames ..." Sincerely
Igor , Are you really sure that this Decision Making is correct ? All worth of picturestoexe depend to support Midi music for artistic works because of : 1- Midi format is the best format compressed music that can used in background music of picturestoexe with much number midi files 2- It's caused to creat slideshow by pte with least size , but you only have in view of creating video by pte and forget advantage of midi support for creating of slideshow with least size . 3- Midi format is kind of music format that especially was created for artistic works , 4- Users can add many unlimited Midi format music for background music of picturestoexe without increasing of size project.exe. but using of wav, mp3 ,wma ,ogg is caused to increasing of size project.exe . this problem is very important for dialup internet users .please don't disappoint dialup internet users , when microsoft.com build windows vista , he don't attend to poor users , at the end they understand that window vista belong to rich stratum people , and winxp is still popular among the people and win vista still is not popular among all people , because of statistics using winxp was very large than statistics using winvista so microsoft determines to present "Windows 7.0 with I.E 8.0" in 2009 .So please you don't forget your poor users. In the otherwise you will defeat against another servicer slideshow in future . 5- midi format is kind of music without text or language that is suitable for artistic works . 6- Midi Format is the best idea format music for creating slideshow , Igor if you remove this format , i promise you will lose plenty of artistic users , and they may go and choose another program slideshow. Be sure ! 7- if you really can't fix ApplicationError , please tell truly : I'm Sorry , I can't , but please please don't remove direct support of MIDI format music in pte , because of it is kind of artistic works' music that particularly is using in creating slideshow , because target of creating pte was artistic works'slideshow, but no for creating of video for vimeo.com , youtube.com and other pupular publishing video website that will be created in future . So please don't digress from your main target. For instance this midi song (Children.mid) is 4 minute but it is only 84.5 kb ! Does wav or mp3 or even wma can similar this format get least size ? please think a bit ! http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=e722350...2db6fb9a8902bda Please don't this work sincerely
Happy Christmas! Holiday Igor ! Igor I go and download PteShow 8 MB (ready EXE file) Sources Paints of Summer 11 MB (ready EXE file) Light of the Far Worlds 27 MB (ready EXE file) from the http://www.wnsoft.com/download.htm but all of them is worked only my project1.exe sometimes not always encounters to ApplicationError . please do a work ! http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=e722350...2db6fb9a8902bda
Igor I really bore from this Application Error Message . please do a work ! Ofcourse my cpu is weak (1.47 G.H) and my video card so (video card with 64 MB ) perhaps it hapens because of it . but I don't sure . because the rest of the project of pte haven't like this Error , because of they haven't like this template fot Applicatin Error presentation , So i think that it can a bug fot pte like the bug of jumpping . ! Merry Christmas! *Happy New Years to you and All christian People ! Best Regards
Hello Igor I can't really arrange only for 4 following phrases correctly as farsi translation in VideoBuilder ( 1-3 in VideoBuilder and feature of 4 in pte) 1- Publish slideshow/video online on<*1*>Vimeo.com<*0*>with HD quality. You can watch slideshow on Vimeo or embed it into your website and blog. HD quality (1280 x 720) and Standard quality (640 x 480) modes are available. Sign up to<*2*>Vimeo.com<*0*>. 2- Publish slideshow online on<*1*>Youtube.com<*0*>. You can watch slideshow on Youtube or embed it into your website and blog. Medium quality (480 x 360). Sign up to<*2*>YouTube.com<*0*>. 3- Creating of videofile (in H.264 format) for viewing of slideshow on PC, MAC and PlayStation 3. Recommended players for playback are<*1*>Media Player Classic Homecinema<*0*>,<*2*>QuickTime<*0*>and others. 4- Unfortunately PicturesToExe cannot produce AVI video file of presentation which contains MIDI music. Please visit Project options | Music tab and remove file with .mid extension. But you can add MP3, OGG, WMA or WAV music files.(In PTE ) Your Software don't support Align Right for languages such as Farsi and Arabic that start from Right to left , I can't set their Farsi translation as Align Right in VideoBuilder .I spend 2 weeks for setting Align Right them but , i can't success , when i put their Farsi translation in "Farsi.lng" by LngEditor , when i copy Farsi.lng in to "windrive:\Program Files\WnSoft PicturesToExe\5.6 Beta 16\VideoBuilder\Lng" and run "VideoBuilder -> File Menu ->Choosing project.pte -> Export to Video File or publish Online" , farsi translation of this 4 phrase are reverse , I really try all mode but I disappoint for translating of the 3 phrases .Should i forget translation for them ? Please guide me . Regards
Igor , This template or presentation for Project1.exe is Modern , it is first project for pte with this style that is testing for bug , so you see many bug that i explore it for first time . one of them was jumping bug (flashing bug ) that i reported you , but now i report this bug for you , this is really driving person crazy , ofcourse this is same bug in the name "Application Error" . please attend to this picture that i send to you ! pte is closed appearly , but background music of project1.exe is still running
Response 1) As i said , i encounter it , when i click on hyperlinks or buttons rapidly 2) yes it happens with particular Project1.exe , 3) WinXpSp3 with final security update from microsoft by Automatic update. video cards = 64 4) Yes ofcource . 5) I always run one Slideshow . I reproduce it again if and when i click on hyperlinks or buttons in only with particular Project1.exe as rapidly . Regards
Igor Sometimes when i click on Tab for example A then click on Tab For example H then click on Tab For example K and then click on Tab For example B when i do those rapidly , i encounter with Application Error Message caution that i upload its photo for you ,it is happen , when i want close project.exe , when i close it it is closed appearly but its background music is running Sincerely
Hello Igor Please tell me Does this beta is last update and you put the final release 5.6 pte in your site ? I want to know how i have time for providing update for farsi translation to sent to you . Also I want to know do you update language files for pte 5.6 and videoBuilder 5.6 in beta 16 than to beta 14 Unfortunately i am dialup internet and it is hard for me that i download your beta version blowbyblow , so i only have beta 14 now Does it require to go and download beta 16 for update language files ? Please tell me when you exactly upload final release for PTE 5.6 in wnsoft.com ?Also Please tell me , Do i can send Language Files by your gmail's Email or by wnsoft.com/support ? don't forget tell me do language files are only "Farsi.ini" + "Farsi.lng" ? does " reg_Farsi.rtf" is not necessary ? Thanks Sincerely Yours
I think , tom is right , he's telling , what's "Allow to restore images by "Print" button on Navigation bar " for ? Infact he wants to say If user want to save picture from a slide as a restore image , why did he encounter with many strange characters in the drop down list stead of popular format pictures such as "jpeg" / "bmp" / "png" /" ico"/ "Tif" ,... ? ! even if user checked the box " Only Main Image " it will save as a .jpg file, un-checked saves as a .bmp !!!!!!!!! I think ,this is nonsense ! Also , i offer igor Add a feature in Navigation bar to Save Music Background . with Regards
Of course but How ? !!!
Hello Igor I find a important bug in Music player , Be Wait ! Sincerely
xahu But , why they perform by Start->Run : cmd.exe RegEdit.exe or why they perform by creating shortcut for instance : (Rightclick on desktop -> New -> shortcut -> type "cmd.exe" -> Save in the name "cmd" ) or why they perform by creating *.bat for instance : Rightclick on desktop -> New -> Notepad -> type "cmd.bat" -> choose save as from File menu -> type "cmd.bat" as File's Name & and choose AllFiles as SaveFormat or why they perform by shortcut's of AccoBrowser (http://www.acoobrowser.com/download/acbsetup.exe) that I upload its picture . or How some hackers can perform them from their computers ? Therefore I think it's a bug for PTE ! Sincerely
Igor I find a problem in running Some DosCommand as a following projectSource : http://www.mediafire.com/?conips4nl0x Dos it can be a Bug for Pte ?
Igor Kokarev I find a bug about dos command in pte , be wait !
Igor , Thanks alot for your kind : 1-The bug of jumping is resolved , but User can only uses it with Effect duration=0 (Go to projectOptions -> Effects Tab -> Enable transition effects If only Effect duration= 0 ) But If Effect duration=1 ->Then This bug(bug of jumping )appeard again , I wish user can use project with Effect duration>0 (Ofcourse users can use it with Disable transition effects too) Does it can be a bug ? 2- You forgot some untranslate phrases as a follow : a- "sky style" , "Air style" in customize Navigation b- The names of templates for video Builder in first Next button . c - "Min Width" In object and animation , when user wants creat a button , In Tab properties-> Advanced Button d- linear / cone / cone -Inverted / cove-deep /cove-shallow/gaussian / half round /ring / ring double /tooth all in project option ->comments tab-> customize button->spread button Please tell me How it longs , untill i can translate it to farsi before you update to final PTE 5.6 ? 3-I am a writer&Author . I wrote a book (5mb) about zonation of bacillus , It was my original project I don't want , users can be copy it with Right click mouse ->Choose Copy -> paste in Notepad whenuser runs my Help Message. If you kind me and creat a feature in the name ; Disable Copy&paste with RightClick Or ctrl+C (by selecting of text by right click in Message Help and select Copy Or "ctrl+C" or taking a photo by prtSc button on keyboard is be impossible) .in Customize Help Message I will be really owe you , Will you help me with this problem ? sincerely Yours